53 research outputs found

    Properties of Magnetite-Chitin Composite as Materials

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    In this study, magnetite-chitin composite has been synthesized and their apllication for removal Ni(II) from aqueous solution. Chitin synthesized from shrimp shell waste. Magnetite-chitin composite were prepared by reaction of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ion and NH4OH in the presence of chitin. Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) were used to characterize the adsorbent. The effect of composite dosage, pH and contact time on the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent has also been investigated. The FTIR spectra of magnetite-chitin composite confirmed the successful synthesis which the adsorption peak at 586.3 cm-1 assigned to Fe-O bond. SEM-EDX characterization of magnetite-chitin composite indicated that the surface of composite more solid than chitin and elements of composit contained of magnetite and chitin elements. The magnetite-chitin composite has magnetic properties which the saturation magnetization was 11.27 emu/g. The optimal adsorption of magnetite-chitin composites an initial concentration of Ni(II) was 50 mg/L attained within 3 g of composite dosage, pH value 5 and contact time of 45 minutes with a maximum adsorption capacity of Ni(II) was 37.81 mg/g

    Optimalisasi Peran Kelelawar Microchiroptera sebagai Biokontrol Serangga Tomcat (Paederus Fuscipes) dan Ulat Bulu (Lymantriidae) di Perkotaan

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    The research aims to determine the diet of microchiroptera bats in urban areas.. The research was done in June 2012 to August 2012. Sample of bat was captured in six locations using misnet and harp net at bat foraging areas. Stomach contents was collected and dissolved in aquadest. The material of insect were sorted and identified under microscope and compare to the insects that were collected by light trap in bat foraging area. The data were analyzed by Principle Component Analysis (PCA). There were three species of insectivorous bat which catch at South Tangerang and South Jakarta. The insects in gut content of insectivorous bats belong to 8 orders, distributed into 12 families. Based on prey preference, the insectivorous bats can be classified into two groups. This study proves that the tomcat beetles eaten by Hipposideros sp. and Chaerophon plicata, while Lymantriidae moth being eaten by Hipposideros sp. and Murina sp

    Evaluation of the Readiness of Small and Medium Enterprises on the Indonesian National Standard

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    Indonesia’s economic condition, which is experiencing a weakening due to the pandemic, has created a competitive climate among businesses. Jago Jaya Shuttlecock is one of the SMEs in the city of Surakarta that has been producing shuttlecocks since 1971. Jago Jaya Shuttlecock wants its products to be SNI certified for the expansion of the marketing network and to increase the class of the products it produces. Therefore, this research was conducted to assess the readiness of SMEs to obtain SNI certificates. This was done by examining quality control using a control chart and the process capability in accordance with the quality requirements in SNI 0036-2014. This research also examined the readiness of SMEs in the SNI certification process from the aspects of administration, technical quality assurance, and economic capability. The problem was analyzed using the Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and obtained suggestions for improvements according to the priority of action if the specification is out of control and the Cpk indicator <1.5. In the preparation of SMEs in the SNI certification process, it was found that the readiness in the administrative, technical aspects of quality assurance and economic aspects were 100%, 17%, and 100% respectively. Based on the results, recommendations were given to improve the quality assurance system. Keywords: Readiness, SMEs, SNI, Indonesian National Standar

    Prevalensi Stomatitis Traumatik Pemakai Alat Ortodonsi Lepasan (Kajian di Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Pendidikan Asri Medical Center YOGYAKARTA)

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    Estetika penting bagi banyak orang terkait dengan penampilan dan interaksi sosial. Alat ortodonsi lepasan menjadi pilihan sebagian orang untuk memperbaiki keadaan gigi-geliginya. Akan tetapi alat ini juga memiliki kekurangan, salah satunya adalah stomatitis traumatic Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui prevalensi stomatitis traumatik pemakai alat ortodonsi lepasan. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif observasionaldengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di RSGM-P AMC Yogyakarta. Subjek penelitian adalah pasien pemakai alat ortodonsi lepasan yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Jumlah subjek penelitian sebanyak 34 orang. Hasil penelitian statistik deskriptif prevalensi stomatitis traumatik akibat pemakaian alat ortodonsi sebanyak 6 orang (17,6%), pasien yang mengalami stomatitis karena sebab lain sebanyak 5 orang (14,7%), dan yang tidak mengalami stomatitis sebanyak 23 orang (67,6%). Dari hasil penghitungan diatas, dapat disimpulkanbahwa prevalensi stomatitis traumatik pemakai alat ortodonsi lepasan di RSGM-P AMC Yogyakarta adalah 17,6%

    Proses Klorinasi untuk Menurunkan Kandungan Sianida dan Nilai KOK pada Limbah Cair Tepung Tapioka

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    Telah dilakukan pengolahan limbah cair tepung tapioka menggunakan proses klorinasi dengan Ca(OCl)2. Parameter yang dievaluasi adalah berat optimum Ca(OCl)2, pH optimum, dan waktu kontak optimum antara Ca(OCl)2 dengan limbah cair tepung tapioka dalam menurunkan kandungan sianida dan nilai KOK limbah cair. Variasi berat Ca(OCl)2 yang digunakan adalah 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, dan 6 mg; variasi pH adalah 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; dan variasi waktu kontak yaitu 0; 0,5; 1; 1,5; 2 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum proses klorinasi, kandungan sianida adalah 51,77 mg/L dan nilai KOK limbah cair adalah 9953,01 mg/L; sedangkan setelah proses klorinasi pada kondisi optimum (berat Ca(OCl)2 5 mg, pH 8, dan waktu kontak 1 jam), diperoleh kandungan sianida sebesar 30,08 mg/L dengan efektivitas penurunan 41,88% dan nilai KOK limbah cair adalah 1092,09 mg/L dengan efektivitas penurunan 89,02%

    Komunitas Kelelawar (Ordo Chiroptera) di Beberapa Gua Karst Gunung Kendeng Kabupaten Pati Jawa Tengah

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    The existance of bats in cave type with diverge managerial system are influenced abundance and species bats. This research was conducted from January to June 2012 that counting abundance and to identify bats at Gunung Kendeng Karst Area Pati Central Java. The bats were collected by using mist net and stalk net at flying track surrounding cave\u27s mouth of Pancur Cave, Serut Cave, Bandung Cave, Pawon Cave, Larangan Cave and Gantung Cave. Bats abundance at Pancur Cave amount ± 484 bats, Serut Cave amount ± 1233 bats, Bandung Cave amount ± 715 bats, Pawon Cave amount ± 392 bats, Larangan Cave ± 23 bats and Gantung Cave ± 5 bats. The six species were collected from this research, such as Cyanopterus horsfieldii, Hipposederos larvatus, Hipposideros bicolor, Rhinolophus affinis, Murina suilla dan Miniopterus australis. The analyst result is used Diversity Index of Shannon-Wiennner showed the highest diversity at Pancur Cave (H=0,35054) and the lowest at Gantung Cave (H=0,13633). Similarity index of shannon Evenness is showed the highest similarity at Pancur Cave (E=0,50572) and the lowest at Larangan Cave (E=0). Domination index of simpson is showed the highest domination at Pancur Cave (C=0,06805) and the lowest at Gantung Cave (C=0,00189). Hipposederos larvatus and Miniopterus australis are species that common and often founded during this research

    Tinjauan Yuridis Akta Notaris Terhadap Pemberlakuan Cyber Notary Di Indonesia Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2014

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    The objective of this research is to investigate the strength of notarial deed proving toward cyber notary basedon Law Number 2 of 2014 and positive laws in Indonesia and the legal basis that shall be related to the notarialdeed toward the enactment of cyber notary. This research used the doctrinal prescriptive research methodwith statute approach. The data of research were primary and secondary ones. They were collected throughlibrary research and in-depth interview. The data were analyzed by using the qualitative analysis with theinteractive model. The result of analysis shows that the strength of notarial deed proving toward cyber notarybased on Law of Notary Position and the positive laws in Indonesia does not have perfect evidence like anauthentic deed. The legal basis that shall be related to the notarial deed toward the enactment of cyber notaryis the amendment to Article 1868 of Indonesian Civil Code, Law of Notary Position, and Law of Informationand Electronic Transaction

    Pengaruh Variasi Konsentrasi Katalis KOH pada Pembuatan Metil Ester dari Minyak Biji Ketapang (Terminalia Catappa Linn)

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    Penelitian mengenai karakteristik metil ester minyak biji ketapang (Terminalia catappa Linn) dengan variasi konsentrasi katalis KOH telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui konsentrasi KOH optimum untuk pembuatan metil ester minyak biji ketapang dari variasi konsentrasi katalis KOH yaitu: 1; 1,5; 2; 2,5; dan 3% dan mengukur karakteristik metil esternya dengan menggunakan metode ASTM (American Society for Testing Material). Parameter yang diukur meliputi indek setana, titik nyala, viskositas kinematika berat jenis, kadar sulfur, residu karbon dan berat jenis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi katalis KOH 2% menghasilkan metil ester optimum. Karakterisasi semua metil ester yang dihasilkan dengan menggunakan variasi konsentrasi katalis KOH memenuhi standar biodiesel untuk bahan bakar 1-D, yaitu berat jenis (0,8773- 0,8788 g/cm3), indek setana (46,95-47,42), residu karbon ( 0,01-0,09% berat), kadar sulfur (traces), viskositas kinematika metil ester (3,80-4,02 cSt)
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