538 research outputs found

    A stochastic golden rule and quantum Langevin equation for the low density limit

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    A rigorous derivation of quantum Langevin equation from microscopic dynamics in the low density limit is given. We consider a quantum model of a microscopic system (test particle) coupled with a reservoir (gas of light Bose particles) via interaction of scattering type. We formulate a mathematical procedure (the so-called stochastic golden rule) which allows us to determine the quantum Langevin equation in the limit of large time and small density of particles of the reservoir. The quantum Langevin equation describes not only dynamics of the system but also the reservoir. We show that the generator of the corresponding master equation has the Lindblad form of most general generators of completely positive semigroups

    The stochastic limit in the analysis of the open BCS model

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    In this paper we show how the perturbative procedure known as {\em stochastic limit} may be useful in the analysis of the Open BCS model discussed by Buffet and Martin as a spin system interacting with a fermionic reservoir. In particular we show how the same values of the critical temperature and of the order parameters can be found with a significantly simpler approach

    On Quantum Markov Chains on Cayley tree II: Phase transitions for the associated chain with XY-model on the Cayley tree of order three

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    In the present paper we study forward Quantum Markov Chains (QMC) defined on a Cayley tree. Using the tree structure of graphs, we give a construction of quantum Markov chains on a Cayley tree. By means of such constructions we prove the existence of a phase transition for the XY-model on a Cayley tree of order three in QMC scheme. By the phase transition we mean the existence of two now quasi equivalent QMC for the given family of interaction operators {K}\{K_{}\}.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum Markov Fields

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    The Markov property for quantum lattice systems is investigated in terms of generalized conditional expectations. General properties of (particular cases of) quantum Markov elds, i.e. quantum Markov processes with multi-dimensional indices, are pointed out. In such a way, deep connections with the KMS boundary condition, as well as phenom- ena of phase transitions and symmetry breaking, naturally emerge

    Markov states and chains on the car algebra

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    We introduce the notion of Markov states and chains on the Canonical Anticommutation Relations algebra over ℤ, emphasizing some remarkable differences with the infinite tensor product case. We describe the structure of the Markov states on this algebra and show that, contrarily to the infinite tensor product case, not all these states are diagonalizable. A general method to construct nontrivial quantum Markov chains on the CAR algebra is also proposed and illustrated by some pivotal examples. This analysis provides a further step for a satisfactory theory of quantum Markov processes

    Stock markets and quantum dynamics: a second quantized description

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    In this paper we continue our descriptions of stock markets in terms of some non abelian operators which are used to describe the portfolio of the various traders and other {\em observable} quantities. After a first prototype model with only two traders, we discuss a more realistic model of market with an arbitrary number of traders. For both models we find approximated solutions for the time evolution of the portfolio of each trader. In particular, for the more realistic model, we use the {\em stochastic limit} approach and a {\em fixed point like} approximation

    Dynamical entropy of generalized quantum Markov chains on gauge invariant CC^*-algebras

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    We prove that the mean entropy and the dynamical entropy are equal for generalized quantum Markov chains on gauge-invariant CC^*-algebras.Comment: 8 page