65 research outputs found

    Worldwide phylogeography and history of wheat genetic diversity

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    Since its domestication in the Fertile Crescent ~8000 to 10,000 years ago, wheat has undergone a complex history of spread, adaptation, and selection. To get better insights into the wheat phylogeography and genetic diversity, we describe allele distribution through time using a set of 4506 landraces and cultivars originating from 105 different countries genotyped with a high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism array. Although the genetic structure of landraces is collinear to ancient human migration roads, we observe a reshuffling through time, related to breeding programs, with the appearance of new alleles enriched with structural variations that may be the signature of introgressions from wild relatives after 1960

    Evaluation of the genetic variability of homoeologous group 3 SSRs in bread wheat

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    Thorough characterization of the genetic variability in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is important for a better improvement of this key crop and to increase cereal yield in the context of sustainable agriculture to face human needs in the next decades. To study the genetic variability of SSRs on wheat homoeologous group 3 chromosomes, we characterized 38 hexaploid and two tetraploid wheat lines using a set of 165 microsatellites that we cytogenetically assigned to the 17 deletion bins for chromosomes group 3.Изучали вариабельность МС-локусов третьей гомеологичной группы хромосом T. aestivum L., осуществили сопоставление изменчивости микросателлитов в дистальных и проксимальных областях хромосом и физическое картирование МС-локусов с помощью делеционных, дителосомных, нуллитетрасомных линий и провели сравнительный анализ вариабельности микросателлитных локусов хромосом 3А, 3B и 3D.Вивчали варіабельність МС-локусів третьої гомеологічної групи хромосом T. aestivum L., здійснили порівняння мінливості мікросателітів у дистальних та проксимальних областях хромосом, а також фізичне картування МС-локусів за допомогою делеційних, дітелосомних, нулітетрасомних ліній та провели порівняльний аналіз варіабельності мікросателітних локусів хромосом 3А, 3B і 3D

    Genetic Diversity and Linkage Disequilibrium in Chinese Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Revealed by SSR Markers

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    Two hundred and fifty bread wheat lines, mainly Chinese mini core accessions, were assayed for polymorphism and linkage disequilibrium (LD) based on 512 whole-genome microsatellite loci representing a mean marker density of 5.1 cM. A total of 6,724 alleles ranging from 1 to 49 per locus were identified in all collections. The mean PIC value was 0.650, ranging from 0 to 0.965. Population structure and principal coordinate analysis revealed that landraces and modern varieties were two relatively independent genetic sub-groups. Landraces had a higher allelic diversity than modern varieties with respect to both genomes and chromosomes in terms of total number of alleles and allelic richness. 3,833 (57.0%) and 2,788 (41.5%) rare alleles with frequencies of <5% were found in the landrace and modern variety gene pools, respectively, indicating greater numbers of rare variants, or likely new alleles, in landraces. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that A genome had the largest genetic differentiation and D genome the lowest. In contrast to genetic diversity, modern varieties displayed a wider average LD decay across the whole genome for locus pairs with r2>0.05 (P<0.001) than the landraces. Mean LD decay distance for the landraces at the whole genome level was <5 cM, while a higher LD decay distance of 5–10 cM in modern varieties. LD decay distances were also somewhat different for each of the 21 chromosomes, being higher for most of the chromosomes in modern varieties (<5∼25 cM) compared to landraces (<5∼15 cM), presumably indicating the influences of domestication and breeding. This study facilitates predicting the marker density required to effectively associate genotypes with traits in Chinese wheat genetic resources

    Genetic–geographic correlation revealed across a broad European ecotypic sample of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) using array-based SNP genotyping

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    Key message: Publically available SNP array increases the marker density for genotyping of forage crop,Lolium perenne. Applied to 90 European ecotypes composed of 716 individuals identifies a significant genetic–geographic correlation. Abstract: Grassland ecosystems are ubiquitous across temperate and tropical regions, totalling 37 % of the terrestrial land cover of the planet, and thus represent a global resource for understanding local adaptations to environment. However, genomic resources for grass species (outside cereals) are relatively poor. The advent of next-generation DNA sequencing and high-density SNP genotyping platforms enables the development of dense marker assays for population genetics analyses and genome-wide association studies. A high-density SNP marker resource (Illumina Infinium assay) for perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) was created and validated in a broad ecotype collection of 716 individuals sampled from 90 sites across Europe. Genetic diversity within and between populations was assessed. A strong correlation of geographic origin to genetic structure was found using principal component analysis, with significant correlation to longitude and latitude (P &lt; 0.001). The potential of this array as a resource for studies of germplasm diversity and identifying traits underpinning adaptive variation is highlighted.</p

    Wheat receptor-kinase-like protein Stb6 controls gene-for-gene resistance to fungal pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici

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    Deployment of fast-evolving disease-resistance genes is one of the most successful strategies used by plants to fend off pathogens. In gene-for-gene relationships, most cloned disease-resistance genes encode intracellular nucleotide-binding leucine-rich-repeat proteins (NLRs) recognizing pathogensecreted isolate-specific avirulence (Avr) effectors delivered to the host cytoplasm. This process often triggers a localized hypersensitive response, which halts further disease development. Here we report the map-based cloning of the wheat Stb6 gene and demonstrate that it encodes a conserved wallassociated receptor kinase (WAK)-like protein, which detects the presence of a matching apoplastic effector and confers pathogen resistance without a hypersensitive response. This report demonstrates gene-for-gene disease resistance controlled by this class of proteins in plants. Moreover, Stb6 is, to our knowledge, the first cloned gene specifying resistance to Zymoseptoria tritici, an important foliar fungal pathogen affecting wheat and causing economically damaging septoria tritici blotch (STB) disease