184 research outputs found

    Morphology and Evolution of Simulated and Optical Clusters: A Comparative Analysis

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    We have made a comparative study of morphological evolution in simulated DM halos and X-ray brightness distribution, and in optical clusters. Samples of simulated clusters include star formation with supernovae feedback, radiative cooling, and simulation in the adiabatic limit at three different redshifts, z = 0.0, 0.10, and 0.25. The optical sample contains 208 ACO clusters within redshift, z≀0.25z \leq 0.25. Cluster morphology, within 0.5 and 1.0 h−1^{-1} Mpc from cluster center, is quantified by multiplicity and ellipticity. We find that the distribution of the dark matter halos in the adiabatic simulation appear to be more elongated than the galaxy clusters. Radiative cooling brings halo shapes in excellent agreement with observed clusters, however, cooling along with feedback mechanism make the halos more flattened. Our results indicate relatively stronger structural evolution and more clumpy distributions in observed clusters than in the structure of simulated clusters, and slower increase in simulated cluster shapes compared to those in the observed one. Within z≀0.1z \leq 0.1, we notice an interesting agreement in the shapes of clusters obtained from the cooling simulations and observation. We also notice that the different samples of observed clusters differ significantly in morphological evolution with redshift. We highlight a few possibilities responsible for the discrepancy in morphological evolution of simulated and observed clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 2006; 15 pages, 13 postscript figure

    Tidal Torques and the Orientation of Nearby Disk Galaxies

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    We use numerical simulations to investigate the orientation of the angular momentum axis of disk galaxies relative to their surrounding large scale structure. We find that this is closely related to the spatial configuration at turnaround of the material destined to form the galaxy, which is often part of a coherent two-dimensional slab criss-crossed by filaments. The rotation axis is found to align very well with the intermediate principal axis of the inertia momentum tensor at this time. This orientation is approximately preserved during the ensuing collapse, so that the rotation axis of the resulting disk ends up lying on the plane traced by the protogalactic material at turnaround. This suggests a tendency for disks to align themselves so that their rotation axis is perpendicular to the minor axis of the structure defined by surrounding matter. One example of this trend is provided by our own Galaxy, where the Galactic plane is almost at right angles with the supergalactic plane (SGP) drawn by nearby galaxies; indeed, the SGP latitude of the North Galactic Pole is just 6 degrees. We have searched for a similar signature in catalogs of nearby disk galaxies, and find a significant excess of edge-on spirals (for which the orientation of the disk rotation axis may be determined unambiguously) highly inclined relative to the SGP. This result supports the view that disk galaxies acquire their angular momentum as a consequence of early tidal torques acting during the expansion phase of the protogalactic material.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Einstein Cluster Alignments Revisited

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    We have examined whether the major axes of rich galaxy clusters tend to point toward their nearest neighboring cluster. We have used the data of Ulmer, McMillan, and Kowalski, who used position angles based on X-ray morphology. We also studied a subset of this sample with updated positions and distances from the MX Northern Abell Cluster Survey (for rich clusters (R≄1R \geq 1) with well known redshifts). A Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test showed no significant signal for nonrandom angles on any scale ≀100h−1\leq 100h^{-1}Mpc. However, refining the null hypothesis with the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, we found a high confidence signal for alignment. Confidence levels increase to a high of 99.997% as only near neighbors which are very close are considered. We conclude there is a strong alignment signal in the data, consistent with gravitational instability acting on Gaussian perturbations.Comment: Minor revisions. To be published in Ap

    Cluster Alignments and Ellipticities in LCDM Cosmology

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    The ellipticities and alignments of clusters of galaxies, and their evolution with redshift, are examined in the context of a Lambda-dominated cold dark matter cosmology. We use a large-scale, high-resolution N-body simulation to model the matter distribution in a light cone containing ~10^6 clusters out to redshifts of z=3. Cluster ellipticities are determined as a function of mass, radius, and redshift, both in 3D and in projection. We find strong cluster ellipticities: the mean ellipticity increases with redshift from 0.3 at z=0 to 0.5 at z=3, for both 3D and 2D ellipticities; the evolution is well-fit by e=0.33+0.05z. The ellipticities increase with cluster mass and with cluster radius; the main cluster body is more elliptical than the cluster cores, but the increase of ellipticities with redshift is preserved. Using the fitted cluster ellipsoids, we determine the alignment of clusters as a function of their separation. We find strong alignment of clusters for separations <100 Mpc/h; the alignment increases with decreasing separation and with increasing redshift. The evolution of clusters from highly aligned and elongated systems at early times to lower alignment and elongation at present reflects the hierarchical and filamentary nature of structure formation. These measures of cluster ellipticity and alignment will provide a new test of the current cosmological model when compared with upcoming cluster surveys.Comment: 29 pages including 13 figures, to appear in ApJ Jan. 2005 (corrected typos, added reference

    Weak lensing surveys and the intrinsic correlation of galaxy ellipticities

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    We explore the possibility that an intrinsic correlation between galaxy ellipticities arising during the galaxy formation process may account for part of the shear signal recently reported by several groups engaged in weak lensing surveys. Using high resolution N-body simulations we measure the projected ellipticities of dark matter halos and their correlations as a function of pair separation. With this simplifying, but not necessarily realistic assumption (halo shapes as a proxy for galaxy shapes), we find a positive detection of correlations up to scales of at least 20 h^-1mpc (limited by the box size). The signal is not strongly affected by variations in the halo finding technique, or by the resolution of the simulations. We translate our 3d results into angular measurements of ellipticity correlation functions and shear variance which can be directly compared to observations. We also measure similar results from simulated angular surveys made by projecting our simulation boxes onto the plane of the sky and applying a radial selection function. Interestingly, the shear variance we measure is a small, but not entirely negligible fraction (from ~10-20 %) of that seen by the observational groups, and the ellipticity correlation functions approximately mimic the functional form expected to be caused by weak lensing. The amplitude depends on the width in redshift of the galaxy distribution. If photometric redshifts are used to pick out a screen of background galaxies with a small width, then the intrinsic correlation may become comparable to the weak lensing signal. Although we are dealing with simulated dark matter halos, whether there is a signal from real galaxies could be checked with a nearby sample with known redshifts.Comment: 12 pages, 11 ps figures, emulateapj.sty, submitted to Ap

    3-D image-based numerical computations of snow permeability: links to specific surface area, density, and microstructural anisotropy

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    We used three-dimensional (3-D) images of snow microstructure to carry out numerical estimations of the full tensor of the intrinsic permeability of snow (&lt;b&gt;K&lt;/b&gt;). This study was performed on 35 snow samples, spanning a wide range of seasonal snow types. For several snow samples, a significant anisotropy of permeability was detected and is consistent with that observed for the effective thermal conductivity obtained from the same samples. The anisotropy coefficient, defined as the ratio of the vertical over the horizontal components of &lt;b&gt;K&lt;/b&gt;, ranges from 0.74 for a sample of decomposing precipitation particles collected in the field to 1.66 for a depth hoar specimen. Because the permeability is related to a characteristic length, we introduced a dimensionless tensor &lt;b&gt;K&lt;/b&gt;*=&lt;b&gt;K&lt;/b&gt;/&lt;i&gt;r&lt;/i&gt;&lt;sub&gt;es&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;, where the equivalent sphere radius of ice grains (&lt;i&gt;r&lt;/i&gt;&lt;sub&gt;es&lt;/sub&gt;) is computed from the specific surface area of snow (SSA) and the ice density (&amp;rho;&lt;sub&gt;i&lt;/sub&gt;) as follows: &lt;i&gt;r&lt;/i&gt;&lt;sub&gt;es&lt;/sub&gt;=3/(SSA&amp;times;&amp;rho;&lt;sub&gt;i&lt;/sub&gt;. We define &lt;i&gt;K&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;K&lt;/i&gt;* as the average of the diagonal components of &lt;b&gt;K&lt;/b&gt; and &lt;b&gt;K&lt;/b&gt;*, respectively. The 35 values of &lt;i&gt;K&lt;/i&gt;* were fitted to snow density (&amp;rho;&lt;sub&gt;s&lt;/sub&gt;) and provide the following regression: &lt;i&gt;K&lt;/i&gt; = (3.0 &amp;pm; 0.3) &lt;i&gt;r&lt;/i&gt;&lt;sub&gt;es&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; exp((&amp;minus;0.0130 &amp;pm; 0.0003)&amp;rho;&lt;sub&gt;s&lt;/sub&gt;). We noted that the anisotropy of permeability does not affect significantly the proposed equation. This regression curve was applied to several independent datasets from the literature and compared to other existing regression curves or analytical models. The results show that it is probably the best currently available simple relationship linking the average value of permeability, &lt;i&gt;K&lt;/i&gt;, to snow density and specific surface area

    Discrepant perceptions of communication, teamwork and situation awareness among surgical team members

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    Objective To assess surgical team members’ differences in perception of non-technical skills. Design Questionnaire design. Setting Operating theatres (OTs) at one university hospital, three teaching hospitals and one general hospital in the Netherlands. Participants Sixty-six surgeons, 97 OT nurses, 18 anaesthetists and 40 nurse anaesthetists. Methods All surgical team members, of five hospitals, were asked to complete a questionnaire and state their opinion on the current state of communication, teamwork and situation awareness at the OT. Results Ratings for ‘communication’ were significantly different, particularly between surgeons and all other team members (P ? 0.001). The ratings for ‘teamwork’ differed significantly between all team members (P ? 0.005). Within ‘situation awareness’ significant differences were mainly observed for ‘gathering information’ between surgeons and other team members (P < 0.001). Finally, 72–90% of anaesthetists, OT nurses and nurse anaesthetists rated routine team briefings and debriefings as inadequate. Conclusions This study shows discrepancies on many aspects in perception between surgeons and other surgical team members concerning communication, teamwork and situation awareness. Future research needs to ascertain whether these discrepancies are linked to greater risk of adverse events or to process as well as systems failures. Establishing this link would support implementation and use of complex team interventions that intervene at multiple levels of the healthcare systemIndustrial Design Engineerin

    Heterogeneous grain growth and vertical mass transfer within a snow layer under a temperature gradient

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    Inside a snow cover, metamorphism plays a key role in snow evolution at different scales. This study focuses on the impact of temperature gradient metamorphism on a snow layer in its vertical extent. To this end, two cold-laboratory experiments were conducted to monitor a snow layer evolving under a temperature gradient of 100 K m−1 using X-ray tomography and environmental sensors. The first experiment shows that snow evolves differently in the vertical: in the end, coarser depth hoar is found in the center part of the layer, with covariance lengths about 50 % higher compared to the top and bottom areas. We show that this heterogeneous grain growth could be related to the temperature profile, to the associated crystal growth regimes, and to the local vapor supersaturation. In the second experiment, a non-disturbing sampling method was applied to enable a precise observation of the basal mass transfer in the case of dry boundary conditions. An air gap, characterized by a sharp drop in density, developed at the base and reached more than 3 mm after a month. The two reported phenomena, heterogeneous grain growth and basal mass loss, create heterogeneities in snow – in terms of density, grain and pore size, and ice morphology – from an initial homogeneous layer. Finally, we report the formation of hard depth hoar associated with an increase in specific surface area (SSA) observed in the second experiment with higher initial density. These microscale effects may strongly impact the snowpack behavior, e.g., for snow transport processes or snow mechanics.</p

    An X-ray and Optical Study of Matter Distribution in the Galaxy Cluster A 2319

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    A new analysis of velocity distribution, optical photometry and X-ray surface brightness from ROSAT PSPC data of the galaxy cluster A 2319 is presented. The temperature profile derived from ASCA data (Markevitch et al.,1996) is taken into account. A method to check the hydrostatic model in the presence of a temperature gradient is proposed. Consistency of the hydrostatic isothermal model and the explanation of the "beta-discrepancy" are discussed. Galaxy and gas density profiles of the main component A 2319A are derived, allowing for the effect of the secondary component A 2319B. The inadequacy of a polytropic model, which would produce a binding mass decrease with respect to the isothermal beta-model, is discussed. A simple interpolation of the temperature profile provides instead an increase of the binding mass and a lower baryon fraction thus mitigating the "baryon catastrophe". Assuming as typical the value f_b ~ 0.2, a comparison with the most recent estimate of Omega_b(nucl) implies for the cosmological parameter Omega_o less than 0.4.Comment: 7 pages, 2 tables, 8 figure

    The Nearest Neighbor Alignment of Cluster X-ray Isophotes

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    We examine the orientations of rich galaxy cluster X-ray isophotes with respect to their rich nearest neighbors using existing samples of Abell cluster position angles measured from {\it Einstein} and {\it ROSAT} observations. We study a merged subset of these samples using updated and improved positions and redshifts for Abell/ACO clusters. We find high confidence for alignment, which increases as nearest neighbor distance is restricted. We conclude that there is a strong alignment signal in all this data, consistent with gravitational instability acting on Gaussian perturbations.Comment: Moderate revisions, including additional test for systematic error. Conclusions unchanged. Accepted for publication in Ap
