4,440 research outputs found

    Trace functions as Laplace transforms

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    We study trace functions on the form t\to\tr f(A+tB) where f f is a real function defined on the positive half-line, and A A and B B are matrices such that A A is positive definite and B B is positive semi-definite. If f f is non-negative and operator monotone decreasing, then such a trace function can be written as the Laplace transform of a positive measure. The question is related to the Bessis-Moussa-Villani conjecture. Key words: Trace functions, BMV-conjecture.Comment: Minor change of style, update of referenc

    Intersalação de caulinitas separadas de latossolos.

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    Heisenberg's uncertainty principle for simultaneous measurement of positive-operator-valued measures

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    A limitation on simultaneous measurement of two arbitrary positive operator valued measures is discussed. In general, simultaneous measurement of two noncommutative observables is only approximately possible. Following Werner's formulation, we introduce a distance between observables to quantify an accuracy of measurement. We derive an inequality that relates the achievable accuracy with noncommutativity between two observables. As a byproduct a necessary condition for two positive operator valued measures to be simultaneously measurable is obtained.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    The χ2\chi^2 - divergence and Mixing times of quantum Markov processes

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    We introduce quantum versions of the χ2\chi^2-divergence, provide a detailed analysis of their properties, and apply them in the investigation of mixing times of quantum Markov processes. An approach similar to the one presented in [1-3] for classical Markov chains is taken to bound the trace-distance from the steady state of a quantum processes. A strict spectral bound to the convergence rate can be given for time-discrete as well as for time-continuous quantum Markov processes. Furthermore the contractive behavior of the χ2\chi^2-divergence under the action of a completely positive map is investigated and contrasted to the contraction of the trace norm. In this context we analyse different versions of quantum detailed balance and, finally, give a geometric conductance bound to the convergence rate for unital quantum Markov processes

    Corrections to Tribimaximal Mixing from Nondegenerate Phases

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    We propose a seesaw scenario that possible corrections to the tribimaximal pattern of lepton mixing are due to the small phase splitting of the right-handed neutrino mass matrix. we show that the small deviations can be expressed analytically in terms of two splitting parameters(δ1\delta_1 and δ2\delta_2) in the leading order. The solar mixing angle θ12\theta_{12} favors a relatively smaller value compared to zero order value (35.335.3^\circ), and the Dirac type CP phase δ\delta chooses a nearly maximal one. The two Majorana type CP phases ρ\rho and σ\sigma turn out to be a nearly linear dependence. Also a normal hierarchy neutrino mass spectrum is favored due to the stability of perturbation calculations.Comment: 19 pages 6 figures, Accepted by Mod. Phy. Lett.

    Precise measurement of sin22θ13\sin^22\theta_{13} using Japanese Reactors

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    After the KamLAND results, the remaining important targets in neutrino experiments are to measure still unknown 3 basic parameters; absolute neutrino mass scale, CP violation phase δCP\delta_{CP} and last mixing angle θ13\theta_{13}. The angle θ13\theta_{13} among them is expected to be measured in near future by long baseline accelerator experiments and reactor experiments. In this paper, a realistic idea of high sensitivity reactor measurement of sin22θ13\sin^22\theta_{13} is described. This experiment uses a giant nuclear power plant as the neutrino source and three identical detectors are used to cancel detector and neutrino flux uncertainties. The sensitivity reach on sin22θ13\sin^22\theta_{13} is 0.0170.0260.017\sim0.026 at Δm1323×103eV2\Delta m^2_{13} \sim 3 \times 10^{-3}eV^2, which is five to seven times better than the current upper limit measured by CHOOZ.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, uses ws-procs9x6.cls. To appear in the proceedings of 4th Workshop on Neutrino Oscillations and their Origin (NOON2003), Kanazawa, Japan, 10-14 Feb 200

    Super-KMS functionals for graded-local conformal nets

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    Motivated by a few preceding papers and a question of R. Longo, we introduce super-KMS functionals for graded translation-covariant nets over R with superderivations, roughly speaking as a certain supersymmetric modification of classical KMS states on translation-covariant nets over R, fundamental objects in chiral algebraic quantum field theory. Although we are able to make a few statements concerning their general structure, most properties will be studied in the setting of specific graded-local (super-) conformal models. In particular, we provide a constructive existence and partial uniqueness proof of super-KMS functionals for the supersymmetric free field, for certain subnets, and for the super-Virasoro net with central charge c>= 3/2. Moreover, as a separate result, we classify bounded super-KMS functionals for graded-local conformal nets over S^1 with respect to rotations.Comment: 30 pages, revised version (to appear in Ann. H. Poincare