48 research outputs found

    The Wintertime Southern Hemisphere Split Jet: Structure, Variability, and Evolution

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    A persistent feature of the Southern Hemisphere upper-level time-mean flow is the presence of a split jet across the South Pacific east of Australia during the austral winter. The split jet is composed of the subtropical jet (STJ) on its equatorward branch and the polar front jet (PFJ) on its poleward branch. The NCEP-NCAR reanalysis is used to investigate the structure and evolution of the split jet. Results show that the presence/absence of the PFJ determines the degree of split flow, given that the STJ is a quasi-steady feature. A split-flow index (SFI) is developed to quantify the variability of the split jet, in which negative values represent strong split flow and positive values nonsplit flow. Correlations with teleconnection indices are investigated, with the SFI positively correlated to the Southern Oscillation index and negatively correlated to the Antarctic oscillation. The SFI is used to construct composites of heights, temperature, and wind for split-flow and non-split-flow days. The composites reveal that relatively cold conditions occur in the South Pacific in association with non-split-flow regimes, and split-flow regimes occur when relatively warm conditions prevail. In the latter situation cold air bottled up over Antarctica helps to augment the background tropospheric thickness gradient between Antarctica and the lower latitudes with a resulting increase in the thermal wind and the PFJ. It is surmised that frequent cold surges out of Antarctica moving into the South Pacific are associated with non-split-flow regimes. In this context, the variability of the split jet responds to large-scale baroclinic processes and is further modulated by synoptic-scale disturbances

    Measurements of Differential Reflectivity in Snowstorms and Warm Season Stratiform Systems

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    The organized behavior of differential radar reflectivity (ZDR) is documented in the cold regions of a wide variety of stratiform precipitation types occurring in both winter and summer. The radar targets and attendant cloud microphysical conditions are interpreted within the context of measurements of ice crystal types in laboratory diffusion chambers in which humidity and temperature are both stringently controlled. The overriding operational interest here is in the identification of regions prone to icing hazards with long horizontal paths. Two predominant regimes are identified: category A, which is typified by moderate reflectivity (from 10 to 30 dBZ) and modest +ZDR values (from 0 to +3 dB) in which both supercooled water and dendritic ice crystals (and oriented aggregates of ice crystals) are present at a mean temperature of −13°C, and category B, which is typified by small reflectivity (from −10 to +10 dBZ) and the largest +ZDR values (from +3 to +7 dB), in which supercooled water is dilute or absent and both flat-plate and dendritic crystals are likely. The predominant positive values for ZDR in many case studies suggest that the role of an electric field on ice particle orientation is small in comparison with gravity. The absence of robust +ZDR signatures in the trailing stratiform regions of vigorous summer squall lines may be due both to the infusion of noncrystalline ice particles (i.e., graupel and rimed aggregates) from the leading deep convection and to the effects of the stronger electric fields expected in these situations. These polarimetric measurements and their interpretations underscore the need for the accurate calibration of ZDR.United States. Federal Aviation Administration (Air Force Contract FA8721-05-C-0002

    Differences in the immune response elicited by two immunization schedules with an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in a randomized phase 3 clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND: The development of vaccines to control the COVID-19 pandemic progression is a worldwide priority. CoronaVac® is an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine approved for emergency use with robust efficacy and immunogenicity data reported in trials in China, Brazil, Indonesia, Turkey, and Chile. METHODS: This study is a randomized, multicenter, and controlled phase 3 trial in healthy Chilean adults aged ≥18 years. Volunteers received two doses of CoronaVac® separated by two (0-14 schedule) or four weeks (0-28 schedule). 2,302 volunteers were enrolled, 440 were part of the immunogenicity arm, and blood samples were obtained at different times. Samples from a single center are reported. Humoral immune responses were evaluated by measuring the neutralizing capacities of circulating antibodies. Cellular immune responses were assessed by ELISPOT and flow cytometry. Correlation matrixes were performed to evaluate correlations in the data measured. RESULTS: Both schedules exhibited robust neutralizing capacities with the response induced by the 0-28 schedule being better. No differences were found in the concentration of antibodies against the virus and different variants of concern between schedules. Stimulation of PBMCs with MPs induced the secretion of IFN-g and the expression of activation induced markers for both schedules. Correlation matrixes showed strong correlations between neutralizing antibodies and IFN-g secretion. CONCLUSIONS: Immunization with CoronaVac® in Chilean adults promotes robust cellular and humoral immune responses. The 0-28 schedule induced a stronger humoral immune response than the 0-14 schedule. FUNDING: Ministry of Health, Government of Chile, Confederation of Production and Commerce & Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy, Chile. CLINICAL TRIAL NUMBER: NCT04651790