124 research outputs found

    Kinetic-theory description of isoscalar dipole modes

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    A semiclassical model, based on a solution of the Vlasov equation for finite systems with moving-surface, is employed to study the isoscalar dipole modes in nuclei. It is shown that, by taking into account the surface degree of freedom, it is possible to obtain an exact treatment of the centre of mass motion. It is also shown that a method often used to subtract the spurious strength in RPA calculations does not always give the correct result. An alternative analytical formula for the intrinsic strength function is derived in a simple confined-Fermi-gas model. In this model the intrinsic isoscalar dipole strength displays essentially a two-resonance structure, hence there are two relevant modes. The interaction between nucleons couples these two modes and changes the compressibility of the system. The evolution of the strength profile is then studied as a function of the compressibility of the nuclear fluid. Comparison with available data favours values of the incompressibility parameter of nuclear matter smaller than those suggested by the analysis of the monopole ``breathing'' mode.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, revised version to be published in Nucl. Phys.

    Unified semiclassical approach to isoscalar collective modes in heavy nuclei

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    A semiclassical model based on the solution of the Vlasov equation for finite systems with a sharp moving surface has been used to study the isoscalar quadrupole and octupole collective modes in heavy spherical nuclei. Within this model, a unified description of both low-energy surface modes and higher-energy giant resonances has been achieved by introducing a coupling between surface vibrations and the motion of single nucleons. Analytical expressions for the collective response functions of different multipolarity can be derived by using a separable approximation for the residual interaction between nucleons. The response functions obtained in this way give a good qualitative description of the quadrupole and octupole response in heavy nuclei. Although shell effects are not explicitly included in the theory, our semiclassical response functions are very similar to the quantum ones. This happens because of the well known close relation between classical trajectories and shell structure. The role played by particular nucleon trajectories and their connection with various features of the nuclear response is displayed most clearly in the present approach, we discuss in some detail the damping of low-energy octupole vibrations and give an explicit expression showing that only nucleons moving on triangular orbits can contribute to this damping.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, Talk presented at the 8th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics on Key Topics in Nuclear Structure, Paestum, Italy, May 23-27, 200

    Octupole response and stability of spherical shape in heavy nuclei

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    The isoscalar octupole response of a heavy spherical nucleus is analyzed in a semiclassical model based on the linearized Vlasov equation. The octupole strength function is evaluated with different degrees of approximation. The zero-order fixed-surface response displays a remarkable concentration of strength in the 1ℏω1\hbar\omega and 3ℏω3\hbar\omega regions, in excellent agreement with the quantum single-particle response. The collective fixed-surface response reproduces both the high- and low-energy octupole rsonances, but not the low-lying 3−3^{-} collective states, while the moving-surface response function gives a good qualitative description of all the main features of the octupole response in heavy nuclei. The role of triangular nucleon orbits, that have been related to a possible instability of the spherical shape with respect to octupole-type deformations, is discussed within this model. It is found that, rather than creating instability, the triangular trajectories are the only classical orbits contributing to the damping of low-energy octupole excitations.Comment: 10 pages, Latex file, 7 ps figure

    Relativistic Approach to Superfluidity in Nuclear Matter

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    Pairing correlations in symmetric nuclear matter are studied within a relativistic mean-field approximation based on a field theory of nucleons coupled to neutral (σ\sigma and ω\omega) and to charged (ϱ\varrho) mesons. The Hartree-Fock and the pairing fields are calculated in a self-consistent way. The energy gap is the result of a strong cancellation between the scalar and vector components of the pairing field. We find that the pair amplitude vanishes beyond a certain value of momentum of the paired nucleons. This fact determines an effective cutoff in the gap equation. The value of this cutoff gives an energy gap in agreement with the estimates of non relativistic calculations.Comment: 21 pages, REVTEX, 8 ps-figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.C. e-mail: [email protected]

    Self-consistency and collective effects in semiclassical pairing theory

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    A simple model, in which nuclei are represented as homogeneous spheres of symmetric nuclear matter, is used to study the effects of a self-consistent pairing interaction on the nuclear response. Effects due to the finite size of nuclei are suitably taken into account. The semiclassical equations of motion derived in a previous paper for the time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov problem are solved in an improved (linear) approximation in which the pairing field is allowed to oscillate and to become complex. The new solutions are in good agreement with the old ones and also with the result of well-known quantum approaches. The role of the Pauli principle in eliminating one possible set of solutions is also discussed. The pairing-field fluctuations have two main effects: they restore the particle-number symmetry which is broken in the constant-Δ\Delta approximation and introduce the possibility of collective eigenfrequencies of the system due to the pairing interaction. A numerical study with values of parameters appropriate for nuclei, shows an enhancement of the density-density strength function in the region of the low-energy giant octupole resonance, while no similar effect is present in the region of the high-energy octupole resonance and for the giant monopole and quadrupole resonances.Comment: 31 pages, 6 eps figure

    Effects of surface vibrations on quadrupole response of nuclei

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    The effect of quadrupole-type surface vibrations on the quadrupole response function of heavy nuclei is studied by using a model based on the solution of the linearized Vlasov equation with moving-surface boundary conditions. By using a separable approximation for the residual interaction, an analytical expression is obtained for the moving-surface response function. Comparison of the fixed- and moving-surface strength functions shows that surface vibrations are essential in order to achieve a unified description of the two characteristic features of the quadrupole response: the giant resonance and the low-lying states. Calculations performed by setting the surface tension equal to zero shows that the low-lying strength is strongly affected by the surface tension.Comment: Appendix added, version to be published in Nucl. Phys.

    Semiclassical theory of surface plasmons in spheroidal clusters

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    A microscopic theory of linear response based on the Vlasov equation is extended to systems having spheroidal equilibrium shape. The solution of the linearized Vlasov equation, which gives a semiclassical version of the random phase approximation, is studied for electrons moving in a deformed equilibrium mean field. The deformed field has been approximated by a cavity of spheroidal shape, both prolate and oblate. Contrary to spherical systems, there is now a coupling among excitations of different multipolarity induced by the interaction among constituents. Explicit calculations are performed for the dipole response of deformed clusters of different size. In all cases studied here the photoabsorption strength for prolate clusters always displays a typical double-peaked structure. For oblate clusters we find that the high--frequency component of the plasmon doublet can get fragmented in the medium size region (N∌250N \sim 250). This fragmentation is related to the presence of two kinds of three-dimensional electron orbits in oblate cavities. The possible scaling of our semiclassical equations with the valence electron number and density is investigated.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, revised version, includes discussion of scalin
