211 research outputs found
Reflection groups in hyperbolic spaces and the denominator formula for Lorentzian Kac--Moody Lie algebras
This is a continuation of our "Lecture on Kac--Moody Lie algebras of the
arithmetic type" \cite{25}.
We consider hyperbolic (i.e. signature ) integral symmetric bilinear
form (i.e. hyperbolic lattice), reflection group
, fundamental polyhedron \Cal M of and an acceptable
(corresponding to twisting coefficients) set P({\Cal M})\subset M of vectors
orthogonal to faces of \Cal M (simple roots). One can construct the
corresponding Lorentzian Kac--Moody Lie algebra {\goth g}={\goth
g}^{\prime\prime}(A(S,W,P({\Cal M}))) which is graded by .
We show that \goth g has good behavior of imaginary roots, its denominator
formula is defined in a natural domain and has good automorphic properties if
and only if \goth g has so called {\it restricted arithmetic type}. We show
that every finitely generated (i.e. P({\Cal M}) is finite) algebra {\goth
g}^{\prime\prime}(A(S,W_1,P({\Cal M}_1))) may be embedded to {\goth
g}^{\prime\prime}(A(S,W,P({\Cal M}))) of the restricted arithmetic type. Thus,
Lorentzian Kac--Moody Lie algebras of the restricted arithmetic type is a
natural class to study.
Lorentzian Kac--Moody Lie algebras of the restricted arithmetic type have the
best automorphic properties for the denominator function if they have {\it a
lattice Weyl vector }. Lorentzian Kac--Moody Lie algebras of the
restricted arithmetic type with generalized lattice Weyl vector are
called {\it elliptic}Comment: Some corrections in Sects. 2.1, 2.2 were done. They don't reflect on
results and ideas. 31 pages, no figures. AMSTe
Classification of double flag varieties of complexity 0 and 1
A classification of double flag varieties of complexity 0 and 1 is obtained.
An application of this problem to decomposing tensor products of irreducible
representations of semisimple Lie groups is considered
Hypermatrix factors for string and membrane junctions
The adjoint representations of the Lie algebras of the classical groups
SU(n), SO(n), and Sp(n) are, respectively, tensor, antisymmetric, and symmetric
products of two vector spaces, and hence are matrix representations. We
consider the analogous products of three vector spaces and study when they
appear as summands in Lie algebra decompositions. The Z3-grading of the
exceptional Lie algebras provide such summands and provides representations of
classical groups on hypermatrices. The main natural application is a formal
study of three-junctions of strings and membranes. Generalizations are also
considered.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, presentation improved, minor correction
Mechatronic design of a fast and long range 4 degrees of freedom humanoid neck
This paper describes the mechatronic design of a humanoid neck. To research human machine interaction, the head and neck combination should be able to approach the human behavior as much as possible. We present a novel humanoid neck concept that is both fast, and has a long range of motion in 4 degrees of freedom (DOFs). This enables the head to track fast objects, and the neck design is suitable for mimicking expressions. The humanoid neck features a differential drive design for the lower 2 DOFs resulting in a low moving mass and the ability to use strong actuators. The performance of the neck has been\ud
optimized by minimizing backlash in the mechanisms, and by using gravity compensation. Two cameras in the head are used for scanning and interaction with the environment
Global analysis by hidden symmetry
Hidden symmetry of a G'-space X is defined by an extension of the G'-action
on X to that of a group G containing G' as a subgroup. In this setting, we
study the relationship between the three objects:
(A) global analysis on X by using representations of G (hidden symmetry);
(B) global analysis on X by using representations of G';
(C) branching laws of representations of G when restricted to the subgroup
We explain a trick which transfers results for finite-dimensional
representations in the compact setting to those for infinite-dimensional
representations in the noncompact setting when is -spherical.
Applications to branching problems of unitary representations, and to spectral
analysis on pseudo-Riemannian locally symmetric spaces are also discussed.Comment: Special volume in honor of Roger Howe on the occasion of his 70th
Classification of hyperbolic Dynkin diagrams, root lengths and Weyl group orbits
We give a criterion for a Dynkin diagram, equivalently a generalized Cartan
matrix, to be symmetrizable. This criterion is easily checked on the Dynkin
diagram. We obtain a simple proof that the maximal rank of a Dynkin diagram of
compact hyperbolic type is 5, while the maximal rank of a symmetrizable Dynkin
diagram of compact hyperbolic type is 4. Building on earlier classification
results of Kac, Kobayashi-Morita, Li and Sa\c{c}lio\~{g}lu, we present the 238
hyperbolic Dynkin diagrams in ranks 3-10, 142 of which are symmetrizable. For
each symmetrizable hyperbolic generalized Cartan matrix, we give a
symmetrization and hence the distinct lengths of real roots in the
corresponding root system. For each such hyperbolic root system we determine
the disjoint orbits of the action of the Weyl group on real roots. It follows
that the maximal number of disjoint Weyl group orbits on real roots in a
hyperbolic root system is 4.Comment: J. Phys. A: Math. Theor (to appear
Moduli of Abelian varieties, Vinberg theta-groups, and free resolutions
We present a systematic approach to studying the geometric aspects of Vinberg
theta-representations. The main idea is to use the Borel-Weil construction for
representations of reductive groups as sections of homogeneous bundles on
homogeneous spaces, and then to study degeneracy loci of these vector bundles.
Our main technical tool is to use free resolutions as an "enhanced" version of
degeneracy loci formulas. We illustrate our approach on several examples and
show how they are connected to moduli spaces of Abelian varieties. To make the
article accessible to both algebraists and geometers, we also include
background material on free resolutions and representation theory.Comment: 41 pages, uses tabmac.sty, Dedicated to David Eisenbud on the
occasion of his 65th birthday; v2: fixed some typos and added reference
Reduction and reconstruction of stochastic differential equations via symmetries
An algorithmic method to exploit a general class of infinitesimal symmetries
for reducing stochastic differential equations is presented and a natural
definition of reconstruction, inspired by the classical reconstruction by
quadratures, is proposed. As a side result the well-known solution formula for
linear one-dimensional stochastic differential equations is obtained within
this symmetry approach. The complete procedure is applied to several examples
with both theoretical and applied relevance
Harmonic analysis on spherical homogeneous spaces with solvable stabilizer
For all spherical homogeneous spaces G/H, where G is a simply connected
semisimple algebraic group and H a connected solvable subgroup of G, we compute
the spectra of the representations of G on spaces of regular sections of
homogeneous line bundles over G/H.Comment: v2: 14 pages, minor correction
Limits of Gaudin algebras, quantization of bending flows, Jucys--Murphy elements and Gelfand--Tsetlin bases
Gaudin algebras form a family of maximal commutative subalgebras in the
tensor product of copies of the universal enveloping algebra U(\g) of a
semisimple Lie algebra \g. This family is parameterized by collections of
pairwise distinct complex numbers . We obtain some new commutative
subalgebras in U(\g)^{\otimes n} as limit cases of Gaudin subalgebras. These
commutative subalgebras turn to be related to the hamiltonians of bending flows
and to the Gelfand--Tsetlin bases. We use this to prove the simplicity of
spectrum in the Gaudin model for some new cases.Comment: 11 pages, references adde
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