27 research outputs found

    Build History through educational competencies in university education

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    Con este trabajo se implementaron las distintas competencias educativas presentes en los proyectos curriculares relacionados con el área de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales y de la Historia. Como objetivo principal nos propusimos contextualizar al alumnado de tercer curso del Grado de Educación Primaria con la elaboración de una serie de talleres didácticos y con ello contribuir a la preservación y valoración que el Patrimonio Histórico tiene en nuestra realidad social. Mediante una metodología investigativa se llevarán a cabo varias tareas prácticas, como pequeños trabajos de investigación, la realización de maquetas históricas referentes al tema elegido en el itinerario didáctico que volcarán en un blog de aula grupal y una visita al Museo Arqueológico de Córdoba. Los resultados se centraron en la interrelación de dos ramas diferentes de conocimiento (Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades), lo que nos permitió trabajar de manera interdisciplinar para concretar en la práctica las diferentes actividades y adentrarnos en una experiencia real de Educación Patrimonial. En conclusión, la finalidad de esta experiencia didáctica es que los estudiantes puedan aplicarlas y llevarlas a un escenario práctico de innovación educacional.With this work the different educational competences present in the curricular projects related to the area of Didactics of Social Sciences and History were implemented. As a main objective we set out to contextualize the students of the third year of the Primary Education Degree with the elaboration of a series of didactic workshops and with this contribute to the preservation and valuation that the Historical Heritage has in our social reality. Through a research methodology several practical tasks will be carried out, such as small research projects, the realization of historical models referring to the theme chosen in the didactic itinerary that will be turned into a group classroom blog and a visit to the Archaeological Museum of Córdoba. The results focused on the interrelation of two different branches of knowledge (Social Sciences and Humanities), which allowed us to work in an interdisciplinary way to concretize the different activities in practice and enter a real experience of Heritage Education. In conclusion, the purpose of this teaching experience is that students can apply them and take them to a practical scenario of educational innovation

    The NARCONON™ drug education curriculum for high school students: A non-randomized, controlled prevention trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An estimated 13 million youths aged 12 to 17 become involved with alcohol, tobacco and other drugs annually. The number of 12- to 17-year olds abusing controlled prescription drugs increased an alarming 212 percent between 1992 and 2003. For many youths, substance abuse precedes academic and health problems including lower grades, higher truancy, drop out decisions, delayed or damaged physical, cognitive, and emotional development, or a variety of other costly consequences. For thirty years the Narconon program has worked with schools and community groups providing single educational modules aimed at supplementing existing classroom-based prevention activities. In 2004, Narconon International developed a multi-module, universal prevention curriculum for high school ages based on drug abuse etiology, program quality management data, prevention theory and best practices. We review the curriculum and its rationale and test its ability to change drug use behavior, perceptions of risk/benefits, and general knowledge.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>After informed parental consent, approximately 1000 Oklahoma and Hawai'i high school students completed a modified <it>Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) Participant Outcome Measures for Discretionary Programs </it>survey at three testing points: baseline, one month later, and six month follow-up. Schools assigned to experimental conditions scheduled the Narconon curriculum between the baseline and one-month follow-up test; schools in control conditions received drug education after the six-month follow-up. Student responses were analyzed controlling for baseline differences using analysis of covariance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At six month follow-up, youths who received the Narconon drug education curriculum showed reduced drug use compared with controls across all drug categories tested. The strongest effects were seen in all tobacco products and cigarette frequency followed by marijuana. There were also significant reductions measured for alcohol and amphetamines. The program also produced changes in knowledge, attitudes and perception of risk.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The eight-module Narconon curriculum has thorough grounding in substance abuse etiology and prevention theory. Incorporating several historically successful prevention strategies this curriculum reduced drug use among youths.</p

    Development of analytical procedures for the determination of hexavalent chromium in corrosion prevention coatings used in the automotive industry

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    cited By 12International audienceThe European directive 2000/53/EC limits the use of Cr(VI) in vehicle manufacturing. Although a maximum of 2 g of Cr(VI) was authorised per vehicle for corrosion prevention coatings of key components, since July 2007 its use has been prohibited except for some particular applications. Therefore, the objective of this work was to develop direct analytical procedures for Cr(VI) determination in the different steel coatings used for screws. Instead of working directly with screws, the optimisation of the procedures was carried out with metallic plates homogeneously coated to improve the data comparability. Extraction of Cr(VI) from the metallic parts was performed by sonication. Two extraction solutions were tested: a direct water extraction solution used in standard protocols and an ammonium/ammonia buffer solution at pH 8.9. The extracts were further analysed for Cr speciation by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) inductively coupled plasma (ICP) atomic emission spectrometry or HPLC ICP mass spectrometry depending on the concentration level. When possible, the coatings were also directly analysed by solid speciation techniques (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS, and X-ray absorption near-edge structure, XANES) for validation of the results. Very good results between the different analytical approaches were obtained for the sample of coating made up of a heated paint containing Zn, Al and Cr when using the extracting buffer solution at pH 8.9. After a repeated four-step extraction procedure on the same portion test, taking into account the depth of the surface layer reached, good agreement with XPS and XANES results was obtained. In contrast, for the coatings composed of an alkaline Zn layer where Cr(VI) and Cr(III) are deposited, only the extraction procedure using water allowed the detection of Cr(VI). To elucidate the Cr(VI) reduction during extraction at pH 8.9, the reactivity of Cr(VI) towards different species of Zn generally present in the coatings (metallic Zn and zinc oxide) was studied. The results showed that metallic Zn rapidly reduces Cr(VI), whereas this reaction is less evident in the presence of zinc oxide. Water was then retained for coatings containing metallic Zn. © 2008 Springer-Verlag

    Mineralogy and microfossils as key drivers for the characterization of the phoenician red slip ware from Cádiz (Andalusia, Spain)

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    This study examined a set of Red Slip Ware (RSW) from Cánovas del Castillo and a sector of the Phoenician necropolis of San Severiano/Guardia Civil (Cádiz, Spain), dating back to the 8th – and 6th century B.C. Optical Microscopy (OM), X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) and Electron Microscopy coupled with EDS system (SEM-EDS) allowed to characterize their mineralogy, chemistry, microfossils content and firing conditions as well as to explore technological procedure and selection of raw materials. Petrographic analysis indicated the occurrence of two fabrics and a loner sample. Paleontological analysis of well-preserved microfossils revealed that benthic organisms were prevalent in the two main fabrics, while planktonic specimens were dominant in the loner. The destabilization of microfossil chambers combined with XRPD data suggested temperatures of firing in the range of 750–850 °C and the use of Ca-rich illitic clays. X-ray maps showed a Fe-enrichment in the Red Slip surface. This study showed an interesting correlation between framboidal iron oxides, monazite, microfossils and raw materials, and thus supported the use of sedimentary rocks of the bay of Cádiz, excluding the loner for which a foreign origin was suggested. Finally, the results highlighted the influence of Phoenicians in one of the most western colony, producing their ceramic marker between two centuries

    Proyecto Utica. Excavaciones en la ciudad fenicio-púnica. Campañas de 2013 y 2014

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    Se presentan los resultados preliminares de las campañas de excavación de 2013 y 2014 en la antigua ciudad de Utica (Túnez), en dos áreas al norte de la ciudad, denominadas zonas I y II. En la segunda se ha localizado en los cortes 20 y 21 un edificio del siglo ix a. C. al que se vinculan hornos domésticos y un pozo cegado, con un importante conjunto de cerámicas fenicias, griegas, sardas nurágicas y locales. En la zona I se ha continuado la excavación de las áreas de los cortes 10 y 11. En el primero se han excavado varios sectores que han permitido precisar la datación de los sistemas constructivos fenicio-púnicos y romanos, localizar un área relacionada con un horno de producción y una calle romana de época imperial. En el área del corte 11 se ha podido conocer mejor la planta del edificio monumental y precisar la datación de las dos fases del edificio monumental fenicio-púnico


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    Imed Ben Jerbania, José Luis López Castro (codirectores)Resultados de la campaña de 2016 junto a los de la prospección geofísica realizados en el yacimiento de UticaLos trabajos de campo y laboratorio han sido financiados con las subvenciones anuales concedidas por el programa de excavaciones arqueológicas en el exterior del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (campañas de 2010, 2012, 2014, 2015 y 2016) así como por proyectos de investigación de diferentes organismos españoles concedidos a la Universidad de Almería