2,647 research outputs found

    Mixed-state dynamics in one-dimensional quantum lattice systems: a time-dependent superoperator renormalization algorithm

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    We present an algorithm to study mixed-state dynamics in one-dimensional quantum lattice systems. The algorithm can be used, e.g., to construct thermal states or to simulate real time evolutions given by a generic master equation. Its two main ingredients are (i) a superoperator renormalization scheme to efficiently describe the state of the system and (ii) the time evolving block decimation (TEBD) technique to efficiently update the state during a time evolution. The computational cost of a simulation increases significantly with the amount of correlations between subsystems but it otherwise depends only linearly in the system size. We present simulations involving quantum spins and fermions in one spatial dimension.Comment: See also F. Verstraete et al. cond-mat/040642

    Experimental Studies of Magnetically Driven Plasma Jets

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    We present experimental results on the formation of supersonic, radiatively cooled jets driven by pressure due to the toroidal magnetic field generated by the 1.5 MA, 250 ns current from the MAGPIE generator. The morphology of the jet produced in the experiments is relevant to astrophysical jet scenarios in which a jet on the axis of a magnetic cavity is collimated by a toroidal magnetic field as it expands into the ambient medium. The jets in the experiments have similar Mach number, plasma beta and cooling parameter to those in protostellar jets. Additionally the Reynolds, magnetic Reynolds and Peclet numbers are much larger than unity, allowing the experiments to be scaled to astrophysical flows. The experimental configuration allows for the generation of episodic magnetic cavities, suggesting that periodic fluctuations near the source may be responsible for some of the variability observed in astrophysical jets. Preliminary measurements of kinetic, magnetic and Poynting energy of the jets in our experiments are presented and discussed, together with estimates of their temperature and trapped toroidal magnetic field.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Formation of Episodic Magnetically Driven Radiatively Cooled Plasma Jets in the Laboratory

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    We report on experiments in which magnetically driven radiatively cooled plasma jets were produced by a 1 MA, 250 ns current pulse on the MAGPIE pulsed power facility. The jets were driven by the pressure of a toroidal magnetic field in a ''magnetic tower'' jet configuration. This scenario is characterized by the formation of a magnetically collimated plasma jet on the axis of a magnetic ''bubble'', confined by the ambient medium. The use of a radial metallic foil instead of the radial wire arrays employed in our previous work allows for the generation of episodic magnetic tower outflows which emerge periodically on timescales of ~30 ns. The subsequent magnetic bubbles propagate with velocities reaching ~300 km/s and interact with previous eruptions leading to the formation of shocks.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Numerical study of jets produced by conical wire arrays on the Magpie pulsed power generator

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    The aim of this work is to model the jets produced by conical wire arrays on the MAGPIE generator, and to design and test new setups to strengthen the link between laboratory and astrophysical jets. We performed the modelling with direct three-dimensional magneto-hydro-dynamic numerical simulations using the code GORGON. We applied our code to the typical MAGPIE setup and we successfully reproduced the experiments. We found that a minimum resolution of approximately 100 is required to retrieve the unstable character of the jet. We investigated the effect of changing the number of wires and found that arrays with less wires produce more unstable jets, and that this effect has magnetic origin. Finally, we studied the behaviour of the conical array together with a conical shield on top of it to reduce the presence of unwanted low density plasma flows. The resulting jet is shorter and less dense.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science. HEDLA 2010 conference procedings. Final pubblication will be available on Springe

    An Experimental Platform for Pulsed-Power Driven Magnetic Reconnection

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    We describe a versatile pulsed-power driven platform for magnetic reconnection experiments, based on exploding wire arrays driven in parallel [Suttle, L. G. et al. PRL, 116, 225001]. This platform produces inherently magnetised plasma flows for the duration of the generator current pulse (250 ns), resulting in a long-lasting reconnection layer. The layer exists for long enough to allow evolution of complex processes such as plasmoid formation and movement to be diagnosed by a suite of high spatial and temporal resolution laser-based diagnostics. We can access a wide range of magnetic reconnection regimes by changing the wire material or moving the electrodes inside the wire arrays. We present results with aluminium and carbon wires, in which the parameters of the inflows and the layer which forms are significantly different. By moving the electrodes inside the wire arrays, we change how strongly the inflows are driven. This enables us to study both symmetric reconnection in a range of different regimes, and asymmetric reconnection.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Version revised to include referee's comments. Submitted to Physics of Plasma

    Formation and Structure of a Current Sheet in Pulsed-Power Driven Magnetic Reconnection Experiments

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    We describe magnetic reconnection experiments using a new, pulsed-power driven experimental platform in which the inflows are super-sonic but sub-Alfv\'enic.The intrinsically magnetised plasma flows are long lasting, producing a well-defined reconnection layer that persists over many hydrodynamic time scales.The layer is diagnosed using a suite of high resolution laser based diagnostics which provide measurements of the electron density, reconnecting magnetic field, inflow and outflow velocities and the electron and ion temperatures.Using these measurements we observe a balance between the power flow into and out of the layer, and we find that the heating rates for the electrons and ions are significantly in excess of the classical predictions. The formation of plasmoids is observed in laser interferometry and optical self-emission, and the magnetic O-point structure of these plasmoids is confirmed using magnetic probes.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Physics of Plasma

    Experimental entanglement distillation of mesoscopic quantum states

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    The distribution of entangled states between distant parties in an optical network is crucial for the successful implementation of various quantum communication protocols such as quantum cryptography, teleportation and dense coding [1-3]. However, owing to the unavoidable loss in any real optical channel, the distribution of loss-intolerant entangled states is inevitably inflicted by decoherence, which causes a degradation of the transmitted entanglement. To combat the decoherence, entanglement distillation, which is the process of extracting a small set of highly entangled states from a large set of less entangled states, can be used [4-14]. Here we report on the mesoscopic distillation of deterministically prepared entangled light pulses that have undergone non-Gaussian noise. The entangled light pulses [15-17] are sent through a lossy channel, where the transmission is varying in time similarly to light propagation in the atmosphere. By employing linear optical components and global classical communication, the entanglement is probabilistically increased.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. It's the first submitted version to the Nature Physics. The final version is already published on Nature Physics vol.4, No.12, 919 - 923 (2008

    The evolution of magnetic tower jets in the laboratory

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    The evolution of laboratory produced magnetic jets is followed numerically through three-dimensional, non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic simulations. The experiments are designed to study the interaction of a purely toroidal field with an extended plasma background medium. The system is observed to evolve into a structure consisting of an approximately cylindrical magnetic cavity with an embedded magnetically confined jet on its axis. The supersonic expansion produces a shell of swept-up shocked plasma which surrounds and partially confines the magnetic tower. Currents initially flow along the walls of the cavity and in the jet but the development of current-driven instabilities leads to the disruption of the jet and a re-arrangement of the field and currents. The top of the cavity breaks-up and a well collimated, radiatively cooled, 'clumpy' jet emerges from the system