7,967 research outputs found

    Studying the Variation of the Fine Structure Constant Using Emission Line Multiplets

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    As an extension of the method by Bahcall et al. (2004) to investigate the time dependence of the fine structure constant, we describe an approach based on new observations of forbidden line multiplets from different ionic species. We obtain optical spectra of fine structure transitions in [Ne III], [Ne V], [O III], [OI], and [SII] multiplets from a sample of 14 Seyfert 1.5 galaxies in the low-z range 0.035 < z < 0.281. Each source and each multiplet is independently analyzed to ascertain possible errors. Averaging over our sample, we obtain a conservative value alpha^2(t)/\alpha^2(0) = 1.0030+-0.0014. However, our sample is limited in size and our fitting technique simplistic as we primarily intend to illustrate the scope and strengths of emission line studies of the time variation of the fine structure constant. The approach can be further extended and generalized to a "many-multiplet emission line method" analogous in principle to the corresponding method using absorption lines. With that aim, we note that the theoretical limits on emission line ratios of selected ions are precisely known, and provide well constrained selection criteria. We also discuss several other forbidden and allowed lines that may constitute the basis for a more rigorous study using high-resolution instruments on the next generation of 8 m class telescopes.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, sumbitted to A

    Quantum Antiferromagnetism in Quasicrystals

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    The antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model is studied on a two-dimensional bipartite quasiperiodic lattice. The distribution of local staggered magnetic moments is determined on finite square approximants with up to 1393 sites, using the Stochastic Series Expansion Quantum Monte Carlo method. A non-trivial inhomogeneous ground state is found. For a given local coordination number, the values of the magnetic moments are spread out, reflecting the fact that no two sites in a quasicrystal are identical. A hierarchical structure in the values of the moments is observed which arises from the self-similarity of the quasiperiodic lattice. Furthermore, the computed spin structure factor shows antiferromagnetic modulations that can be measured in neutron scattering and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. This generic model is a first step towards understanding magnetic quasicrystals such as the recently discovered Zn-Mg-Ho icosahedral structure.Comment: RevTex, 4 pages with 5 figure

    Bypassing Cowling's theorem in axisymmetric fluid dynamos

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    We present a numerical study of the magnetic field generated by an axisymmetrically forced flow in a spherical domain. At small enough Reynolds number, Re, the flow is axisymmetric and generates an equatorial dipole above a critical magnetic Reynolds number Rmc . The magnetic field thus breaks axisymmetry, in agreement with Cowling's theorem. This structure of the magnetic field is however replaced by a dominant axial dipole when Re is larger and allows non axisymmetric fluctuations in the flow. We show here that even in the absence of such fluctuations, an axial dipole can also be generated, at low Re, through a secondary bifurcation, when Rm is increased above the dynamo threshold. The system therefore always find a way to bypass the constraint imposed by Cowling's theorem. We understand the dynamical behaviors that result from the interaction of equatorial and axial dipolar modes using simple model equations for their amplitudes derived from symmetry arguments.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Проектные параметры усовершенствованного резонатора для ВЧ-фотоинжекторов

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    Приведены расчетные характеристики резонатора для ВЧ-фотоинжекторов, работающих на частоте 1300 МГц в сочетании сильных электромагнитных полей и длинного ВЧ-импульса. Конструкция усовершенствованного резонатора использует апробированные решения, но содержит существенные изменения. В ячейки резонатора введены ВЧ-датчики. Проведена оптимизация характеристик резонатора по отдельным характеристикам. Но основное внимание уделено учету взаимного влияния процессов и поиску оптимальных решений по комплексу параметров резонатора в целом.Наведено розрахункові характеристики резонатора для ВЧ-фотоінжекторів, що працюють на частоті 1300 МГц у сполученні сильних електромагнітних полів і довгого ВЧ-імпульса. Конструкція вдосконаленого резонатора використовує апробовані рішення, але містить істотні зміни. В осередки резонатора уведені ВЧ-датчики. Проведено оптимізацію характеристик резонатора по окремих характеристиках. Але основна увага приділена обліку взаємного впливу процесів і пошуку оптимальних рішень із комплексу параметрів резонатора в цілому.During development and operation of DESY L-band RF gun cavities, desires for further improvements were formulated. The next step of development is based on the proven advantages of existing cavities, but includes very significant changes. The L-band 1.6 cell RF gun cavity is intended for operation in pulse mode with unique combination of high RF fields and long RF pulse. Each cavity cell is equipped with RF probe. The cavity design is improved to gain an advantage over existing cavities in certain parameters. But main attention paid for coupled optimization to improve the cavity parameters in total. The design ideas and expected results are described

    Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in one-dimensional copper oxides

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    The Cu K-edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) spectrum in one-dimensional insulating cuprates is theoretically examined by using the exact diagonalization technique for the extended one-dimensional Hubbard model with nearest neighbor Coulomb interaction. We find the following characteristic features that can be detectable by RIXS experiments: (i) The spectrum with large momentum transfer indicates the formation of excitons, i.e., bound states of holon and doublon. (ii) The spectrum with small momentum transfer depends on the incident photon energy. We propose that the RIXS provides a unique opportunity to study the upper Hubbard band in one-dimensional cuprates.Comment: 3 pages with 4 figures, minor changes, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Dynamic Exponent of t-J and t-J-W Model

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    Drude weight of optical conductivity is calculated at zero temperature by exact diagonalization for the two-dimensional t-J model with the two-particle term, WW. For the ordinary t-J model with WW=0, the scaling of the Drude weight Dδ2D \propto \delta^2 for small doping concentration δ\delta is obtained, which indicates anomalous dynamic exponent zz=4 of the Mott transition. When WW is switched on, the dynamic exponent recovers its conventional value zz=2. This corresponds to an incoherent-to-coherent transition associated with the switching of the two-particle transfer.Comment: LaTeX, JPSJ-style, 4 pages, 5 eps files, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. vol.67, No.6 (1998

    Short-term outcome after posterior versus lateral surgical approach for total hip arthroplasty - a randomized clinical trial*

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>Currently, total hip replacement (THR) is most commonly performed via a posterior or a direct lateral approach, but the impact of the latter on the invention's outcome has yet not been quantified.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We compared the short-term outcome of cementless THR using the both approaches in a prospective, randomized controlled trial. 60 patients with unilateral osteoarthritis were included. Outcome assessment was performed one day before surgery and one week, four weeks, six weeks and 12 weeks after surgery, respectively, using the Harris Hip score as primary objective.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found no significant difference in the intraindividual Harris Hip Score improvement at the pre-and three months post-operative assessments between both treatment groups (p = 0.115). However, Harris Hip scores and most functional and psychometric secondary endpoints showed a consistent tendency of a slightly better three months result in patients implanted via the posterior approach. In contrast a significant shorter operating time of the direct lateral approach was recorded (67 minutes versus 76 minutes, p < 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In our opinion this slightly better short-term functional outcome after posterior approach is not clinical relevant. However, to make definitive conclusions all clinical relevant factors (i.e. mid- to long-term function, satisfaction, complication rates and long-term survival) have to be taken into account. <it>Level of evidence: </it>I - therapeutic</p

    Foundations of the Wald Space for Phylogenetic Trees

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    Evolutionary relationships between species are represented by phylogenetic trees, but these relationships are subject to uncertainty due to the random nature of evolution. A geometry for the space of phylogenetic trees is necessary in order to properly quantify this uncertainty during the statistical analysis of collections of possible evolutionary trees inferred from biological data. Recently, the wald space has been introduced: a length space for trees which is a certain subset of the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices. In this work, the wald space is introduced formally and its topology and structure is studied in detail. In particular, we show that wald space has the topology of a disjoint union of open cubes, it is contractible, and by careful characterization of cube boundaries, we demonstrate that wald space is a Whitney stratified space of type (A). Imposing the metric induced by the affine invariant metric on symmetric positive definite matrices, we prove that wald space is a geodesic Riemann stratified space. A new numerical method is proposed and investigated for construction of geodesics, computation of Fr\'echet means and calculation of curvature in wald space. This work is intended to serve as a mathematical foundation for further geometric and statistical research on this space.Comment: 42 pages, 15 figure

    Spin and Charge Texture around In-Plane Charge Centers in the CuO_2 planes

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    Recent experiments on La_2Cu_{1-x}Li_xO_4 show that although the doped holes remain localized near the substitutional Li impurities, magnetic order is rapidly suppressed. An examination of the spin texture around a bound hole in a CuO_2 plane shows that the formation of a skyrmion is favored in a wide range of parameters, as was previously proposed in the context of Sr doping. The spin texture may be observable by elastic diffuse neutron scattering, and may also have a considerable effect on NMR lineshapes.Comment: 4 pages, postscript file, hardcopy available upon request, to appear in PR

    Difference of optical conductivity between one- and two-dimensional doped nickelates

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    We study the optical conductivity in doped nickelates, and find the dramatic difference of the spectrum in the gap (ω\omega\alt4 eV) between one- (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) nickelates. The difference is shown to be caused by the dependence of hopping integral on dimensionality. The theoretical results explain consistently the experimental data in 1D and 2D nickelates, Y2x_{2-x}Cax_xBaNiO5_5 and La2x_{2-x}Srx_xNiO4_4, respectively. The relation between the spectrum in the X-ray aborption experiments and the optical conductivity in La2x_{2-x}Srx_xNiO4_4 is discussed.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 4 figure