216 research outputs found

    Impact immédiat d'une lutte antivectorielle par piégeage sur l'enzootie de trypanosomose au Sud-Congo

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    Une lutte antivectorielle par piégeage a été menée dans un village du Sud-Congo, où sévit la trypanosomose à #Trypanosoma congolense,afindeˊvaluersonimpactimmeˊdiatsurlatransmissiondelamaladiechezlesanimauxdomestiques.Apreˋs7moisdelutte,lenombredeglossinescaptureˊeseˊtaitreˊduitde97,4, afin d'évaluer son impact immédiat sur la transmission de la maladie chez les animaux domestiques. Après 7 mois de lutte, le nombre de glossines capturées était réduit de 97,4 %, mais le taux d'infection intestinale des mouches résiduelles ne chutait pas significativement. L'hôte privilégié de #G. palpalis était le porc. Durant la saison sèche, un transfert vers le village de mouches habituellement non péridomestiques était observé. Les indices parasitologiques (prévalence et charge parasitaire) étaient significativement abaissés chez les animaux à la fin de la lutte. Dans le même temps, la prévalence sérologique s'accroissait. (Résumé d'auteur

    Human African trypanosomiasis amongst urban residents in Kinshasa: a case-control study.

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    BACKGROUND: Increasing numbers of human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) cases have been reported in urban residents of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic Congo since 1996. We set up a case-control study to identify risk factors for the disease. METHODS: All residents of the urban part of Kinshasa with parasitologically confirmed HAT and presenting for treatment to the city's specialized HAT clinics between 1 August, 2002 and 28 February, 2003 were included as cases. We defined the urban part as the area with contiguous habitation and a population density >5000 inhabitants per square kilometre. A digital map of the area was drawn based on a satellite image. For each case, two serologically negative controls were selected, matched on age, sex and neighbourhood. Logistic regression models were fitted to control for confounding. RESULTS: The following risk factors were independently associated with HAT: travel, commerce and cultivating fields in Bandundu, and commerce and cultivating fields in the rural part of Kinshasa. No association with activities in the city itself was found. DISCUSSION: In 2002, the emergence of HAT in urban residents of Kinshasa appears mainly linked to disease transmission in Bandundu and rural Kinshasa. We recommend to intensify control of these foci, to target HAT screening in urban residents to people with contact with these foci, to increase awareness of HAT amongst health workers in the urban health structures and to strengthen disease surveillance

    A new initiative for the development of new diagnostic tests for human African trypanosomiasis

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    Human African trypanosomiasis is a threat to millions of people living in sub-Saharan countries and is fatal unless treated. At present, the serological and parasitological tests used in the field for diagnosis of sleeping sickness have low specificity and sensitivity. There is clearly an urgent need for accurate tools for both diagnosis and staging of the disease. The Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics and the World Health Organization have announced that they will collaborate to develop and evaluate new diagnostic tests for human African trypanosomiasis