593 research outputs found

    Scalable local energy management systems

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    Commercial buildings have been identified as a major contributor of total global energy consumption. Mechanisms for collecting data about energy consumption patterns within buildings, and their subsequent analysis to support demand estimation (and reduction) remain important research challenges, which have already attracted considerable work. We propose a cloud based energy management system that enables such analysis to scale to both increasing data volumes and number of buildings. We consider both energy consumption and storage to support: (i) flattening the peak demand of commercial building(s); (ii) enable a “cost reduction” mode where the demand of a commercial building is reduced for those hours when a “triad peak” is expected; and (iii) enables a building manager to participate in grid balancing services market by means of demand response. The energy management system is deployed on a cloud infrastructure that adapts the number of computational resources needed to estimate potential demand, and to adaptively run multiple what-if scenarios to choose the most optimum configuration to reduce building energy demand

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Teks Recount Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Mind Mapping

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    The aims of research are (1) to design learning process of writing recount text through mind mapping, 2) to describe learning process of writing in recount text through mind mapping, 3) to describe evaluation systems of English writing in recount text learning through mind mapping. The research was done at class VIII SMP Gula Putih Mataram Lampung Tengah.The result of research shown that 1) writing ability in recount text through mind mapping increase caused by learning design which is suitable for student needs and conditions. Moreover techniques and media selection which is suitable for the function to help student ideas development, 2) student activities in learning process increase, 3) the first cycle of writing ability in recount text was 62, 88%, the second cycle was 66, 28% and the third cycle was 70, 43%.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) mendesain proses pembelajaran menulis teks recount dengan mind mapping, 2) mendeskripsikan proses pembelajaran menulis teks recount dengan mind mapping, 3) mendeskripsikan sistem evaluasi pembelajaran menulis teks recount bahasa Inggris dengan mind mapping. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas VIII SMP Gula Putih Mataram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) kemampuan menulis teks recount dengan mind mapping meningkat dikarenakan adanya desain pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kondisi dan kebutuhan siswa. Selain itu karena adanya pemilihan teknik dan media yang sesuai sehingga benar-benar berfungsi membantu siswa dalam mengembangkan ide/gagasannya, 2) aktivitas siswa dalam proses pembelajaran semakin meningkat, 3) kemampuan menulis teks recount siklus 1 adalah 62,88%, siklus 2 adalah 66,28% dan siklus 3 adalah 70,43%

    Efek Infusa Daun Mangifera Foetida L. Terhadap Kadar Albumin Dan Total Protein Serum Tikus Dengan Kekurangan Energi Protein

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    Albumin sebagai komponen terbesar serum protein merupakan penanda paling sering untuk status gizi. Kekurangan energi protein (KEP) dapat mengurangi kadar albumin serum ini. Mangga bacang adalah tanaman khas Kalimantan Barat yang mengandung berbagai metabolit sekunder pada daunnya. Penelitian ini akan melihat efek infusa daun mangga bacang terhadap kadar albumin dan protein total serum tikus yang mengalami KEP. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan desain penelitian post-test only with control groups. Tiga puluh tikus berusia 3 minggu dibagi dalam 3 kelompok: normal (n=6), restriksi (n=6) dan tikus yang diberikan infusa (infusa, n=18 dengan dosis 10 mg/kgBB, 20 mg/kgBB dan 40 mg/kgBB). Kadar albumin and protein total diukur menggunakan metode Bromocresol Green dan biuret. Kadar albumin dan total protein serum kelompok restriksi lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kelompok normal (p=0,000). Terjadi peningkatan kadar serum albumin dan total protein dari 3 kelompok infusa yang berbanding lurus dengan dosis infusa yang diberikan dengan peningkatan tertinggi adalah pada pemberian dosis 40 mg/kgBB (p=0,006 dan p=0,024). Pemberian infusa daun mangga bacang dapat meningkatkan kadar serum albumin dan total protein tikus yang mengalami KEP

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, Transferring (REACT) untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Fisika SMA

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    The aims of this study was to test the effectiveness of the Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, Transferring (REACT) learning model in improving students' understanding of physics concepts. This research used Action Research with the research subjects of class X MIPA 4 SMA N 2 Batang. Data collection techniques using tests. The results of the research in cycle I showed the number of students who got a score of ≥ 60 was 4 students and cycle II was 14 students. These results indicate that the REACT learning model can improve students' understanding of physics concepts. The learning process that is carried out is always connected with events that occur in real life so that students understand the concept more deeply. The REACT learning model can be applied to other physics materials so that students are more actively involved in learning and improve students' understanding of physics concepts

    Resistensi dan Sensitivitas Bakteri terhadap Antibiotik di RSU Dr. Soedarso Pontianak Tahun 2011-2013

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    Salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi resistensi, pemberian antibiotik harus berdasarkan pola bakteri penyebab infeksi dan kepekaan bakteri terhadap antibiotik. Tujuan penelitian ini untukmengetahui pola bakteri, resistensi dan sensitivitasnya terhadap antibiotik di RSU dr. SoedarsoPontianak tahun 2011-2013. Penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan retrospektif dilakukan RSU dr. Soedarso, Pontianak. Sampel penelitian adalah hasil pemeriksaan kultur dan uji kepekaan spesimen pus pasien yang diperiksa di Bagian Mikrobiologi Unit Labolatorium Kesehatan (ULK). Dari 111 sampel,terdapat 21 jenis bakteri. Bakteri gram-negatif lebih banyak dari gram-positif, yaitu 70,7% dan 29,3%.Tiga bakteri terbanyak adalah Citrobacter freundii (18%), P. aeruginosa (17,1%) dan Staphylococcusepidermidis (15,3%). Resistensi tertinggi bakteri adalah terhadap metronidazol (96,4%), sefaleksin(95,8%), sefuroksim (92,2%), oksasilin (91,7%) dan sefadroksil (91,5%) dan sensitivitas tertinggibakteri terhadap piperasilin/tozobaktam (89,7%), meropenem (82,9%), imepenem (78,1%), amikasin(76,3%), fosfomisin/trometamol (59,5%) dan levofloksasin (56,1%)

    Planning for compound hazards during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of climate information systems

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    Roundtable on Compound Hazards and COVID-19 What: An online panel with leading experts in compound hazard research, preparedness, and response, attended by over 80 online participants, met to discuss hazard response in the context of COVID-19. When: 30 June 2021 Where: Online, convened by the World Meteorological Organization and hosted by the American Geophysical UnionPeer Reviewed"Article signat per 12 autors/es: Benjamin F. Zaitchik, Judy Omumbo, Rachel Lowe, Maarten van Aalst, Liana O. Anderson, Erich Fischer, Charlotte Norman, Joanne Robbins, Rosa Barciela, Juli Trtanj, Rosa von Borries, and Jürg Luterbacher"Postprint (published version