8,748 research outputs found

    Multitask Evolution with Cartesian Genetic Programming

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    We introduce a genetic programming method for solving multiple Boolean circuit synthesis tasks simultaneously. This allows us to solve a set of elementary logic functions twice as easily as with a direct, single-task approach.Comment: 2 page

    Comment to "Observation of the neutron radiative decay" by R.U. Khafizov et al., published in JETP Letters 83 (2006) 5 (Pis'ma v ZhETF 83 (2006) 7)

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    The commented manuscript was submitted for publication without informing at least four of the other authors, viz. N. Severijns, O. Zimmer, H.-F. Wirth and D. Rich. This violates our rights as collaborators. The analysis presented and the manuscript itself have not been discussed and have also not been approved by the entire collaboration prior to submission. Besides this formal incorrectness, we also criticise the content of the paper

    Henri Temianka correspondence, Gurs

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    An empirical mass-loss law for Population II giants from the Spitzer-IRAC survey of Galactic globular clusters

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    The main aim of the present work is to derive an empirical mass-loss (ML) law for Population II stars in first and second ascent red giant branches. We used the Spitzer InfraRed Array Camera (IRAC) photometry obtained in the 3.6-8 micron range of a carefully chosen sample of 15 Galactic globular clusters spanning the entire metallicity range and sampling the vast zoology of horizontal branch (HB) morphologies. We complemented the IRAC photometry with near-infrared data to build suitable color-magnitude and color-color diagrams and identify mass-losing giant stars. We find that while the majority of stars show colors typical of cool giants, some stars show an excess of mid-infrared light that is larger than expected from their photospheric emission and that is plausibly due to dust formation in mass flowing from them. For these stars, we estimate dust and total (gas + dust) ML rates and timescales. We finally calibrate an empirical ML law for Population II red and asymptotic giant branch stars with varying metallicity. We find that at a given red giant branch luminosity only a fraction of the stars are losing mass. From this, we conclude that ML is episodic and is active only a fraction of the time, which we define as the duty cycle. The fraction of mass-losing stars increases by increasing the stellar luminosity and metallicity. The ML rate, as estimated from reasonable assumptions for the gas-to-dust ratio and expansion velocity, depends on metallicity and slowly increases with decreasing metallicity. In contrast, the duty cycle increases with increasing metallicity, with the net result that total ML increases moderately with increasing metallicity, about 0.1 Msun every dex in [Fe/H]. For Population II asymptotic giant branch stars, we estimate a total ML of <0.1 Msun, nearly constant with varying metallicity.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, in press on A&

    An Extended Star Formation History for the Galactic Center from Hubble Space Telescope/NICMOS Observations

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Near-Infrared Camera and Multiobject Spectrometer (NICMOS) observations as evidence that continuous star formation has created much of the central stellar cusp of the Galaxy. The data are the deepest ever obtained for a Galactic Center (GC) population, being >>50% complete for \mnk<19.3<19.3, or initial stellar masses ≳\gtrsim2 \Msun. We use Geneva and Padova stellar evolution models to produce synthetic luminosity functions for burst and continuous star formation scenarios, finding that the observations are fit best by continuous star formation at a rate that is consistent with the recent star formation activity that produced the three massive young clusters in the central 50 \pc. Further, it is not possible to fit the observations with ancient burst models, such as would be appropriate for an old population like that in Baade's Window or NGC6528

    Detections of massive stars in the cluster MCM2005b77, in the star-forming regions GRS G331.34−-00.36 (S62) and GRS G337.92−-00.48 (S36)

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    Large infrared and millimeter wavelength surveys of the Galactic plane have unveiled more than 600 new bubble HII regions and more than 3000 candidate star clusters. We present a study of the candidate clusters MCM2005b72, DBS2003-157, DBS2003-172, and MCM2005b77, based on near-infrared spectroscopy taken with SofI on the NTT and infrared photometry from the 2MASS, VVV, and GLIMPSE surveys. We find that (1) MCM2005b72 and DBS2003-157 are subregions of the same star-forming region, HII GRS G331.34-00.36 (bubble S62). MCM2005b72 coincides with the central part of this HII region, while DBS2003-157 is a bright mid-infrared knot of the S62 shell. We detected two O-type stars at extinction \Aks=1.0-1.3 mag. Their spectrophotometric properties are consistent with the near-kinematic distance to GRS G331.34-00.36 of 3.9pm0.3 kpc. (2) DBS2003-172 coincides with a bright mid-infrared knot in the S36 shell (GRS G337.92-00.48), where we detected a pair of candidate He I stars embedded in a small cometary nebula. (3) The stellar cluster MCM2005b77 is rich in B-type stars, has an average Aks of 0.91 mag, and is adjacent to the HII region IRAS 16137-5025. The average spectrophotometric distance of ∼5.0\sim 5.0 kpc matches the near-kinematic distance to IRAS 16137-5025 of 5.2pm0.1 kpc.Comment: 22 pages, 11 Figures, ApJ accepte

    The Terzan 5 puzzle: discovery of a third, metal-poor component

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    We report on the discovery of 3 metal-poor giant stars in Terzan 5, a complex stellar system in the the Galactic bulge, known to have two populations at [Fe/H]=-0.25 and +0.3. For these 3 stars we present new echelle spectra obtained with NIRSPEC at Keck II, which confirm their radial velocity membership and provide average [Fe/H]=-0.79 dex iron abundance and [alpha/Fe]=+0.36 dex enhancement. This new population extends the metallicity range of Terzan~5 0.5 dex more metal poor, and it has properties consistent with having formed from a gas polluted by core collapse supernovae.Comment: Accepted for publication on ApJ Lette
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