1,759 research outputs found

    An exploration of girls' experiences of exclusion from and reintegration into mainstream secondary schools

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    The purpose of this research was to explore the reintegration experiences of excluded girls into mainstream secondary schools. While recognising the potential vulnerability of this population, increasing exclusion rates among girls and concerns about unofficial exclusions that are not legally accounted for in official statistics indicate that the needs of these children are sometimes invisible to the professionals who support them. In light of the long-term implications of exclusions, it is likely that the government and schools would be under significant pressure to reduce exclusion rates. Despite the growing number of girls affected by exclusions and reintegration, there is presently little research in the United Kingdom (UK) that explicitly explores how girls perceive the reintegration processes and what they consider to be valuable. Three secondary school-aged girls were recruited to participate in semi-structured interviews. Using an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach, the interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analysed. Following the completion of individual case analyses, four overarching themes emerged from the data collected from the participants: "Fairness, Respect, and Accountability," "Participation and Inclusion," "Self-Determination and Personal Agency," and "Frustrations, Fear, and Fighting." The findings are discussed and presented in the context of the pre-existing literature and psychological theory. In in addition to discussing the implications for Educational Psychology profession and school-based, the research also highlights the limitations and suggests areas for future research

    The Optimization of Eluent Chromatography Thin Layer 2-D for The Purification of Isolat Alkaloid of Pulai Having Potention as Anti-Toxoplasma

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    There was a research having purpose to get pure alkaloid from pulai leaf in a way of chromatography thin layer two dimensions using 2 variants of eluent KLT 2-D. the result of this research is the best profile of chromatography thin layer obtained from eluent chloroform: methanol: ammonia (85: 15: 1) and also from KLT. There was 13 stains where the orange colored alkaloid is on the 8th and 9th stain/ spot. The profile of chromatography thin layer 2-D variant eluent 1 is from phase 1 (stain 1) and phase 2 (stain 2) whereas variant eluent 2 is from phase 1 (3 stains) and phase 2 (1 stain). According to the profile, the best eluent that will be used is variant eluent 2, that is eluent phase 1: chloroform: etil asetat (60:40) and eluent phase 2: chloroform: methanol: ammonia (85: 15:1)

    How Has Intervention Fidelity Been Assessed in Smoking Cessation Interventions? A Systematic Review

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    Introduction. Intervention fidelity concerns the degree to which interventions are implemented as intended. Fidelity frameworks propose fidelity is a multidimensional concept relevant at intervention designer, provider, and recipient levels; yet the extent to which it is assessed multidimensionally is unclear. Smoking cessation interventions are complex, including multiple components, often delivered over multiple sessions and/or at scale in clinical practice; this increases susceptibility variation in the fidelity with which they are delivered. This review examined the extent to which five dimensions from the Behaviour Change Consortium fidelity framework (design, training, delivery, receipt, and enactment) were assessed in fidelity assessments of smoking cessation interventions (randomised control trials (RCTs)). Methods. Five electronic databases were searched using terms "smoking cessation,""interventions,""fidelity,"and "randomised control trials."Eligible studies included RCTs of smoking cessation behavioural interventions, published post 2006 after publication of the framework, reporting assessment of fidelity. The data extraction form was structured around the framework, which specifies a number of items regarding assessment and reporting of each dimension. Data extraction included study characteristics, dimensions assessed, data collection, and analysis strategies. A score per dimension was calculated, indicating its presence. Results. 55 studies were reviewed. There was a wide variability in data collection approaches used to assess fidelity. Fidelity of delivery was the most commonly assessed and linked to the intervention outcomes (73% of the studies). Fidelity of enactment scored the highest according to the framework (average of 92.7%), and fidelity of training scored the lowest (average of 37.1%). Only a quarter of studies linked fidelity data to outcomes (27%). Conclusion. There is wide variability in methodological and analytical approaches that precludes comparison and synthesis. In order to realise the potential of fidelity investigations to increase scientific confidence in the interpretation of observed trial outcomes, studies should include analyses of the association between fidelity data and outcomes. Findings have highlighted recommendations for improving fidelity evaluations and reporting practices

    Antipsychotic medication side effects knowledge amongst registered mental health nurses in England: A national survey

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    © 2020 The Authors. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd What is known on the subject?: Research findings indicate the percentage of knowledge-related errors in medicines management is high, accounting for approximately 75% of all errors, with insufficient knowledge levels one of the most significant contributors of medication errors. Patients should be able to trust nurses to engage therapeutically and actively listen to their needs and concerns, responding using skills that are helpful, providing information that is clear, accurate, meaningful and free from jargon. However, without knowledge of pharmacology, it is impossible for nurses to be able to provide adequate advice. What the paper adds to the existing knowledge?: This study has examined an area that had not yet been systematically examined previously, which draws together previous research findings on mental health nurses' knowledge of adverse events, including side effects and medication errors, related to antipsychotic medication within NHS inpatient settings. What are the implications for practice?: A recent study has found that almost three-quarters (73%) of patients taking antipsychotic medication reported side effects to some degree. This high number of people experiencing antipsychotic medication side effects is likely to compromise care, especially in situations where nurses have inadequate knowledge of side effects and are unable to provide effective advice to patients. The findings from this study allow the mental health nursing profession an opportunity to reflect on the best means to increase knowledge and increase patient safety awareness and benefits for mental health service users. Abstract: Introduction Antipsychotic medications play a significant role in the treatment and recovery of people with several psychiatric disorders. However, research findings indicate mental health nurses are insufficiently knowledgeable about antipsychotic medication side effects. Aim To assess practising mental health nurses' knowledge of antipsychotic medication side effects using a Multiple-Choice Questionnaire (MCQ) across National Health Service (NHS) Trusts in England. Hypothesis Knowledge of antipsychotic medication side effects amongst registered mental health nurses is related to their academic qualification, clinical banding and length of experience. Method A national survey of registered mental health nurses was carried out using an online questionnaire which was disseminated by Research and Development departments. Results A total of 504 questionnaires were returned, 245 of which had full data and further analysed. The mean score for the sample was 14.4 and only 21 participants attained a mark of >80%. Implications for Practice Two out of three of our hypotheses (that length of experience and clinical banding are directly related to knowledge of antipsychotic medication side effects) were supported. Our study found many nurses have a suboptimal working knowledge of antipsychotic medication side effects which has the potential to compromise care. Strategies need to be put in place to enhance pharmacology knowledge

    Highly conserved type 1 pili promote enterotoxigenic E. coli pathogen-host interactions

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    Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), defined by their elaboration of heat-labile (LT) and/or heat-stable (ST) enterotoxins, are a common cause of diarrheal illness in developing countries. Efficient delivery of these toxins requires ETEC to engage target host enterocytes. This engagement is accomplished using a variety of pathovar-specific and conserved E. coli adhesin molecules as well as plasmid encoded colonization factors. Some of these adhesins undergo significant transcriptional modulation as ETEC encounter intestinal epithelia, perhaps suggesting that they cooperatively facilitate interaction with the host. Among genes significantly upregulated on cell contact are those encoding type 1 pili. We therefore investigated the role played by these pili in facilitating ETEC adhesion, and toxin delivery to model intestinal epithelia. We demonstrate that type 1 pili, encoded in the E. coli core genome, play an essential role in ETEC virulence, acting in concert with plasmid-encoded pathovar specific colonization factor (CF) fimbriae to promote optimal bacterial adhesion to cultured intestinal epithelium (CIE) and to epithelial monolayers differentiated from human small intestinal stem cells. Type 1 pili are tipped with the FimH adhesin which recognizes mannose with stereochemical specificity. Thus, enhanced production of highly mannosylated proteins on intestinal epithelia promoted FimH-mediated ETEC adhesion, while conversely, interruption of FimH lectin-epithelial interactions with soluble mannose, anti-FimH antibodies or mutagenesis of fimH effectively blocked ETEC adhesion. Moreover, fimH mutants were significantly impaired in delivery of both heat-stable and heat-labile toxins to the target epithelial cells in vitro, and these mutants were substantially less virulent in rabbit ileal loop assays, a classical model of ETEC pathogenesis. Collectively, our data suggest that these highly conserved pili play an essential role in virulence of these diverse pathogens

    Phonon Confinement Effect in III-V Nanowires

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    SmartHeLP: Smartphone-based Hemoglobin Level Prediction Using an Artificial Neural Network

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    Blood hemoglobin level (Hgb) measurement has a vital role in the diagnosis, evaluation, and management of numerous diseases. We describe the use of smartphone video imaging and an artificial neural network (ANN) system to estimate Hgb levels non-invasively. We recorded 10 second-300 frame fingertip videos using a smartphone in 75 adults. Red, green, and blue pixel intensities were estimated for each of 100 area blocks in each frame and the patterns across the 300 frames were described. ANN was then used to develop a model using the extracted video features to predict hemoglobin levels. In our study sample, with patients 20-56 years of age, and gold standard hemoglobin levels of 7.6 to 13.5 g/dL., we observed a 0.93 rank order of correlation between model and gold standard hemoglobin levels. Moreover, we identified specific regions of interest in the video images which reduced the required feature space

    Studij četiri- i više-dimenzijskih kozmoloških modela u Lyrovoj geometriji

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    Exact cosmological solutions for spherically symmetric models, both in four and higher dimensions are obtained within the framework of Lyra geometry. It is observed that there is no singularity at finite past in our four-dimensional model. For the five-dimensional model, the diminision of extra dimension with the evolution of the Universe is exhibited. The physical behaviour of the models is examined in vacuum (for the four-dimensional case) and in the presence of perfect fluids (for both four- and five-dimensional models).U okviru Lyrove geometrije izvodimo točna kozmološka rješenja za sferno-simetrične modele u četiri i više dimenzija. U našem 4-dimenzijskom modelu ne nalazi se singularnost u konačnoj prošlosti. U 5-dimenzijskom se modelu pokazuje nestanak dodatne dimenzije razvojem Svemira. Fizička se svojstva modela ispituju u vakuumu (4-dimenzijski model) i u prisustvu perfektne tekućine (za 4- i 5-dimenzijske modele)