740 research outputs found

    Topological phases and criticality in low-dimensional systems with disorder and interactions

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    In this work criticality arsing due to topological phase transitions in systems with disorder and interaction is investigated

    Autotuning and Self-Adaptability in Concurrency Libraries

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    Autotuning is an established technique for optimizing the performance of parallel applications. However, programmers must prepare applications for autotuning, which is tedious and error prone coding work. We demonstrate how applications become ready for autotuning with few or no modifications by extending Threading Building Blocks (TBB), a library for parallel programming, with autotuning. The extended TBB library optimizes all application-independent tuning parameters fully automatically. We compare manual effort, autotuning overhead and performance gains on 17 examples. While some examples benefit only slightly, others speed up by 28% over standard TBB.Comment: Presented at 1st Workshop on Resource Awareness and Adaptivity in Multi-Core Computing (Racing 2014) (arXiv:1405.2281

    Extended critical phase in quasiperiodic quantum Hall systems

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    We consider the effects of quasiperiodic spatial modulation on the quantum Hall plateau transition, by analyzing the Chalker-Coddington network model for the integer quantum Hall transition with quasiperiodically modulated link phases. In the conventional case (uncorrelated random phases), there is a critical point separating topologically distinct integer quantum Hall insulators. Surprisingly, the quasiperiodic version of the model supports an extended critical phase for some angles of modulation. We characterize this critical phase and the transitions between critical and insulating phases. For quasiperiodic potentials with two incommensurate wavelengths, the transitions we find are in a different universality class from the random transition. Upon adding more wavelengths they undergo a crossover to the uncorrelated random case. We expect our results to be relevant to the quantum Hall phases of twisted bilayer graphene or other Moir\'e systems with large unit cells.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Spectrum-Wide Quantum Criticality at the Surface of Class AIII Topological Phases: An “Energy Stack” of Integer Quantum Hall Plateau Transitions

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    In the absence of spin-orbit coupling, the conventional dogma of Anderson localization asserts that all states localize in two dimensions, with a glaring exception: the quantum Hall plateau transition (QHPT). In that case, the localization length diverges and interference-induced quantum-critical spatial fluctuations appear at all length scales. Normally, QHPT states occur only at isolated energies; accessing them therefore requires fine-tuning of the electron density or magnetic field. In this paper we show that QHPT states can be realized throughout an energy continuum, i.e., as an “energy stack” of critical states wherein each state in the stack exhibits QHPT phenomenology. The stacking occurs without fine-tuning at the surface of a class AIII topological phase, where it is protected by U(1) and (anomalous) chiral or time-reversal symmetries. Spectrum-wide criticality is diagnosed by comparing numerics to universal results for the longitudinal Landauer conductance and wave function multifractality at the QHPT. Results are obtained from an effective 2D surface field theory and from a bulk 3D lattice model. We demonstrate that the stacking of quantum-critical QHPT states is a robust phenomenon that occurs for AIII topological phases with both odd and even winding numbers. The latter conclusion may have important implications for the still poorly understood logarithmic conformal field theory believed to describe the QHPT

    Interfacial energy during the emulsification of water-in-heavy crude oil emulsions

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the interfacial energy involved in the production of water-in-oil (W/O) emulsions composed of water and a Brazilian heavy crude oil. For such purpose an experimental set-up was developed to measure the different energy terms involved in the emulsification process. W/O emulsions containing different water volume fractions (0.1, 0.25 and 0.4) were prepared in a batch calorimeter by using a high-shear rotating homogenizer at two distinct rotation speeds (14000 and 22000 rpm). The results showed that the energy dissipated as heat represented around 80% of the energy transferred to the emulsion, while around 20% contributed to the internal energy. Only a very small fraction of the energy (0.02 - 0.06%) was stored in the water-oil interface. The results demonstrated that the high energy dissipation contributes to the kinetic stability of the W/O emulsions321127137CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESThe authors are grateful to PETROBRAS S.A. and FINEP, Brazil, for the financial support to this study. We also acknowledge the grants conceded by CAPES and CNPq, Brazi

    Stability of topologically protected slow light against disorder

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    Slowing down light in on-chip photonic devices strongly enhances light-matter interaction, but typically also leads to increased backscattering and small-bandwidth operation. It was shown re- cently that, if one modifies the edge termination of a photonic Chern insulator such that the edge mode wraps many times around the Brillouin zone, light can be slowed to arbitrarily low group velocity over a large bandwidth, without being subject to backscattering. Here we study the robust- ness of these in-gap slow light modes against fabrication disorder, finding that disorder on scales significantly larger than the minigaps between edge bands is tolerable. We identify the mechanism for wavepacket breakup as disorder-induced velocity renormalization and calculate the associated breakup time.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Generalized multifractality at metal-insulator transitions and in metallic phases of 2D disordered systems

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    We study generalized multifractality characterizing fluctuations and correlations of eigenstates in disordered systems of symmetry classes AII, D, and DIII. Both metallic phases and Andersonlocalization transitions are considered. By using the non-linear sigma-model approach, we construct pure-scaling eigenfunction observables. The construction is verified by numerical simulations of appropriate microscopic models, which also yield numerical values of the corresponding exponents. In the metallic phases, the numerically obtained exponents satisfy Weyl symmetry relations as well as generalized parabolicity (proportionality to eigenvalues of the quadratic Casimir operator). At the same time, the generalized parabolicity is strongly violated at critical points of metal-insulator transitions, signalling violation of local conformal invariance. Moreover, in classes D and DIII, even the Weyl symmetry breaks down at critical points of metal-insulator transitions. This last feature is related with a peculiarity of the sigma-model manifolds in these symmetry classes: they consist of two disjoint components. Domain walls associated with these additional degrees of freedom are crucial for ensuring Anderson localization and, at the same time, lead to the violation of the Weyl symmetry.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figure