99,874 research outputs found

    Vectorized Monte Carlo methods for reactor lattice analysis

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    Some of the new computational methods and equivalent mathematical representations of physics models used in the MCV code, a vectorized continuous-enery Monte Carlo code for use on the CYBER-205 computer are discussed. While the principal application of MCV is the neutronics analysis of repeating reactor lattices, the new methods used in MCV should be generally useful for vectorizing Monte Carlo for other applications. For background, a brief overview of the vector processing features of the CYBER-205 is included, followed by a discussion of the fundamentals of Monte Carlo vectorization. The physics models used in the MCV vectorized Monte Carlo code are then summarized. The new methods used in scattering analysis are presented along with details of several key, highly specialized computational routines. Finally, speedups relative to CDC-7600 scalar Monte Carlo are discussed

    Dipole and Quadrupole electroexcitations of the isovector T=1 particle-hole states in C-12

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    Electroexcitations of the dominantly T=1 particle-hole states of C-12 are studied in the framework of the harmonic oscillator shell model. All possible T=1 single-particle-hole states of all allowed angular momenta are considered in a basis including single-particle states up to the 1f-2p shell. The Hamiltonian is diagnoalized in this space in the presence of the modified surface delta interaction. Correlation in the ground state wave functions by mixing more than one configuration is considered and shows a major contribution that leads to enhance the calculations of the form factors. A comparison with the experiment shows that this model is able to fit the location of states and a simple scaling of the results give a good fit to the experimental form factors.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables, Late

    New T=1 effective interactions for the f5/2 p3/2 p1/2 g9/2 model space; Implications for valence-mirror symmetry and seniority isomers

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    New shell model Hamiltonians are derived for the T=1 part of the residual interaction in the f5/2 p3/2 p1/2 g9/2 model space based on the analysis and fit of the available experimental data for 57Ni-78Ni isotopes and 77Cu-100Sn isotones. The fit procedure, properties of the determined effective interaction as well as new results for valence-mirror symmetry and seniority isomers for nuclei near 78Ni and 100Sn are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Women, employment, and child care in Washington State

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    Thesis (M.C.P.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 1986.MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCHBibliography: leaves 41-52.by Eric B.F. Brown.M.C.P

    Macroscopic amplification of electroweak effects in molecular Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We investigate the possible use of Bose-Einstein condensates of diatomic molecules to measure nuclear spin-dependent parity violation effects, outlining a detection method based on the internal Josephson effect between molecular states of opposite parity. When applied to molecular condensates, the fine experimental control achieved in atomic bosonic Josephson junctions could provide data on anapole moments and neutral weak couplings.Comment: 5 pages. To be published Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communication) (2012

    Kepler and the Kuiper Belt

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    The proposed field-of-view of the Kepler mission is at an ecliptic latitude of ~55 degrees, where the surface density of scattered Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) is a few percent that in the ecliptic plane. The rate of occultations of Kepler target stars by scattered KBOs with radii r>10km is ~10^-6 to 10^-4 per star per year, where the uncertainty reflects the current ignorance of the thickness of the scattered KBO disk and the faint-end slope of their magnitude distribution. These occultation events will last only ~0.1% of the planned t_exp=15 minute integration time, and thus will appear as single data points that deviate by tiny amounts. However, given the target photometric accuracy of Kepler, these deviations will nevertheless be highly significant, with typical signal-to-noise ratios of ~10. I estimate that 1-20 of the 10^5 main-sequence stars in Kepler's field-of-view will exhibit detectable occultations during its four-year mission. For unresolved events, the signal-to-noise of individual occultations scales as t_exp^{-1/2}, and the minimum detectable radius could be decreased by an order of magnitude to ~1 km by searching the individual 3-second readouts for occultations. I propose a number of methods by which occultation events may be differentiated from systematic effects. Kepler should measure or significantly constrain the frequency of highly-inclined, ~10 km-sized KBOs.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. No changes. Accepted to ApJ, to appear in the August 1, 2004 issue (v610

    Influence of Charge Order on the Ground States of TMTTF Molecular Salts

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    (TMTTF)2AsF6 and (TMTTF)2SbF6 are both known to undergo a charge ordering phase transition, though their ground states are different. The ground state of the first is Spin-Peierls, and the second is an antiferromagnet. We study the effect of pressure on the ground states and the charge-ordering using 13C NMR spectroscopy. The experiments demonstrate that the the CO and SP order parameters are repulsive, and consequently the AF state is stabilized when the CO order parameter is large, as it is for (TMTTF)2SbF6. An extension of the well-known temperature/pressure phase diagram is proposed.Comment: 5pages, 5 figures, Proceeding of ISCOM2003, to appear in Journal de Physique I