138 research outputs found

    effect of a nicotine free inhalator as part of a smoking cessation programme

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    Smoking-cessation drugs are inadequate at addressing the behavioural component of tobacco dependence. Nicotine-free inhalators are plastic devices that may provide a coping mechanism for conditioned smoking by replacing some of the rituals associated with smoking gestures. This study assessed the effect of using a nicotine-free inhalator to improve success in a cessation programme. At baseline, 120 smokers attending a smoking-cessation programme were assessed for their sociodemographic factors, smoking history, depression, physical and behavioural dependence, and motivation. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups, nicotine-free inhalator group (PAIPO; Echos Srl, Milan, Italy) versus reference group. For the whole sample, no significant difference was found in quit rates at 24 weeks between the PAIPO group and the reference group. However, the quit rate in the PAIPO group (66.7%) was more than three-fold higher than the reference group (19.2%) for those individuals with high Glover–Nilsson Smoking Behavioural Questionnaire (GN-SBQ) scores at baseline. The results of the logistic model analysis indicate that a high GN-SBQ score is a strong independent predictor for successful quitting at 24 weeks (OR 8.88; 95% CI 2.08–37.94) in the PAIPO group. Nicotine-free inhalators may be beneficial when used in the context of smoking-cessation interventions, particularly for those smokers for whom handling and manipulation of their cigarettes plays an important part in the ritual of smoking

    Respiratory Effects of Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollutants During Exercise

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    Traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) is increasing worldwide. Habitual physical activity is known to prevent cardiorespiratory diseases and mortality, but whether exposure to TRAP during exercise affects respiratory health is still uncertain. Exercise causes inflammatory changes in the airways, and its interaction with the effects of TRAP or ozone might be detrimental, for both athletes exercising outdoor and urban active commuters. In this Mini-Review, we summarize the literature on the effects of exposure to TRAP and/or ozone during exercise on lung function, respiratory symptoms, performance, and biomarkers. Ozone negatively affected pulmonary function after exercise, especially after combined exposure to ozone and diesel exhaust (DE). Spirometric changes after exercise during exposure to particulate matter and ultrafine particles suggest a decrease in lung function, especially in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Ozone frequently caused respiratory symptoms during exercise. Women showed decreased exercise performance and higher symptom prevalence than men during TRAP exposure. However, performance was analyzed in few studies. To date, research has not identified reliable biomarkers of TRAP-related lung damage useful for monitoring athletes' health, except in scarce studies on airway cells obtained by induced sputum or bronchoalveolar lavage. In conclusion, despite partly counteracted by the positive effects of habitual exercise, the negative effects of TRAP exposure to pollutants during exercise are hard to assess: outdoor exercise is a complex model, for multiple and variable exposures to air pollutants and pollutant concentrations. Further studies are needed to identify pollutant and/or time thresholds for performing safe outdoor exercise in cities

    Multiple IgE recognition on the major allergen of the Parietaria pollen Par j 2

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    tThe interaction between IgE antibodies and allergens is a key event in triggering an allergic reaction. Thecharacterization of this region provides information of paramount importance for diagnosis and therapy.Par j 2 Lipid Transfer Protein is one of the most important allergens in southern Europe and a well-established marker of sensitization in Parietaria pollen allergy. The main aim of this study was to map theIgE binding regions of this allergen and to study the pattern of reactivity of individual Parietaria-allergicpatients. By means of gene fragmentation, six overlapping peptides were expressed in Escherichia coli, andtheir IgE binding activity was evaluated by immunoblotting in a cohort of 79 Parietaria-allergic patients.Our results showed that Pj-allergic patients display a heterogeneous pattern of IgE binding to the differentrecombinant fragments, and that patients reacted simultaneously against several protein domains spreadall the over the molecule, even in fragments which do not contain structural features resembling thenative allergen. Our results reveal the presence of a large number of linear and conformational epitopeson the Par j 2 sequence, which probably explains the high allergenic activity of this allergen

    Determinants of Allergic Sensitization, Asthma and Lung Function: Results from a Cross-Sectional Study in Italian Schoolchildren

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    Prenatal smoking exposure and early-life respiratory infections are major determinants of asthma during childhood. We investigate the factors influencing allergic sensitization (AS), asthma, and lung function in children and the balance between individual and environmental characteristics at different life stages. 1714 children aged 7-16 years and living in southern Italy were investigated using a parental questionnaire, skin prick tests, and spirometry. We found 41.0% AS prevalence: among children without parental history of asthma, male sex, maternal smoking during pregnancy (MatSmoke), and acute respiratory diseases in the first two years of life (ARD2Y) were significant risk factors for AS. MatSmoke was associated (OR = 1.79) with ARD2Y, and this association was influenced by sex. ARD2Y was, in turn, a significant risk factor (OR = 8.53) for childhood current asthma, along with AS (OR up to 3.03) and rhinoconjuctivitis (OR = 3.59). Forced mid-expiratory flow (FEF25-75%) was negatively affected by ARD2Y, with a sex-related effect. Thus, males exposed to MatSmoke had significantly lower FEF25-75% than unexposed males. Despite the difficulty of discriminating among the complex interactions underlying the development of allergic respiratory diseases, ARD2Y appears to strongly influence both asthma and lung function during childhood. In turn, ARD2Y is influenced by prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke with a sex-dependent effect

    Third-hand smoke exposure and health hazards in children

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    Smoking still represents a huge public health problem. Millions of children suffer the detrimental effects of passive smoking. An increasing number of countries have recently issued laws to regulate smoking in public places. Instead, homes remain a site where children are dangerously exposed to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). The combination of tobacco smoke pollutants which remain in an indoor environment, the so-called 'third-hand smoke' (THS), represent a new concept in the field of tobacco control. THS consists of pollutants that remain on surfaces and in dust after tobacco has been smoked, are re-emitted into the gas-phase, or react with other compounds in the environment to form secondary pollutants. Indoor surfaces can represent a hidden reservoir of THS constituents that could be re-emitted long after the cessation of active smoking. Human exposure to THS pollutants has not yet been thoroughly studied. Infants and children are more prone to the risks related to THS exposure than adults because they typically spend more time indoors and have age-specific behaviours that may expose them to potential health hazards from THS. Further investigations are warranted to study the health effects of THS relevant to different exposure pathways and profiles. It would also be very important to evaluate how THS may affect the lung development through the in utero exposure during the pre-natal life. We aimed at reviewing recent findings published about THS, with special reference to the effects on children's healt

    Non-specific bronchial hyper-responsiveness in children with allergic rhinitis: relationship with the atopic status

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    An increased prevalence of bronchial hyper-responsiveness (BHR) has been demonstrated in children from a general population, and in non-asthmatic adults with allergic rhinitis. Thus, also children with allergic rhinitis are expected to be at higher risk of BHR. We evaluated the prevalence of BHR in a sample of non-asthmatic children with allergic rhinitis by means of the methacholine (Mch) bronchial challenge, and by monitorizing the airway patency using the daily peak expiratory flow variability (PEFv). Fifty-one children (ranged 6-15 years of age) with allergic rhinitis, ascertained by skin prick test to inhalant allergens, underwent a 14-day peak expiratory flow monitoring, and a Mch bronchial provocation challenge. Thirty healthy children matched for age, and sex served as control group. Thirty-one children in the rhinitis group (61%), and six (20%) in the control group were Mch+ (Mch provocative dose causing a 20% fall of forced expiratory volume in 1 s respect to baseline <2250 microg, equivalent to 11.50 micromol). In rhinitic children the PEFv did not significantly differ between Mch+ and Mch- subjects, but the total serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) were higher among Mch+. The persistent form of rhinitis was significantly associated to Mch positivity. Non-asthmatic children with allergic rhinitis displayed a high prevalence of BHR. The BHR was significantly associated with persistent rhinitis and with higher total IgE levels. Nevertheless, the spontaneous changes in airway patency, as expressed by PEFv, were within normal limits both in Mch+ and Mch- children
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