2,606 research outputs found

    Penetrating the Virus Monitoring and Analysis System Using Delayed Trigger Technique

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    Virus Monitoring and Analysis System (VMAS) is generally used for monitoring and capturing virus behavior, and it can produce a report analysis which can be used by expert user to learn virus activity. There are several tools which have this capability, such as: Joebox, ThreatExpert, CWSandbox, and Sysinternals. Turns out, these tools are not fully perfect in analyzing the virus behavior. Therefore in this paper, we propose a technique to defeat such tools, by exploiting the limitation of VMAS in term of time monitoring, by introducing a new virus exploiting technique called Delayed Trigger Technique (DTT)

    Heterogeneous transesterification of rubber seed oil biodiesel production

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    An experimental investigation was conducted to explore the effects of using waste cockle shells as a heterogeneous catalyst on the transesterification process of very high free fatty acid (FFA) rubber seeds oil with methanol. The waste cockle was calcined at 900°C for 4 hours and was employed as a source of calcium oxide (CaO). SEM, XRD and XRF were adopted to analyze the catalyst characterization. The process variables namely oil molar ratio, catalyst concentration and reaction time were optimized using response surface methodology (RSM) based on central composite design (CCD) method. The optimum yield of 88.06% was obtained for the final product of biodiesel with optimal conditions was obtained as: molar ratio of methanol to oil of around 15.57:1, 9% catalyst weight percentage with 2.81 hours reaction time. All the fuel properties were analyzed according to the ASTM D6751 and EN-14214 standards in terms of viscosity, acid value, density and flash point

    Prevalence and risk factors of HIV, hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infections in drug addicts among Gorgan prisoners

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    The objective of the present study is to determine the prevalence of HIV, HBV and HCV in the addict prisoners in Gorgan city. In this cross-sectional study conducted between 2002-2003, a randomized sampling was done on 121 drug addict prisoners. A blood sample was taken from each case and serologic tests for HBV, HCV and HIV were done, then complementary tests for HIV (ELISA and Western-blot) were done. Physical examinations and face-to-face interviews were done. Chi-square and Exact-Fisher test were used for data analysis and relationships between factors. The prevalence of HIV, HCV and HBV were 5.8, 23.1 and 4.1%, respectively. Injection was the most common route of drug use. Marital status was significantly related to HIV and HCV infection. Tatooing and shared syringe use were significantly related to all these infections. Because of the high prevalence of HIV, HCV and HBV in the studied cases and tending to the high risk behaviors among the prisoners, it seems that more educational and preventive programs are needed to control the spread of these infections in the population

    A novel approach for water quality management in water distribution systems by multi-objective booster chlorination

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    Copyright © 2012 International Journal of Civil EngineeringCompared to conventional chlorination methods which apply chlorine at water treatment plant, booster chlorination has almost solved the problems of high dosages of chlorine residuals near water sources and lack of chlorine residuals in the remote points of a water distribution system (WDS). However, control of trihalomethane (THM) formation as a potentially carcinogenic disinfection by-product (DBP) within a WDS has still remained as a water quality problem. This paper presents a two-phase approach of multi-objective booster disinfection in which both chlorine residuals and THM formation are concurrently optimized in a WDS. In the first phase, a booster disinfection system is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem in which the location of booster stations is determined. The objectives are defined as to maximize the volumetric discharge with appropriate levels of disinfectant residuals throughout all demand nodes and to minimize the total mass of disinfectant applied with a specified number of booster stations. The most frequently selected locations for installing booster disinfection stations are selected for the second phase, in which another two-objective optimization problem is defined. The objectives in the second problem are to minimize the volumetric discharge avoiding THM maximum levels and to maximize the volumetric discharge with standard levels of disinfectant residuals. For each point on the resulted trade-off curve between the water quality objectives optimal scheduling of chlorination injected at each booster station is obtained. Both optimization problems used NSGA-II algorithm as a multi-objective genetic algorithm, coupled with EPANET as a hydraulic simulation model. The optimization problems are tested for different numbers of booster chlorination stations in a real case WDS. As a result, this type of multi-objective optimization model can explicitly give the decision makers the optimal location and scheduling of booster disinfection systems with respect to the trade-off between maximum safe drinking water with allowable chlorine residual levels and minimum adverse DBP levels

    Behavioral analysis on IPV4 Malware in both IPV4 and IPv6 Network Environment

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    Malware is become an epidemic in computer net-work nowadays. Malware attacks are a significant threat to networks. A conducted survey shows malware attacks may result a huge financial impact. This scenario has become worse when users are migrating to a new environment which is Internet Protocol Version 6. In this paper, a real Nimda worm was released on to further understand the worm beha-vior in real network traffic. A controlled environment of both IPv4 and IPv6 network were deployed as a testbed for this study. The result between these two scenarios will be analyzed and discussed further in term of the worm behavior. The ex-periment result shows that even IPv4 malware still can infect the IPv6 network environment without any modification. New detection techniques need to be proposed to remedy this prob-lem swiftl

    Alert Correlation Technique Analysis For Diverse Log

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    Alert correlation is a process that analyses the alerts produced by one or more diverse devices and provides a more succinct and high-level view of occurring or attempted intrusions. The objective of this study is to analyse the current alert correlation technique and identify the significant criteria in each technique that can improve the Intrusion Detection System IDS) problem such as prone to alert flooding, contextual problem, false alert and scalability. The existing alert correlation techniques had been reviewed and analysed. From the analysis, six capability criteria have been identified to improve the current alert correlation techniques which are capability to do alert reduction, alert clustering, identify multi-step attack,reduce false alert, detect known attack and detect unknown attack and technique’s combination is proposed

    Generic Taxonomy of Social Engineering Attack

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    Social engineering is a type of attack that allows unauthorized access to a system to achieve specific objective. Commonly, the purpose is to obtain information for social engineers. Some successful social engineering attacks get victims’ information via human based retrieval approach, example technique terms as dumpster diving or shoulder surfing attack to get access to password. Alternatively, victims’ information also can be stolen using technical-based method such as from pop-up windows, email or web sites to get the password or other sensitive information. This research performed a preliminary analysis on social engineering attack taxonomy that emphasized on types of technical-based social engineering attack. Results from the analysis become a guideline in proposing a new generic taxonomy of Social Engineering Attack (SEA)

    A Novel Approach on Teaching Network Security for ICT Courses

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    This paper discusses a curriculum approach that will give emphasis on practical sessions of teaching network security subjects in information and communication technology courses. As we are well aware, the need to use a practice and application oriented approach in education is paramount [1]. Research on active learning and cooperative groups showed that students grasps and have more tendency towards obtaining and realizing soft skills like leadership, communication and team work as opposed to learning using the traditional theory and exam based method. While this teaching and learning paradigm is relatively new in Malaysia, it has been practiced widely in the West. This paper examines a particular approach whereby students learning wireless security are divided into small manageable groups consisting of black hat and white hat team. The former will try to find and expose vulnerabilities in a wireless network while the latter will try to prevent such attacks on their wireless networks using hardware, software, design and enforcement of security policy and etc. This paper will try to demonstrate whether this approach will result in a more fruitful outcome in terms of students concept and theory understandings and motivation to learn

    Behavioral Analysis on IPv4 Malware in both IPv4 and IPv6 Network Environment

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    Malware is become an epidemic in computer net-work nowadays. Malware attacks are a significant threat to networks. A conducted survey shows malware attacks may result a huge financial impact. This scenario has become worse when users are migrating to a new environment which is Internet Protocol Version 6. In this paper, a real Nimda worm was released on to further understand the worm beha-vior in real network traffic. A controlled environment of both IPv4 and IPv6 network were deployed as a testbed for this study. The result between these two scenarios will be analyzed and discussed further in term of the worm behavior. The ex-periment result shows that even IPv4 malware still can infect the IPv6 network environment without any modification. New detection techniques need to be proposed to remedy this prob-lem swiftly

    The efficacy of group hiking on some physical health indexes and quality of life of chronic schizophrenic patients: A randomized clinical trial

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    زمینه و هدف: بیماران مبتلا به اسکیزوفرنی مزمن تحت درمان با برخی داروهای آنتی سایکوتیک از اختلالات متابولیکی رنج می برند. هدف از مطالعه حاضر، تعیین تأثیر پیاده روی گروهی در طبیعت بر برخی شاخص های سلامت جسمی و کیفیت زندگی بیماران بستری مبتلا به اسکیزوفرنی بود. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه کارآزمایی بالینی، 62 بیمار مبتلا به اسکیزوفرنی مزمن بستری در بیمارستان روانپزشکی سینای شهر جونقان به صورت تصادفی در دو گروه کنترل (30 نفر) و مداخله (32 نفر) قرار گرفتند. گروه کنترل درمان روتین و گروه مداخله علاوه بر درمان روتین، در برنامه پیاده روی در طبیعت، هر روز صبح به مدت 90 دقیقه برای دو ماه شرکت کردند. در ابتدا و انتهای مطالعه، تری گلیسرید، کلسترول، قند خون ناشتا، شاخص توده بدنی و کیفیت زندگی در دو گروه ارزیابی و مقایسه شد. یافته ها: در ابتدای مطالعه، تفاوت معنی داری در میانگین کیفیت زندگی در دو گروه وجود نداشت (09/0P=)؛ اما پس از مداخله، کیفیت زندگی در گروه پیاده روی به شکل معنی داری ارتقاء یافت. میانگین نمره کلی کیفیت زندگی در گروه پیاده روی در ابتدای مطالعه 26/11±69/81 و در پایان مطالعه 93/10±62/77 بود (001/0