28 research outputs found

    Negotiating hospital infections: the debate between ecological balance and eradication strategies in British hospitals, 1947-1969

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    This paper reviews and contrasts two strategies of infection control that emerged in response to the growing use of antibiotics within British hospitals, c.1946-1969. At this time, we argue, the hospital became an arena within which representatives of the medical sciences and clinical practices contested not so much the content of knowledge but the way that knowledge translated into practice. Key to our story are the conceptual assumptions about antibiotics put forward by clinicians, on the one hand, and microbiologists on the other. The former embraced antibiotics as the latest weapon in their fight to eradicate disease. For clinicians, the use of antibiotics were utilised within a conceptual frame that prioritised the value of the individual patient before them. Microbiologists, in contrast, understood antibiotics quite differently. They adopted a complex understanding of the way antibiotics functioned within the hospital environment that emphasised the relational and ecological aspects of their use. Despite their broader environmental focus, microbiologists focussed on the ways in which bacteria travelled led to ever greater emphasis being placed on the «healthy» body which, having been exposed to antibiotics, became a dangerous carrier of resistant staphylococcal strains. The surrounding debate regarding the appropriate use of antibiotics reveals the complex relationship between hospital, the medical sciences and clinical practice. We conclude that the history of hospital infections invites a more fundamental reflection on global hospital cultures, antibiotic prescription practices, and the fostering of an interdisciplinary spirit among the professional groups living and working in the hospital

    Die Industrialisierung in Deutschland

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    Shooting Back and (re)framing: Challenging Dominant Representations of People with Physical Disabilities in South Africa

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    The visual representation of people with physical disabilities has a history which is fraught. Disabled bodies have been variously portrayed as abnormal or abject, or else simply concealed. This mirrors social representations concerning the sexuality of disabled bodies which dictate that bodies which defy societal standards for normality cannot be sexual. People with physical disabilities are desexualised, a process sustained and maintained by their symbolic representation in the public imagining. Our chapter explores the ways in which photovoice can be used by people with physical disabilities in the global South to challenge dominant representations of their sexuality. Their images offer a valuable challenge to the moral and social agendas underlying societal thinking about and representing of bodies, sexuality and difference particularly relevant to the global South