1,398 research outputs found

    Technological choices under institutional constraints: measuring the impact on earnings dispersion

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    The paper investigates the relationship between labour market and redistributive institutions in Europe. The hypothesis is put forward of a changing balance between decreasing labour market regulation and increasing income redistribution. Econometric estimates conducted in the paper show that more redistribution has been traded off for regulation thus allowing for higher wage inequality

    I rapporti tra il recesso dall’Unione europea e l’obiettivo della ‘ever closer union’

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    Il contributo si propone di approfondire l\u2019incidenza del recesso dall\u2019Unione europea sul perseguimento degli obiettivi del processo di integrazione, con particolare riguardo alla \uabcreazione di un\u2019unione sempre pi\uf9 stretta tra i popoli dell\u2019Europa\ubb, valutando, anche alla luce della c.d. Brexit, se l\u2019abbandono del progetto comune da parte di uno Stato membro sia suscettibile di pregiudicare irrimediabilmente la realizzazione di tale obiettivo o se, invece, possa essere riconciliato con esso.The article aims at analysing the impact of the withdrawal from the European Union on the pursuit of the objectives of the integration process, notably with regard to the creation of \uaban ever closer union among the peoples of Europe\ubb. In particular, it assesses \u2013 also in light of Brexit \u2013 whether the choice of a Member State to leave the common project irretrievably jeopardises the attainment of such bjective or, instead, can be reconciled with it

    Interazioni tra principi (e tra fonti) nel diritto dell’Unione europea : la sentenza Egenberger e i successivi sviluppi = Interplay between principles (and sources) in European Union law : Egenberger and further developments

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    The article analyses some recent cases dealt with by the European Court of Justice (ECJ), relating to the principle of non-discrimination on the grounds of religion and belief. After an introduction providing brief remarks on the status of sources and principles of EU law, the paper focuses on the Egenberger case, highlighting the most innovative aspects of the judgment delivered by the ECJ. In this regard, attention is paid to the interpretation given by the Court to Article 17 TFEU as a provision laying down the principle of neutrality of the EU towards the organisation by the Member States of their relations with churches and religious associations, as well as to the necessity of an effective judicial review concerning the fulfilment of the criteria set out in Directive 2000/78/EC to permit differences of treatment, relating to occupational activities, based on a person\u2019s religion or belief. The main subsequent judicial developments before the ECJ, with reference to the issues under consideration, and notably to the horizontal direct effect of the provisions of the Charter of fundamental rights of the EU, are then taken into account. In the final part of the article, some conclusive remarks are put forward as regards the role of the ECJ in balancing rights and principles

    Naval Target Classification by Fusion of Multiple Imaging Sensors Based on the Confusion Matrix

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    This paper presents an algorithm for the classification of targets based on the fusion of the class information provided by different imaging sensors. The outputs of the different sensors are combined to obtain an accurate estimate of the target class. The performance of each imaging sensor is modelled by means of its confusion matrix (CM), whose elements are the conditional error probabilities in the classification and the conditional correct classification probabilities. These probabilities are used by each sensor to make a decision on the target class. Then, a final decision on the class is made using a suitable fusion rule in order to combine the local decisions provided by the sensors. The overall performance of the classification process is evaluated by means of the "fused" confusion matrix, i.e. the CM pertinent to the final decision on the target class. Two fusion rules are considered: a majority voting (MV) rule and a maximum likelihood (ML) rule. A case study is then presented, where the developed algorithm is applied to three imaging sensors located on a generic air platform: a video camera, an infrared camera (IR), and a spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)

    Continuous Flow Biocatalytic Reductive Amination by Co-Entrapping Dehydrogenases with Agarose Gel in a 3D-Printed Mould Reactor

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    Herein, we show how the merge of biocatalysis with flow chemistry aided by 3D-printing technologies can facilitate organic synthesis. This concept was exemplified for the reductive amination of benzaldehyde catalysed by co-immobilised amine dehydrogenase and formate dehydrogenase in a continuous flow micro-reactor. For this purpose, we investigated enzyme co-immobilisation by covalent binding, or ion-affinity binding, or entrapment. Entrapment in an agarose hydrogel turned out to be the most promising solution for this biocatalytic reaction. Therefore, we developed a scalable and customisable approach whereby an agarose hydrogel containing the co-entrapped dehydrogenases was cast in a 3D-printed mould. The reactor was applied to the reductive amination of benzaldehyde in continuous flow over 120 h and afforded 47 % analytical yield and a space-time yield of 7.4 g L day−1 using 0.03 mol% biocatalysts loading. This work also exemplifies how rapid prototyping of enzymatic reactions in flow can be achieved through 3D-printing technology

    Aiuti di Stato

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    Aiuti di Stato

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    Circolazione delle merci

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