10 research outputs found


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    Voor het vak Publiek Management is er de keus om alleen een essay te schrijven of een consultancy opdracht te doen. Jered, Neelesh en Faraaz hebben gekozen om de consultancy opdracht te doen en hebben deze gewonnen. Hieronder vertellen zij over hun project. Op de volgende pagina is hun essay gepubliceerd

    In Vivo Mechanical Loading Modulates Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-2 Gene Expression in Rat Osteocytes

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    Mechanical stimulation is essential for maintaining skeletal integrity. Mechanosensitive osteocytes are important during the osteogenic response. The growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor (GH-IGF) axis plays a key role during regulation of bone formation and remodeling. Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs) are able to modulate IGF activity. The aim of this study was to characterize the role of IGFBP-2 in the translation of mechanical stimuli into bone formation locally in rat tibiae. Female Wistar rats were assigned to three groups (n = 5): load, sham, and control. The four-point bending model was used to induce a single period of mechanical loading on the tibial shaft. The effect on IGFBP-2 mRNA expression 6 hours after stimulation was determined with nonradioactive in situ hybridization on decalcified tibial sections. Endogenous IGFBP-2 mRNA was expressed in trabecular and cortical osteoblasts, some trabecular and subendocortical osteocytes, intracortical endothelial cells of blood vessels, and periosteum. Megakaryocytes, macrophages, and myeloid cells also expressed IGFBP-2 mRNA. Loading and sham loading did not affect IGFBP-2 mRNA expression in osteoblasts, bone marrow cells, and chondrocytes. An increase of IGFBP-2 mRNA-positive osteocytes was shown in loaded (1.68-fold) and sham-loaded (1.35-fold) endocortical tibial shaft. In conclusion, 6 hours after a single loading session, the number of IGFBP-2 mRNA-expressing osteocytes at the endosteal side of the shaft and inner lamellae was increased in squeezed and bended tibiae. Mechanical stimulation modulates IGFBP-2 mRNA expression in endocortical osteocytes. We suggest that IGFBP-2 plays a role in the lamellar bone formation process

    Development of a Virosomal RSV Vaccine Containing 3D-PHAD® Adjuvant : Formulation, Composition, and Long-Term Stability

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    Purpose: Characterization of virosomes, in late stage preclinical development as vaccines for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), with a membrane-incorporated synthetic monophosphoryl lipid A, 3D-PHAD® adjuvant. Methods: Virosomes were initially formed by contacting a lipid film containing 3D-PHAD® with viral membranes solubilized with the short chain phospholipid DCPC, followed by dialysis, later by adding solubilized 3D-PHAD to viral membranes, or to preformed virosomes from DMSO. Results: Virosomes formed from lipid films contained the membrane glycoproteins G and F, at similar F to G ratios but lower concentrations than in virus, and the added lipids, but only a fraction of the 3D-PHAD®. By single particle tracking (SPT), the virosome size distribution resembled that seen by cryo-electron microscopy, but dynamic light scattering showed much larger particles. These differences were caused by small virosome aggregates. Measured by SPT, virosomes were stable for 300 days. 3DPHAD ® incorporation in virosomes could be enhanced by providing the adjuvant from DCPC solubilized stock, but also by adding DMSO dissolved adjuvant to pre-formed virosomes. Virosomes with 0.1 mg/mg of 3D-PHAD®/viral protein from DMSO induced antibody titers similar to those by virosomes containing 0.2 mg/mg of DCPC-solubilized 3D-PHAD®. Conclusions: Stable 3D-PHAD® adjuvanted RSV virosomes can be formulated.</p