310 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Ekonomi Kabupaten/kota dan Kinerja Keuangan Daerah di Jawa Tengah pada Era Otonomi

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    The broad distribution of authority from central to local local government, which is known as autonomy, in impelentation of the development and budget management, is aim to accelerate the achievement of public welfare through serviceimprovement, empower and enhance the participation of community, and in addition to increase regional competitiveness. Overall, the performance of Central Java economy is good, which can be seen in the development of some indicators suchas economic growth, the increase of per capita income, a decrease in the number of the poor as well as an increase in the Human Development Index. However, the indicators of regions is exist and and the income inequality of household arewidened in autonomy era. As the district/city level in Indonesia in general, the financial independence of the districts/cities in Central Java province are below 30 per cent with the capital expenditure below 25 per cent. Although most of thedistricts/cities have the ability to cover the expenditure with revenue, but the budget surplus policy is not necessarily appropriate by the reason of excessive austerity, lead to lack of attention of the government especially in infrastructureinvestment spending

    Pengaruh Sistem Promosi Dilihat Dari Aspek Kenaikan Pangkat Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan PT. Pln (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Timur Area Pelayanan Dan Jaringan Malang)

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    Research is entitled with “The Influence of Promotion System Viewed From Promotion Aspect on Employee Work Achievement (A Study of The Employees at PT. PLN (Persero) of Service and Network Area of Malang)”, and the background is the question of how is the influence of employee promotion on work achievement. Considering this problem, the objective of research is to understand and to explain the significance of the influence of promotion system on work achievement. Type of research is explanatory research, while method of research is quantitative. This research is used to test the proposed hypothesis, which is said that there is significant influence between the independent variables of capability and seniority/experience on the dependent variable of work achievement. Population of research includes 64 employees at PT PLN (Persero) of Malang Service Area and Network. The sample is 39 employees.Result of inferential analysis with multiple linear regression analysis indicates that F-significance is 0.000 < 0.050 (alpha) with coefficient rate of 1.132 for the influence of capability (X1) on work achievement (Y), and with coefficient rate of 1.630 for the influence of seniority/experience (X2) on work achievement (Y). It is also shown that R-Square is 0.897 for any influences on work achievement (Y). Based on these numbers, it is then concluded that the variables of capability and seniority/experience have significant influence on work achievement of employee, either directly or indirectly

    Zakat Sebagai Instrumen Pengentasan Kemiskinan Dan Kesenjangan Pendapatan

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    Kemiskinan dan ketimpangan pendapatan masih menjadi masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh bangsa Indonesia. Para akademisi berpendapat bahwa pembangunan ekonomi di suatu negara telah menciptakan sebuah pilihan di antara pertumbuhan ekonomi dan distribusi. Pendekatan distribusi konvensional tampaknya gagal dalam mengatasi kedua masalah. Oleh karena itu, pengenalan mekanisme zakat sangat diperlukan sebagai pendekatan alternatif untuk memecahkan masalah. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas peran zakat dalam mengurangi kemiskinan dan ketimpangan pendapatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama, ada kesenjangan yang signifikan antara potensi dan realisasi zakat di Indonesia. Kedua, lembaga zakat resmi belum memainkan peran penting dalam penggalangan dana zakat, karena masih banyak pembayar zakat yang menggunakan lembaga zakat tidak resmi. Ketiga, alokasi anggaran untuk mendukung zakat produktif masih terbatas karena beberapa kendala yang dihadapi. Namun, kehadiran program zakat telah mengurangi tingkat kemiskinan dan ketimpangan pendapatan penerima zakat

    Manajemen Pembelajaran Discovery Learning pada Bidang Studi Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Berbasis Kurikulum 2013

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the management of the implementation of the learning model discovery learning on social science subjects based curriculum in 2013 on SMPN1Curup. The method is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this study is subject teachers in charge of the Social Sciences in SMP N 1 Curup. Methods of data collection are interviews, observation, and documentation. From these results, it shows that management is executed in a learning model Discovery Learning in the field of social studies curriculum 2013 based on SMPN 1 Curup, has done well, which includes activities; learning planning, learning implementation, and evaluation of learning

    Peningkatan Tarif Cukai Rokok Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Perekonomian Dan Pendapatan Sektoral Jawa Tengah

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    This study analyzes the effect of excise of cigarette price changes to the consumption of cigarette and Central Java’s economy and household income. In the first stage, with employing panel data regression model,i.e. fixed effect model (FEM) which include 35 regencies/cities in Central Java Province during 2009-2013, the study examines the effect of cigarette excise to cigarette consumption. On the next stage, the study simulatesthe impact of cigarette consumption shock to the Central Java’s sectoral economy and household income using the Central Java 2013 Input-Output table. The findings indicate that the cigarette excise has a tradeoff effect tohousehold’s cigarette consumption. The increase of cigarette excise reduces cigarette consumption, and next, reduces output and sectoral household income. The cigarettes industries suffered the highest impact of thedecrease of the cigarette consumption, followed by other sectors which is has a high link to cigarette industries such as agricultures and tobacco sectors

    Pengaruh Pemberian Motivasi dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Komitmen Organisasi Karyawan (Studi pada Bank Bri Cabang Pekanbaru)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of motivation and work environment on employee organizational commitment (study at Bank BRI Pekanbaru Branch). Motivation (X1), Work environment (X2) and organizational commitment (Y).The method in this research is quantitative with SPSS program, where the samples used are employees of Bank BRI Pekanbaru that is as much as 94 respondents. In accordance with opinion (Roscoe, 2009) that the appropriate size in the study is 30 to 500. That number can already represent the population. Technique of collecting data through questionnaire.The result of this research conclude that motivation and work environment variable have significant influence to organizational commitment of employees of Bank BRI Pekanbaru Branch

    Pendampingan Penyusunan Roadmap Pengembangan Produk Unggulan Daerah Kabupaten Wonosono

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    Kabupaten Wonosobo memiliki potensi ekonomi yaitu produk yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi unggulan daerah yang berdaya saing. Untuk menjamin tercapainya sasaran pengembangan produk unggulan daerah, diperlukan peningkatan kapasitas kelembagaan yang mandiri dan tangguh, dan menyusun sistem pengembangan produk unggulan daerah dalam dokumen perencanaan pembangunan daerah. Pendampingan penyusunan roadmap pengembangan produk unggulan di wilayah kabupaten Wonosobo diperlukan untuk menjaga agar proses perencanaan sampai dengan evaluasi pengembangan produk unggulan daerah dapat terap dalam implementasinya. Pendampingan dilakukan kepada personalia kunci di bidang perencanaan pembangunan, kelompok USAha dan aparat pemerintah daerah dalam bentuk pelatihan dan pembimbingan penyusunan roadmap produk unggulan daerah

    Indonesian Economic Structure: an Analysis of Temporal Leontief Inverse

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    This study aims to analyze the Indonesia economic structure with employing the temporal Leontief inverse which was developed by Sonis and Hewings (1998) on 1975-2005 Indonesia's input-output tables. In the first stage, this study investigates how the manufacturing industries in driving the Indonesian economy during structural changes. In the second stage, this study examines the structural changes of the manufacturing industries, which can explain the trends in individual industry balance in the context of the economic system. Based on the analysis, this study can trace how each year's change contributes to the total impact in gross output change

    Efektivtas Pemanfaatan Alokasi Dana Desa di Desa Ujung Batu Timur Kecamatan Ujung Batu Kabpaten Rokan Hulu Tahun 2015

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    Village Allocation Fund is a part of the central and regional equalization funds devoted to the village in implementing government services and community empowerment. But in reality the effectiveness of the implementation and management is still not maximized. The existance of human resources is inadequate, the construction of facilities and infrastructure are still yet to be realized. The problem in this research is how the effectiveness Ujung Batu Timur village government in achieving its goal in utilizing the Village Fund Allocation and the factors that influence the effectiveness of.This study aims to determine the effectiveness of utilization of the Village Fund Allocation In the village of Ujung Batu Timur District of Rokan Hulu. The concept of the theory that researchers use is organizational effectiveness by using Gibson's theory by looking at the goals to be achieved Clarity, Clarity goal attainment strategy, process analysis and formulation of policy steady, careful planning, preparation of appropriate programs, availability of infrastructure and surveillance systems and control didactic.The method used is qualitative research with descriptive data assessment. In collecting the data, the researcher used interview techniquess, observation and documentation speciefied by snowball sampling tecnique. The results showed that the utilization of the Village Fung Allocation In the village of Ujung Batu Timur District Of Rokan Hulu has not been effective because there are many village fund allocation unrealized. Also foud are also government programs that have not been implemented village. The factors that influence the effectineness of the utilizationof the Village fund Allocation In The village of Ujung Batu Timur district of Rokan Hulu is a lack of human resources, poor coordination and lack of community participation in the implementation of
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