1,536 research outputs found

    Superfluid qubit systems with ring shaped optical lattices

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    We study an experimentally feasible qubit system employing neutral atomic currents. Our system is based on bosonic cold atoms trapped in ring-shaped optical lattice potentials. The lattice makes the system strictly one dimensional and it provides the infrastructure to realize a tunable ring-ring interaction. Our implementation combines the low decoherence rates of of neutral cold atoms systems, overcoming single site addressing, with the robustness of topologically protected solid state Josephson flux qubits. Characteristic fluctuations in the magnetic fields affecting Josephson junction based flux qubits are expected to be minimized employing neutral atoms as flux carriers. By breaking the Galilean invariance we demonstrate how atomic currents through the lattice provide a implementation of a qubit. This is realized either by artificially creating a phase slip in a single ring, or by tunnel coupling of two homogeneous ring lattices. The single qubit infrastructure is experimentally investigated with tailored optical potentials. Indeed, we have experimentally realized scaled ring-lattice potentials that could host, in principle, n10n\sim 10 of such ring-qubits, arranged in a stack configuration, along the laser beam propagation axis. An experimentally viable scheme of the two-ring-qubit is discussed, as well. Based on our analysis, we provide protocols to initialize, address, and read-out the qubit.Comment: 14 revtex4-1 pages, 7 figs; to be published in Scientific Report

    Determination of ground state properties in quantum spin systems by single qubit unitary operations and entanglement excitation energies

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    We introduce a method for analyzing ground state properties of quantum many body systems, based on the characterization of separability and entanglement by single subsystem unitary operations. We apply the method to the study of the ground state structure of several interacting spin-1/2 models, described by Hamiltonians with different degrees of symmetry. We show that the approach based on single qubit unitary operations allows to introduce {\it ``entanglement excitation energies''}, a set of observables that can characterize ground state properties, including the quantification of single-site entanglement and the determination of quantum critical points. The formalism allows to identify the existence and location of factorization points, and a purely quantum {\it ``transition of entanglement''} that occurs at the approach of factorization. This kind of quantum transition is characterized by a diverging ratio of excitation energies associated to single-qubit unitary operations.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Networked volunteering during the 2013 Sardinian floods

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    The article describes how ordinary citizens used Twitter as an emergency-management tool during the heavy floods that occurred in Sardinia, Italy, in November 2013. The case study constitutes an example of digital volunteering in the aftermath of a disaster event. The article applies the connective action framework (Bennet & Segerberg, 2012) for a deeper understanding of the dynamics of self-organized disaster communication activities on social media. Utilizing a dataset of 93,091 tweets that used the hashtag #allertameteoSAR (weather alert in Sardinia), the analysis focuses on: 1) the roles and patterns of influence among the main actors; and 2) the strategies for a peer ‘curation’ and sharing of a disaster-recovery oriented communication. The article highlights the role of Twitter celebrities and engaged ordinary users as digital volunteers and explains how they succeeded in activating bottom-up disaster-relief oriented communication

    Exploring the ferromagnetic behaviour of a repulsive Fermi gas via spin dynamics

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    Ferromagnetism is a manifestation of strong repulsive interactions between itinerant fermions in condensed matter. Whether short-ranged repulsion alone is sufficient to stabilize ferromagnetic correlations in the absence of other effects, like peculiar band dispersions or orbital couplings, is however unclear. Here, we investigate ferromagnetism in the minimal framework of an ultracold Fermi gas with short-range repulsive interactions tuned via a Feshbach resonance. While fermion pairing characterises the ground state, our experiments provide signatures suggestive of a metastable Stoner-like ferromagnetic phase supported by strong repulsion in excited scattering states. We probe the collective spin response of a two-spin mixture engineered in a magnetic domain-wall-like configuration, and reveal a substantial increase of spin susceptibility while approaching a critical repulsion strength. Beyond this value, we observe the emergence of a time-window of domain immiscibility, indicating the metastability of the initial ferromagnetic state. Our findings establish an important connection between dynamical and equilibrium properties of strongly-correlated Fermi gases, pointing to the existence of a ferromagnetic instability.Comment: 8 + 17 pages, 4 + 8 figures, 44 + 19 reference

    Connecting dissipation and phase slips in a Josephson junction between fermionic superfluids

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    We study the emergence of dissipation in an atomic Josephson junction between weakly-coupled superfluid Fermi gases. We find that vortex-induced phase slippage is the dominant microscopic source of dissipation across the BEC-BCS crossover. We explore different dynamical regimes by tuning the bias chemical potential between the two superfluid reservoirs. For small excitations, we observe dissipation and phase coherence to coexist, with a resistive current followed by well-defined Josephson oscillations. We link the junction transport properties to the phase-slippage mechanism, finding that vortex nucleation is primarily responsible for the observed trends of conductance and critical current. For large excitations, we observe the irreversible loss of coherence between the two superfluids, and transport cannot be described only within an uncorrelated phase-slip picture. Our findings open new directions for investigating the interplay between dissipative and superfluid transport in strongly correlated Fermi systems, and general concepts in out-of-equlibrium quantum systems.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures + Supplemental Materia

    Out of equilibrium correlation functions of quantum anisotropic XY models: one-particle excitations

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    We calculate exactly matrix elements between states that are not eigenstates of the quantum XY model for general anisotropy. Such quantities therefore describe non equilibrium properties of the system; the Hamiltonian does not contain any time dependence. These matrix elements are expressed as a sum of Pfaffians. For single particle excitations on the ground state the Pfaffians in the sum simplify to determinants.Comment: 11 pages, no figures; revtex. Minor changes in the text; list of refs. modifie

    Mixed Early and Late-Type Properties in the Bar of NGC 6221: Evidence for Evolution along the Hubble Sequence?

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    Rotation curves and velocity dispersion profiles are presented for both the stellar and gaseous components along five different position angles (P.A.=5, 50, 95, 125 and 155 degrees) of the nearby barred spiral NGC 6221. The observed kinematics extends out to about 80" from the nucleus. Narrow and broad-band imaging is also presented. The radial profiles of the fluxes ratio [NII]/Halpha reveal the presence of a ring-like structure of ionized gas, with a radius of about 9" and a deprojected circular velocity of about 280 km/s. The analysis of the dynamics of the bar indicates this ring is related to the presence of an inner Lindblad resonance (ILR) at 1.3 kpc. NGC6221 is found to exhibit intermediate properties between those of the early-type barred galaxies: the presence of a gaseous ring at an ILR, the bar edge located between the ILR's and the corotation radius beyond the steep rising portion of the rotation curve, the dust-lane pattern, and those of the late-type galaxies: an almost exponential surface brightness profile, the presence of Halpha regions along all the bar, the spiral-arm pattern. It is consistent with scenarios of bar-induced evolution from later to earlier-type galaxies.Comment: 1 File ds7406.tar.gz which contains: one latex file (ds7406.tex), and 10 encsulated postscript figures (ds7406f**.eps). To be compiled with aa-l latex2e macro style. To be published in A&A Sup. Serie

    Thermal noise limit in the Virgo mirror suspension

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    Abstract The expected current limit to the Virgo sensitivity is presented. New materials to realize a low thermal noise suspension for the Virgo optics are investigated. A promising fused silica suspension for the Virgo mirrors is presented

    Mesoscopic BCS pairing in the repulsive 1d-Hubbard model

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    We study mesoscopic pairing in the one dimensional repulsive Hubbard model and its interplay with the BCS model in the canonical ensemble. The key tool is comparing the Bethe ansatz equations of the two models in the limit of small Coulomb repulsion. For the ordinary Hubbard interaction the BCS Bethe equations with infinite pairing coupling are recovered; a finite pairing is obtained by considering a further density-dependent phase-correlation in the hopping amplitude of the Hubbard model. We find that spin degrees of freedom in the Hubbard ground state are arranged in a state of the BCS type, where the Cooper-pairs form an un-condensed liquid on a ``lattice'' of single particle energies provided by the Hubbard charge degrees of freedom; the condensation in the BCS ground state corresponds to Hubbard excitations constituted by a sea of spin singlets.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. To be published on Physical Review