1,565 research outputs found

    Occurrence of periodic Lam\'e functions at bifurcations in chaotic Hamiltonian systems

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    We investigate cascades of isochronous pitchfork bifurcations of straight-line librating orbits in some two-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with mixed phase space. We show that the new bifurcated orbits, which are responsible for the onset of chaos, are given analytically by the periodic solutions of the Lam\'e equation as classified in 1940 by Ince. In Hamiltonians with C_2v{2v} symmetry, they occur alternatingly as Lam\'e functions of period 2K and 4K, respectively, where 4K is the period of the Jacobi elliptic function appearing in the Lam\'e equation. We also show that the two pairs of orbits created at period-doubling bifurcations of touch-and-go type are given by two different linear combinations of algebraic Lam\'e functions with period 8K.Comment: LaTeX2e, 22 pages, 14 figures. Version 3: final form of paper, accepted by J. Phys. A. Changes in Table 2; new reference [25]; name of bifurcations "touch-and-go" replaced by "island-chain

    Uniform semiclassical trace formula for U(3) --> SO(3) symmetry breaking

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    We develop a uniform semiclassical trace formula for the density of states of a three-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator (HO), perturbed by a term r4\propto r^4. This term breaks the U(3) symmetry of the HO, resulting in a spherical system with SO(3) symmetry. We first treat the anharmonic term in semiclassical perturbation theory by integration of the action of the perturbed periodic HO orbits over the manifold C\mathbb{C}P2^2 which characterizes their 4-fold degeneracy. Then we obtain an analytical uniform trace formula which in the limit of strong perturbations (or high energy) asymptotically goes over into the correct trace formula of the full anharmonic system with SO(3) symmetry, and in the limit ϵ\epsilon (or energy) 0\to 0 restores the HO trace formula with U(3) symmetry. We demonstrate that the gross-shell structure of this anharmonically perturbed system is dominated by the two-fold degenerate diameter and circular orbits, and {\it not} by the orbits with the largest classical degeneracy, which are the three-fold degenerate tori with rational ratios ωr:ωϕ=N:M\omega_r:\omega_\phi=N:M of radial and angular frequencies. The same holds also for the limit of a purely quartic spherical potential V(r)r4V(r)\propto r^4.Comment: LaTeX (revtex4), 26pp., 5 figures, 1 table; final version to be published in J. Phys. A (without appendices C and D

    Comment on ``Low-dimensional Bose liquids: beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii approximation''

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    This is a comment on the work of Kolomeisky et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1146 (2000). We point out that they are using the wrong form of the energy functional for one-dimensional fermions. We point out two possible forms of the energy functional, both of which can be derived from first principles but using different methods. One is obtained from the collective field theory method, while the other is derived from the extended Thomas-Fermi method. These two forms of the energy functional do not support the soliton solutions which are obtained by Kolomeisky et al.Comment: Revtex, 2 page

    Semiclassical description of shell effects in finite fermion systems

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    A short survey of the semiclassical periodic orbit theory, initiated by M. Gutzwiller and generalized by many other authors, is given. Via so-called semiclassical trace formmulae, gross-shell effects in bound fermion systems can be interpreted in terms of a few periodic orbits of the corresponding classical systems. In integrable systems, these are usually the shortest members of the most degenerate families or orbits, but in some systems also less degenerate orbits can determine the gross-shell structure. Applications to nuclei, metal clusters, semiconductor nanostructures, and trapped dilute atom gases are discussed.Comment: LaTeX (revteX4) 6 pages; invited talk at Int. Conference "Finite Fermionic Systems: Nilsson Model 50 Years", Lund, Sweden, June 14-18, 200

    Optical response of two-dimensional electron fluids beyond the Kohn regime: strong non-parabolic confinement and intense laser light

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    We investigate the linear and non-linear optical response of two-dimensional (2D) interacting electron fluids confined by a strong non-parabolic potential. We show that such fluids may exhibit higher-harmonic spectra under realistic experimental conditions. Higher harmonics arise as the electrons explore anharmonicities of the confinement potential (electron-electron interactions reduce this non-linear effect). This opens the possibility of controlling the optical functionality of such systems by engineering the confinement potential. Our results were obtained within time-dependent density-functional theory, employing the adiabatic local-density approximation. A classical hydrodynamical model is in good agreement with the quantum-mechanical results.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Semiclassical theory of spin-orbit interaction in the extended phase space

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    We consider the semiclassical theory in a joint phase space of spin and orbital degrees of freedom. The method is developed from the path integrals using the spin-coherent-state representation, and yields the trace formula for the density of states. We discuss special cases, such as weak and strong spin-orbit coupling, and relate the present theory to the earlier approaches.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures. Version 2: revised Sec. 4.4 and Appendix B; minor corrections elsewher

    Nuclear Scissors Mode with Pairing

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    The coupled dynamics of the scissors mode and the isovector giant quadrupole resonance are studied using a generalized Wigner function moments method taking into account pair correlations. Equations of motion for angular momentum, quadrupole moment and other relevant collective variables are derived on the basis of the time dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov equations. Analytical expressions for energy centroids and transitions probabilities are found for the harmonic oscillator model with the quadrupole-quadrupole residual interaction and monopole pairing force. Deformation dependences of energies and B(M1)B(M1) values are correctly reproduced. The inclusion of pair correlations leads to a drastic improvement in the description of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the scissors mode.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures, the results of calculation by another method and the section concerning currents are adde

    Calculation of Band Edge Eigenfunctions and Eigenvalues of Periodic Potentials through the Quantum Hamilton - Jacobi Formalism

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    We obtain the band edge eigenfunctions and the eigenvalues of solvable periodic potentials using the quantum Hamilton - Jacobi formalism. The potentials studied here are the Lam{\'e} and the associated Lam{\'e} which belong to the class of elliptic potentials. The formalism requires an assumption about the singularity structure of the quantum momentum function pp, which satisfies the Riccati type quantum Hamilton - Jacobi equation, p2iddxp=2m(EV(x)) p^{2} -i \hbar \frac{d}{dx}p = 2m(E- V(x)) in the complex xx plane. Essential use is made of suitable conformal transformations, which leads to the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions corresponding to the band edges in a simple and straightforward manner. Our study reveals interesting features about the singularity structure of pp, responsible in yielding the band edge eigenfunctions and eigenvalues.Comment: 21 pages, 5 table

    Transport through open quantum dots: making semiclassics quantitative

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    We investigate electron transport through clean open quantum dots (quantum billiards). We present a semiclassical theory that allows to accurately reproduce quantum transport calculations. Quantitative agreement is reached for individual energy and magnetic field dependent elements of the scattering matrix. Two key ingredients are essential: (i) inclusion of pseudo-paths which have the topology of linked classical paths resulting from diffraction in addition to classical paths and (ii) a high-level approximation to diffractive scattering. Within this framework of the pseudo-path semiclassical approximation (PSCA), typical shortcomings of semiclassical theories such as violation of the anti-correlation between reflection and transmission and the overestimation of conductance fluctuations are overcome. Beyond its predictive capabilities the PSCA provides deeper insights into the quantum-to-classical crossover.Comment: 20 pages, 19 figure

    Palomar adaptive optics project: status and performance

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    We describe the current performance of the Palomar 200 inch (5 m) adaptive optics system, which in December of 1998 achieved its first high order (241 actuators) lock on a natural guide star. In the K band (2.2 micrometer), the system has achieved Strehl ratios as high as 50% in the presence of 1.0 arcsecond seeing (0.5 micrometer). Predictions of the system's performance based on the analysis of real-time wavefront sensor telemetry data and an analysis based on a fitted Kolmogorov atmospheric model are shown to both agree with the observed science image performance. Performance predictions for various seeing conditions are presented and an analysis of the error budget is used to show which subsystems limit the performance of the AO system under various atmospheric conditions