409 research outputs found


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    La distribution angulaire de la section efficace différentielle de la réaction 40Ca(p, π+)41Ca (état fondamental) a été mesurée. L'étude de la dépendance en énergie de la production de pions près du seuil a été faite à transfert de moment constant. La section efficace décroît d'un facteur 7 pour des énergies de protons variant de 154 à 149 MeV (Eπ varie de 17,4 à 12,4 MeV). L'interprétation des résultats est faite dans le cadre d'un mécanisme à un nucléon

    Audio source separation with a single sensor

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    Stopping of energetic sulfur and bromine ions in dense hydrogen plasma

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    The concepts of communicative space, media sphere and public sphere are sometimes used like synonyms one of the other. However, according to us, they are three different concepts: public sphere and media sphere are two distinct spaces symbolic systems which, both, are anchored in communicative spac


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    The possibility of producing secondary beams of radioactive nuclei is an interesting application of medium and high energy heavy ion beams. After a first attempt at CERN (1) , two experiments have been performed at GANIL, using 44 MeV/u 40Ar (2) and 65 MeV/u 180 projectiles. This paper recalls the results of the Ar experiment, and presents new data obtained with the 180 beam


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    Three different signatures for isoscalar spin transitions in nuclei have been tested in the 12C(d,d)12C reaction at 400 MeV. These signatures have values close to zero for the natural parity states, and ranging from 0.22 to 0.50 for the ΔS=1 ΔT=0, 12.7 MeV state

    Measurement of the analyzing power Ay0 for the reaction H(p⃗,d)π+ between 1000 and 1300 MeV

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    The analyzing power Ay0 of the reaction H(p⃗,d)π+ has been measured at a fixed value of the Mandelstam variable ud=-0.17GeV2 for nine proton energies between 1000 and 1300 MeV. The experiment was performed at SATURNE with the SPES1 spectrometer. The data exhibit structure around √s≃2.37GeV. The origin of this structure could be related to a resonancelike behavior of the 1S0P or 1G4F partial amplitudes

    Using group delay functions from all-pole models for speaker recognition

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    Bu çalışma, 25-29 Ağustos 2013 tarihlerinde Lyon[Fransa]'da düzenlenen 14. Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association [Interspeech 2013]'da bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.Popular features for speech processing, such as mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), are derived from the short-term magnitude spectrum, whereas the phase spectrum remains unused. While the common argument to use only the magnitude spectrum is that the human ear is phase-deaf, phase-based features have remained less explored due to additional signal processing difficulties they introduce. A useful representation of the phase is the group delay function, but its robust computation remains difficult. This paper advocates the use of group delay functions derived from parametric all-pole models instead of their direct computation from the discrete Fourier transform. Using a subset of the vocal effort data in the NIST 2010 speaker recognition evaluation (SRE) corpus, we show that group delay features derived via parametric all-pole models improve recognition accuracy, especially under high vocal effort. Additionally, the group delay features provide comparable or improved accuracy over conventional magnitude-based MFCC features. Thus, the use of group delay functions derived from all-pole models provide an effective way to utilize information from the phase spectrum of speech signals.Academy of Finland (253120)Int Speech Commun AssociationAmazonMicrosoftGoogleTcL SYTRALEuropean Language Resources AssociationOuaeroImaginoveVOCAPIA ResearchAcapelaSpeech OceanALDEBARANOrangeVecsysIBM ResearchRaytheon BBN TechnologyVoxyge