734 research outputs found

    A liquid Xenon Positron Emission Tomograph for small animal imaging : first experimental results of a prototype cell

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    A detector using liquid Xenon (LXe) in the scintillation mode is studied for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) of small animals. Its specific design aims at taking full advantage of the Liquid Xenon scintillation properties. This paper reports on energy, time and spatial resolution capabilities of the first LXe prototype module equipped with a Position Sensitive Photo- Multiplier tube (PSPMT) operating in the VUV range (178 nm) and at 165 K. The experimental results show that such a LXe PET configuration might be a promising solution insensitive to any parallax effect.Comment: 34 pages, 18 pages, to appear in NIM

    The current progress of the ALICE Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector

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    Recently, the last two modules (out of seven) of the ALICE High Momentum Particle Identification detector (HMPID) were assembled and tested. The full detector, after a pre-commissioning phase, has been installed in the experimental area, inside the ALICE solenoid, at the end of September 2006. In this paper we review the status of the ALICE/HMPID project and we present a summary of the series production of the CsI photo-cathodes. We describe the key features of the production procedure which ensures high quality photo-cathodes as well as the results of the quality assessment performed by means of a specially developed 2D scanner system able to produce a detailed map of the CsI photo-current over the entire photo-cathode surface. Finally we present our recent R&D efforts toward the development of a novel generation of imaging Cherenkov detectors with the aim to identify, in heavy ions collisions, hadrons up to 30 GeV/c.Comment: Presented at the Imaging-2006 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 200

    Novel design of a parallax free Compton enhanced PET scanner

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    Molecular imaging by PET is a powerful tool in modern clinical practice for cancer diagnosis. Nevertheless, improvements are needed with respect to the spatial resolution and sensitivity of the technique for its application to specific human organs (breast, prostate, brain, etc.), and to small animals. Presently, commercial PET scanners do not detect the depth of interaction of photons in scintillators, which results in a not negligible parallax error. We describe here a novel concept of PET scanner design that provides full three-dimensional (3D) gamma reconstruction with high spatial resolution over the total detector volume, free of parallax errors. It uses matrices of long scintillators read at both ends by hybrid photon detectors. This so-called 3D axial concept also enhances the gamma detection efficiency since it allows one to reconstruct a significant fraction of Compton scattered events. In this note, we describe the concept, a possible design and the expected performance of this new PET device. We also report about first characterization measurements of 10 cm long YAP:Ce scintillation crystals. r 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Results from the ageing studies of large CsI photocathodes exposed to ionizing radiation in a gaseous RICH detector

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    We studied the ageing of large CsI photocathodes induced by ionizing particles (90Sr) by correlating the integrated charge dose of the ionic avalanches hitting the photocathode to the local changes of the Quantum Efficiency (QE). The drop of the QE of the irradiated CsI spots is reported as a function of the charge dose. It was found that the ageing process continues even in absence of irradiation

    A segmented Hybrid Photon Detector with integrated auto-triggering front-end electronics for a PET scanner

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    We describe the design, fabrication and test results of a segmented Hybrid Photon Detector with integrated auto-triggering front-end electronics. Both the photodetector and its VLSI readout electronics are custom designed and have been tailored to the requirements of a recently proposed novel geometrical concept of a Positron Emission Tomograph. Emphasis is put on the PET specific features of the device. The detector has been fabricated in the photocathode facility at CERN

    Production technique and quality evaluation of CsI photocathodes for the ALICE/HMPID detector

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    Abstract The ALICE/HMPID detector has been equipped with 42 large area CsI photocathodes providing a total of 11 m 2 of photosensitive area for the detection of Cherenkov light. This production summary reports on the CsI coating procedure and provides results of the quality monitoring measurements by means of a photocurrent scanner system. The importance of the heat enhancement of CsI PCs is stressed and difficulties due to variations in this process are presented, followed by a discussion of possible influences of production parameters on this process

    Novel geometrical concept of a high-performance brain PET scanner. Principle, design and performance estimates

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    We present the principle, a possible implementation and performance estimates of a novel geometrical concept for a high-resolution positron emission tomograph. The concept, which can be for example implemented in a brain PET device, promises to lead to an essentially parallax-free 3D image reconstruction with excellent spatial resolution and constrast, uniform over the complete field of view. The key components are matrices of long axially oriented scintillator crystals which are read out at both extremities by segmented Hybrid Photon Detectors. We discuss the relevant design considerations for a 3D axial PET camera module, motivate parameter and material choices, and estimate its performance in terms of spatial and energy resolution. We support these estimates by Monte Carlo simulations and in some cases by first experimental results. From the performance of a camera module, we extrapolate to the reconstruction resolution of a 3D axial PET scanner in a semi-analytical way and compare it to an existing state-of-the art brain PET device. We finally describe a dedicated data acquisition system, capable to fully exploit the advantages of the proposed concept. We conclude that the proposed 3D axial concept and the discussed implementation is a competitive approach for high-resolution brain PET. Excellent energy resolution and Compton enhanced sensitivity are expected to lead to high-quality reconstruction and reduced scanning times

    Optimization of the effective light attenuation length of YAP:Ce and LYSO:Ce crystals for a novel geometrical PET concept

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    Abstract The effective light attenuation length in thin bars of polished YAP:Ce and LYSO:Ce scintillators with lengths of the order of 10 cm has been studied for various wrappings and coatings of the crystal lateral surfaces. This physical parameter plays a key role in a novel 3D PET concept based on axial arrays of long scintillator bars read out at both ends by Hybrid Photodetectors (HPDs) since it influences the spatial, energy and time resolutions of such a device. In this paper we show that the effective light attenuation length of polished crystals can be reduced by wrapping their lateral surfaces with Teflon, or tuned to the desired value by depositing a coating of Cr or Au of well-defined thickness. The studies have been carried out with YAP and LYSO long scintillator bars, read out by standard photomultiplier tubes. Even if the novel PET device will use different scintillators and HPD readout, the results described here prove the feasibility of an important aspect of the concept and provide hints on the potential capabilities of the device

    Hadron beam test of a scintillating fibre tracker system for elastic scattering and luminosity measurement in ATLAS

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    A scintillating fibre tracker is proposed to measure elastic proton scattering at very small angles in the ATLAS experiment at CERN. The tracker will be located in so-called Roman Pot units at a distance of 240 m on each side of the ATLAS interaction point. An initial validation of the design choices was achieved in a beam test at DESY in a relatively low energy electron beam and using slow off-the-shelf electronics. Here we report on the results from a second beam test experiment carried out at CERN, where new detector prototypes were tested in a high energy hadron beam, using the first version of the custom designed front-end electronics. The results show an adequate tracking performance under conditions which are similar to the situation at the LHC. In addition, the alignment method using so-called overlap detectors was studied and shown to have the expected precision.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Journal of Instrumentation (JINST

    The Development of Sealed UV Sensitive Gaseous Detectors and their Applications

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    We have developed commercial prototypes of sealed gaseous detectors combined with CsI photocathodes and/or filled with photosensitive vapors. The rirst results of application of these devices for the detection of flames in daylight conditions and for the detection of scintillation lights from noble liquids will be presented. The main conclusion from our studies is that for some applications the sealed UV sensitive gaseous detectors have superior performance (higher practical quantum efficiency and better signal to noise ratio) than existing commercial UV sensitive detectors. Additionally, they are much cheaper.Comment: Presented at the Pisa Meeting "Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics", May 200
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