21 research outputs found

    Graphene plasmonics: A platform for strong light-matter interaction

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    Graphene plasmons provide a suitable alternative to noble-metal plasmons because they exhibit much larger confinement and relatively long propagation distances, with the advantage of being highly tunable via electrostatic gating. We report strong light- matter interaction assisted by graphene plasmons, and in particular, we predict unprecedented high decay rates of quantum emitters in the proximity of a carbon sheet, large vacuum Rabi splitting and Purcell factors, and extinction cross sections exceeding the geometrical area in graphene ribbons and nanometer-sized disks. Our results provide the basis for the emerging and potentially far-reaching field of graphene plasmonics, offering an ideal platform for cavity quantum electrodynamics and supporting the possibility of single-molecule, single-plasmon devices.Comment: 39 pages, 15 figure

    Surface Plasmon Dependence on the Electron Density Profile at Metal Surfaces

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    We use an extension of the hydrodynamic model to study nonlocal effects in the collective plasmon excitations at metal surfaces and narrow gaps between metals, including the surface spill-out of conduction band electrons. In particular, we simulate metal surfaces consisting of a smooth conduction-electron density profile and an abrupt jellium edge. We focus on aluminum and gold as prototypical examples of simple and noble metals, respectively. Our calculations agree with the dispersion relations measured from planar surfaces for these materials. Systems involving small gaps display a regime of tunnelling electrons, which is partially captured by the overlap of electron densities. This extension of the hydrodynamic model to cope with inhomogeneous density profiles provides a relatively fast and accurate way of describing the optical response of metal surfaces at subnanometer distances

    Plasmon-Enhanced Nonlinear Wave Mixing in Nanostructured Graphene

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    Localized plasmons in metallic nanostructures have been widely used to enhance nonlinear optical effects due to their ability to concentrate and enhance light down to extreme-subwavelength scales. As alternatives to noble metal nanoparticles, graphene nanostructures can host long-lived plasmons that efficiently couple to light and are actively tunable via electrical doping. Here we show that doped graphene nanoislands present unique opportunities for enhancing nonlinear optical wave-mixing processes between two externally applied optical fields at the nanoscale. These small islands can support pronounced plasmons at multiple frequencies, resulting in extraordinarily high wave-mixing susceptibilities when one or more of the input or output frequencies coincide with a plasmon resonance. By varying the doping charge density in a nanoisland with a fixed geometry, enhanced wave mixing can be realized over a wide spectral range in the visible and near-infrared. We concentrate, in particular, on second- and third-order processes, including sum and difference frequency generation, as well as on four-wave mixing. Our calculations for armchair graphene triangles composed of up to several hundred carbon atoms display large wave mixing polarizabilities compared with metal nanoparticles of similar lateral size, thus supporting nanographene as an excellent material for tunable nonlinear optical nanodevices

    Quantum Finite-Size Effects in Graphene Plasmons

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    Graphene plasmons are emerging as an alternative solution to noble metal plasmons, adding the advantages of tunability <i>via</i> electrostatic doping and long lifetimes. These excitations have been so far described using classical electrodynamics, with the carbon layer represented by a local conductivity. However, the question remains, how accurately is such a classical description representing graphene? What is the minimum size for which nonlocal and quantum finite-size effects can be ignored in the plasmons of small graphene structures? Here, we provide a clear answer to these questions by performing first-principles calculations of the optical response of doped nanostructured graphene obtained from a tight-binding model for the electronic structure and the random-phase approximation for the dielectric response. The resulting plasmon energies are in good agreement with classical local electromagnetic theory down to ∼10 nm sizes, below which plasmons split into several resonances that emphasize the molecular character of the carbon structures and the quantum nature of their optical excitations. Additionally, finite-size effects produce substantial plasmon broadening compared to homogeneous graphene up to sizes well above 20 nm in nanodisks and 10 nm in nanoribbons. The atomic structure of edge terminations is shown to be critical, with zigzag edges contributing to plasmon broadening significantly more than armchair edges. This study demonstrates the ability of graphene nanostructures to host well-defined plasmons down to sizes below 10 nm, and it delineates a roadmap for understanding their main characteristics, including the role of finite size and nonlocality, thus providing a solid background for the emerging field of graphene nanoplasmonics

    Plasmon Blockade in Nanostructured Graphene

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    Among the many extraordinary properties of graphene, its optical response allows one to easily tune its interaction with nearby molecules <i>via</i> electrostatic doping. The large confinement displayed by plasmons in graphene nanodisks makes it possible to reach the strong-coupling regime with a nearby quantum emitter, such as a quantum dot or a molecule. In this limit, the quantum emitter can introduce a significant plasmon–plasmon interaction, which gives rise to a plasmon blockade effect. This produces, in turn, strongly nonlinear absorption cross sections and modified statistics of the bosonic plasmon mode. We characterize these phenomena by studying the equal-time second-order correlation function <i>g</i><sup>(2)</sup>(0), which plunges below a value of 1, thus revealing the existence of nonclassical plasmon states. The plasmon-emitter coupling, and therefore the plasmon blockade, can be efficiently controlled by tuning the doping level of the graphene nanodisks. The proposed system emerges as a new promising platform to realize quantum plasmonic devices capable of commuting optical signals at the single-photon/plasmon level

    Quantum Effects in the Nonlinear Response of Graphene Plasmons

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    The ability of graphene to support long-lived, electrically tunable plasmons that interact strongly with light, combined with its highly nonlinear optical response, has generated great expectations for application of the atomically thin material to nanophotonic devices. These expectations are mainly reinforced by classical analyses performed using the response derived from extended graphene, neglecting finite-size and nonlocal effects that become important when the carbon layer is structured on the nanometer scale in actual device designs. Here we show that finite-size effects produce large contributions that increase the nonlinear response of nanostructured graphene to significantly higher levels than those predicted by classical theories. We base our analysis on a quantum-mechanical description of graphene using tight-binding electronic states combined with the random-phase approximation. While classical and quantum descriptions agree well for the linear response when either the plasmon energy is below the Fermi energy or the size of the structure exceeds a few tens of nanometers, this is not always the case for the nonlinear response, and in particular, third-order Kerr-type nonlinearities are generally underestimated by the classical theory. Our results reveal the complex quantum nature of the optical response in nanostructured graphene, while further supporting the exceptional potential of this material for nonlinear nanophotonic devices

    Plasmonic Nano-Oven by Concatenation of Multishell Photothermal Enhancement

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    Metallodielectric multishell nanoparticles are capable of hosting collective plasmon oscillations distributed among different metallic layers, which result in large near-field enhancement at specific regions of the structure, where light absorption is maximized. We exploit this capability of multishell nanoparticles, combined with thermal boundary resistances and spatial tailoring of the optical near fields, to design plasmonic nano-ovens capable of achieving high temperatures at the core region using moderate illumination intensities. We find a large optical intensity enhancement of ∼10<sup>4</sup> over a relatively broad core region with a simple design consisting of three metal layers. This provides an unusual thermal environment, which together with the high pressures of ∼10<sup>5</sup> atm produced by concatenated curved layers holds great potential for exploring physical and chemical processes under extreme optical/thermal/pressure conditions in confined nanoscale spaces, while the outer surface of the nano-oven is close to ambient conditions

    Deterministic Optical-Near-Field-Assisted Positioning of Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers

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    Nanopositioning of single quantum emitters to control their coupling to integrated photonic structures is a crucial step in the fabrication of solid-state quantum optics devices. We use the optical near-field enhancement produced by nanofabricated gold antennas subject to near-infrared illumination to deterministically trap and position single nanodiamonds (NDs) hosting nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers. The positioning of the NDs at the antenna regions of maximum field intensity is first characterized using both fluorescence and electron microscopy imaging. We further study the interaction between the nanoantenna and the delivered NV center by analyzing its change in fluorescence lifetime, which is driven by the increase in the local density of optical states at the trapping positions. Additionally, the plasmonic enhancement of the near-field intensity allows us to optically control the NV excited lifetime using relatively low NIR illumination intensities, some 20 times lower than in the absence of the antennas

    Toward Complete Optical Coupling to Confined Surface Polaritons

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    Optical coupling between propagating light and confined surface polaritons plays a pivotal role in the practical design of nanophotonic devices. However, the coupling efficiency decreases dramatically with the degree of mode confinement due to the mismatch that exists between the light and polariton wavelengths, and despite the intense efforts made to explore different mechanisms proposed to circumvent this problem, the realization of a flexible scheme to efficiently couple light to polaritons remains a challenge. Here, we experimentally demonstrate an efficient coupling of light to surface–plasmon polaritons assisted by engineered dipolar scatterers placed at an optimum distance from the surface. Specifically, we fabricate gold disks separated by a silica spacer from a planar gold surface and seek to achieve perfect coupling conditions by tuning the spacer thickness for a given scatterer geometry that resonates at a designated optical frequency. We measure a maximum light-to-plasmon coupling cross section of the order of the square of the light wavelength at an optimum distance that results from the interplay between a large particle-surface interaction and a small degree of surface-driven particle-dipole quenching, both of which are favored at small separations. Our experiments, in agreement with both analytical theory and electromagnetic simulations, support the use of optimally placed engineered scatterers as a disruptive approach to solving the long-standing problem of in/out-coupling in nanophotonics

    The Planar Parabolic Optical Antenna

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    One of the simplest and most common structures used for directing light in macroscale applications is the parabolic reflector. Parabolic reflectors are ubiquitous in many technologies, from satellite dishes to hand-held flashlights. Today, there is a growing interest in the use of ultracompact metallic structures for manipulating light on the wavelength scale. Significant progress has been made in scaling radiowave antennas to the nanoscale for operation in the visible range, but similar scaling of parabolic reflectors employing ray-optics concepts has not yet been accomplished because of the difficulty in fabricating nanoscale three-dimensional surfaces. Here, we demonstrate that plasmon physics can be employed to realize a resonant elliptical cavity functioning as an essentially planar nanometallic structure that serves as a broadband unidirectional parabolic antenna at optical frequencies