704 research outputs found

    Economic necessity of self-actualization? Attitudes toward women's labour-force participation in the east and west

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    In den westlichen Demokratien ist die Frauenerwerbstätigkeit in den letzten Jahrzehnten dramatisch angestiegen. Daraus resultieren Einstellungsänderungen, was sich in einer größeren Akzeptanz der Berufstätigkeit von Frauen zeigt. Die Autoren vergleichen in ihrer Untersuchung diese Einstellungen für kapitalistische Staaten (Großbritannien, BRD, USA) und ehemals sozialistische Staaten (Ungarn, Ostdeutschland). Die zugrundeliegenden Daten entstammen einer ALLBUS-Studie aus dem Jahre 1991 und einer ISSP-Studie aus dem Jahre 1988. Thematisiert werden die Folgen der Frauenerwerbstätigkeit, Geschlechtsrollen und die Bedeutung der Arbeit für die Frau. Es zeigt sich u.a., daß die Selbstverwirklichung der Frauen im Beruf in den früheren sozialistischen Staaten keine größere Bedeutung hatte als in den westlichen Demokratien. Gerade der Sozialismus, der die Gleichberechtigung der Frau forcierte, hatte wenig Erfolg bei der Überwindung des traditionellen Rollenverständnisses. (psz

    Usulan Acceptance Sampling Plan Untuk Tape Yarn Produk Geotex 250 Studi Kasus: PT. Unggul Karya Semesta - Bogor

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    Perencanaan penerimaan sampel merupakan salah satu aplikasi system pengendalian kualitas yang merancang suatu teknik pengambilan sampel dengan jumlah sampel dan batas spesifikasi yang telah ditentukan. Untuk membuat rancangan ini terlebih dahulu ditentukan nilai untuk beberapa variabel, yaitu probabilitas menolak lot yang baik (producer\u27s risk), probabilitas menerima lot yang buruk (consumer\u27s risk), rata-rata lot berkualitas baik, rata-rata lot berkualitas buruk, dan standar deviasi proses. Variabel-variabel ini akan mempengaruhi perhitungan untuk menentukan jumlah sampel dan batas spesifikasi penerimaan sampel. Hasilnya berupa suatu rancangan di mana sampel yang akan diinspeksi adalah sejumlah 13 benang plastik (tape yarn), kemudian diukur kekuatan per deniernya (tenacity). Jika rata-rata tenacity sama dengan atau lebih dari 5,9 gram/D maka lot diterima, dan jika rata-rata tenacity kurang dari 5,9 gram/D maka lot ditolak. Kata kunci: pengendalian kualitas, perencanaan penerimaan sampel, perencanaan sampling untuk karakteristik variabel, batas spesifikasi tunggal, standar deviasi. Acceptance sampling plan is an application of quality control system that creates a sampling technique with certain sample size and specification limit. To plan this, it has to determine the value of variables, such as probability of rejecting good lot (producer\u27s risk), probability of accepting poor lot (consumer\u27s risk), good average quality, poor average quality, and process standard deviation. These variables will determine the sample size and acceptance specification limit. The result is a plan which the inspected sample size is 13 tape yarns, then its strength per denier (tenacity) is measured. If the sample average is equal to or more than 5,9 gram/D, accept lot; otherwise, reject lot

    COVID-19 and IS: Challenges and Opportunities for People, Careers, and Institutions

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    In one remarkable week, and in the face of a horrifying pandemic, information technology and systems were harnessed to dramatically transform education and office work. It wasn’t always pretty, but the IT infrastructure worked, at least for those fortunate to have access to it. Tele-medicine, remote work, distance education - concepts long touted but sparsely implemented - suddenly essential and transformational. Now that we have made it through the immediate impact of the pandemic, the long term implications and consequences are emerging. What is this pandemic driven, but IT shaped, new normal? What does it mean for families, careers, and businesses? What does it mean for higher education and our discipline? Our panelists will explore the challenges faced by doctoral students and early career professors, two career families, and small businesses. But we will also ask them to help identify new opportunities, particularly for research, new modes of education and greater engagement with industry

    Nichtkonventionelle Lebensformen in Ost- und Westdeutschland: zwischen Pragmatismus und Moral

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    "Auf der Grundlage der Umfrage des International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) von 1994 zum Thema 'Familie und sich ändernde Geschlechtsrollen', einer repräsentativen Befragung der Bevölkerung ab 18 Jahren, die in 22 Ländern durchgeführt wurde, werden Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten im Bereich des faktischen Verhaltens und der Einstellung zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschen untersucht. Im Hinblick auf nichtkonventionelle Lebensformen scheinen die Unterschiede zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschen eher gering zu sein, und zwar sowohl was das eigene Verhalten als auch die Einstellungen betrifft. Auf der Verhaltensebene sind Erfahrungen mit zumindest einer Variante nicht-konventioneller Familienformen - dem Zusammenleben ohne Trauschein - in beiden Teilen Deutschlands in etwa gleich verbreitet (obgleich die Bedingungen, unter denen diese Erfahrungen erworben wurden, unterschiedlich sein dürften). Geringe Unterschiede auf der Einstellungsebene gibt es insbesondere bei der moralischen Bewertung des Zusammenlebens ohne Trauschein bzw. der Einstellung zu einer 'Probe-Ehe'. Größere Unterschiede treten lediglich bei den Fragen auf, ob Menschen, die Kinder wollen, heiraten sollten und ob ein alleinstehender Elternteil sein Kind genauso gut großziehen kann wie beide zusammen. Hier erweisen sich die Ostdeutschen - insbesondere wohl wegen der positiven Erfahrungen in der Vergangenheit - als weniger traditionell. Mit ausgewählten Vergleichsdaten aus anderen Ländern werden die deutschen Ergebnisse in eine international vergleichende Perspektive gesetzt." (Autorenreferat

    Deoxysphingoid bases as plasma markers in Diabetes mellitus

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    BACKGROUND: Sphingoid bases are formed from the precursors L-serine and palmitoyl-CoA-a reaction which is catalyzed by the serine-palmitoyltransferase (SPT). SPT metabolizes, besides palmitoyl-CoA also other acyl-CoAs but shows also variability towards the use of other amino acid substrates. The enzyme is also able to metabolize alanine, which results in the formation of an atypical deoxy-sphingoid base (DSB). This promiscuous activity is greatly increased in the case of the sensory neuropathy HSAN1, and pathologically elevated DSB levels have been identified as the cause of this disease. Clinically, HSAN1 shows a pronounced similarity to the diabetic sensory neuropathy (DSN), which is the most common chronic complication of diabetes mellitus. Since serine and alanine metabolism is functionally linked to carbohydrate metabolism by their precursors 3-phosphoglycerate and pyruvate, we were interested to see whether the levels of certain sphingoid base metabolites are altered in patients with diabetes. RESULTS: In a case-control study we compared plasma sphingoid base levels between healthy and diabetic individuals. DSB levels were higher in the diabetic group whereas C16 and C18 sphingoid bases were not significantly different. Plasma serine, but not alanine levels were lower in the diabetic group. A subsequent lipoprotein fractionation showed that the DSBs are primarily present in the LDL and VLDL fraction. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that DSBs are a novel category of plasma biomarkers in diabetes which reflect functional impairments of carbohydrate metabolism. Furthermore, elevated DSB levels as we see them in diabetic patients might also contribute to the progression of the diabetic sensory neuropathy, the most frequent complication of diabetes

    Incidência de cesariana entre usuárias de um plano de saúde privado.

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    Modelo do estudo: Estudo de Incidência. Objetivo do estudo: Conhecer a taxa de incidência de cesariana em um plano de saúde privado, analisar as principais indicações desta, o APGAR dos neonatos, bem como descrever o perfil das mulheres que se submetem a este procedimento, analisando idade, profissão e estado civil. Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo ecológico, descritivo e temporal, com dados obtidos de um plano de saúde privado de Criciúma durante o ano 2010. Resultados: Foram analisados 30 prontuários de mulheres parturientes usuárias de um plano de saúde privado durante o ano de 2010. A taxa de incidência de cesariana foi de 80%, sendo as principais indicações a Despropor- ção Cefalopélvica (50,0%) e Cesárea Prévia (16,7%). As mulheres submetidas à cesárea tiveram idade média de 30,54(±5,42) anos, 66,7% trabalham, 87,5% apresentaram união estável. O APGAR médio dos recém-nascidos foi de 8,96(±0,20) no 1º minuto e 9,08(±0,28) no 5º minuto. Encontramos associação significativa entre o tipo de parto e a média de gastos, sendo o valor da cesariana maior que o parto normal (p=0,013). Conclusões: A taxa de incidência de cesariana no plano de saúde privado estudado foi alta, sendo a principal indicação a Desproporção Cefalopélvica, com gasto superior ao parto normal. Diante disso, sugerem-se futuros estudos acerca do tema, para que seja melhor caracterizada a incidência de cesariana, considerando que esta questão varia de acordo com o modelo de saúde de cada país e características socioculturais.Study model: Study of Incidence. Objective: To know incidence of cesarean at a private health plan, analyze the main indications of this, the APGAR scores of neonates, and to describe the characteristics of women who undergo this procedure, analyzing age, occupation and marital status. Methods: an ecological, descriptive and temporal study was realized with data obtained in a private health plan of Criciúma in the period from January to December of 2010. Results: We analyzed medical records of 30 women all mothers attending a private health plan during the year 2010. The incidence of cesarean section was 80%, and 20% of normal birth. The main indications were cephalopelvic disproportion (50%) and prior cesarean (16.7%). Women undergoing cesarean section had an average age of 30.54 years (± 5.42), 66.7% work and 87.5% had a stable relationship. The average APGAR of the newborns was 8.96 (± 0.20) at 1 minute and 9.08 (± 0.28) at 5 minutes. We found a significant association between the mode of delivery and the expenses, with the cesarean greater than vaginal deliveries (p = 0.013). Conclusions: The incidence of cesarean in private health plans studied was high, the major indication was the Cephalopelvic Disproportion, with the cesarean greater than vaginal deliveries. Therefore, we suggest future studies on the subject, so that it best characterized the incidence of cesarean, whereas this question varies according to the model of health in each country and sociocultural characteristics

    Age and distress of women-results of a representative population-based study

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    Abstract Little research has been carried out on prevalence rates of distress (e.g. depression, posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), hopelessness, and burnout) of women in different age groups. The aims of this study were to measure the prevalence rate of depression, posttraumatic stress symptoms, hopelessness, and burnout among women and to clarify the associations between age groups and distress. Cross sectional epidemiological study on women in Sweden (n=6,000, aged 18-64 years, response rate 64.1%). Measures were questionnaires on socio-economic and work-related characteristics and on depression, posttraumatic stress symptoms, hopelessness, and burnout