17,521 research outputs found

    A study of resistojet systems directed to the space station/base Final report

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    Biowaste resistojet subsystem for integrated environmental control and life support of space statio

    Heuristic Refinement Method for the Derivation of Protein Solution Structures: Validation on Cytochrome B562

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    A method is described for determining the family of protein structures compatible with solution data obtained primarily from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Starting with all possible conformations, the method systematically excludes conformations until the remaining structures are only those compatible with the data. The apparent computational intractability of this approach is reduced by assembling the protein in pieces, by considering the protein at several levels of abstraction, by utilizing constraint satisfaction methods to consider only a few atoms at a time, and by utilizing artificial intelligence methods of heuristic control to decide which actions will exclude the most conformations. Example results are presented for simulated NMR data from the known crystal structure of cytochrome b562 (103 residues). For 10 sample backbones an average root-mean-square deviation from the crystal of 4.1 A was found for all alpha-carbon atoms and 2.8 A for helix alpha-carbons alone. The 10 backbones define the family of all structures compatible with the data and provide nearly correct starting structures for adjustment by any of the current structure determination methods

    Magnetism in Nb(1-y)Fe(2+y) - composition and magnetic field dependence

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    We present a systematic study of transport and thermodynamic properties of the Laves phase system Nb1−y_{1-y}Fe2+y_{2+y}. Our measurements confirm that Fe-rich samples, as well as those rich in Nb (for ∣yâˆŁâ‰„0.02\mid y\mid\geq 0.02), show bulk ferromagnetism at low temperature. For stoichiometric NbFe2_2, on the other hand, magnetization, magnetic susceptibility and magnetoresistance results point towards spin-density wave (SDW) order, possibly helical, with a small ordering wavevector Q∌0.05Q \sim 0.05 \AA−1^{-1}. Our results suggest that on approaching the stoichiometric composition from the iron-rich side, ferromagnetism changes into long-wavelength SDW order. In this scenario, QQ changes continuously from 0 to small, finite values at a Lifshitz point in the phase diagram, which is located near y=+0.02y=+0.02. Further reducing the Fe content suppresses the SDW transition temperature, which extrapolates to zero at y≈−0.015y\approx -0.015. Around this Fe content magnetic fluctuations dominate the temperature dependence of the resistivity and of the heat capacity which deviate from their conventional Fermi liquid forms, inferring the presence of a quantum critical point. Because the critical point is located between the SDW phase associated with stoichiometric NbFe2_2 and the ferromagnetic order which reemerges for very Nb-rich NbFe2_2, the observed temperature dependences could be attributed both to proximity to SDW order or to ferromagnetism.Comment: 13 pages, 20 figure

    A Damping of the de Haas-van Alphen Oscillations in the superconducting state

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    Deploying a recently developed semiclassical theory of quasiparticles in the superconducting state we study the de Haas-van Alphen effect. We find that the oscillations have the same frequency as in the normal state but their amplitude is reduced. We find an analytic formulae for this damping which is due to tunnelling between semiclassical quasiparticle orbits comprising both particle-like and hole-like segments. The quantitative predictions of the theory are consistent with the available data.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum Dynamics of the Slow Rollover Transition in the Linear Delta Expansion

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    We apply the linear delta expansion to the quantum mechanical version of the slow rollover transition which is an important feature of inflationary models of the early universe. The method, which goes beyond the Gaussian approximation, gives results which stay close to the exact solution for longer than previous methods. It provides a promising basis for extension to a full field theoretic treatment.Comment: 12 pages, including 4 figure

    On the Spin History of the X-ray Pulsar in Kes 73: Further Evidence For an Utramagnetized Neutron Star

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    In previous papers, we presented the discovery of a 12-s X-ray pulsar in the supernova remnant Kes 73, providing the first direct evidence for an ultramagnetized neutron star, a magnetar, with an equivalent dipole field of nearly twenty times the quantum critical magnetic field. Our conclusions were based on two epochs of measurement of the spin, along with an age estimate of the host supernova remnant. Herein, we present a spin chronology of the pulsar using additional GINGA, ASCA, XTE, & SAX datasets spanning over a decade. Timing and spectral analysis confirms our initial results and severely limit an accretion origin for the observed flux. Over the 10 year baseline, the pulsar is found to undergo a rapid, constant spindown, while maintaining a steady flux and an invariant pulse profile. Within the measurement uncertainties, no systematic departures from a linear spin-down are found - departures as in the case of glitches or simply stochastic fluctuations in the pulse times-of-arrival (e.g. red timing noise). We suggest that this pulsar is akin to the soft gamma-ray repeaters, however, it is remarkably stable and has yet to display similar outbursts; future gamma-ray activity from this object is likely.Comment: 6 pages with 3 embedded figures, LaTex, emulateapj.sty. Submitted to the ApJ Letter

    Asymptotic defectiveness of manufacturing plants: an estimate based on process learning curves

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    The paper describes a method for a preliminary estimation of asymptotic defectiveness of a manufacturing plant based on the prediction of its learning curve estimated during a p-chart setting up. The proposed approach provides process managers with the possibility of estimating the asymptotic variability of the process and the period of revision of p-chart control limits. An application of the method is also provided

    Transverse momentum dependence in the perturbative calculation of pion form factor

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    By reanalysing transverse momentum dependence in the perturbative calculation of pion form factor an improved expression of pion form factor which takes into account the transverse momentum dependenc in hard scattering amplitude and intrinsic transverse momentum dependence associated with pion wave functions is given to leading order, which is available for momentum transfers of the order of a few GeV as well as for Q→∞Q \to \infty. Our scheme can be extended to evaluate the contributions to the pion form factor beyond leading order.Comment: 13 pages in LaTeX, plus 3 Postscript figure

    Heavy-light baryonic mass splittings from the lattice

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    We present lattice estimates of the mass of the heavy-light baryons Λb\Lambda_b and Ξb\Xi_b obtained using propagating heavy quarks. For Λb\Lambda_b our result is MΛb=5.728±0.144±0.018M_{\Lambda_b}=5.728 \pm 0.144 \pm 0.018 GeV, after extrapolation to the continuum limit and in the quenched approximation.Comment: 3 pages postscript, Contribution to Lattice'9

    Convergence of the Optimized Delta Expansion for the Connected Vacuum Amplitude: Zero Dimensions

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    Recent proofs of the convergence of the linear delta expansion in zero and in one dimensions have been limited to the analogue of the vacuum generating functional in field theory. In zero dimensions it was shown that with an appropriate, NN-dependent, choice of an optimizing parameter \l, which is an important feature of the method, the sequence of approximants ZNZ_N tends to ZZ with an error proportional to e−cN{\rm e}^{-cN}. In the present paper we establish the convergence of the linear delta expansion for the connected vacuum function W=ln⁡ZW=\ln Z. We show that with the same choice of \l the corresponding sequence WNW_N tends to WW with an error proportional to e−cN{\rm e}^{-c\sqrt N}. The rate of convergence of the latter sequence is governed by the positions of the zeros of ZNZ_N.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, Imperial/TP/92-93/5
