288 research outputs found

    Application of Paper-Based Microfluidic Analytical Devices (ÎĽPAD) in Forensic and Clinical Toxicology: A Review

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    The need for providing rapid and, possibly, on-the-spot analytical results in the case of intoxication has prompted researchers to develop rapid, sensitive, and cost-effective methods and analytical devices suitable for use in nonspecialized laboratories and at the point of need (PON). In recent years, the technology of paper-based microfluidic analytical devices (ÎĽPADs) has undergone rapid development and now provides a feasible, low-cost alternative to traditional rapid tests for detecting harmful compounds. In fact, ÎĽPADs have been developed to detect toxic molecules (arsenic, cyanide, ethanol, and nitrite), drugs, and drugs of abuse (benzodiazepines, cathinones, cocaine, fentanyl, ketamine, MDMA, morphine, synthetic cannabinoids, tetrahydrocannabinol, and xylazine), and also psychoactive substances used for drug-facilitated crimes (flunitrazepam, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), ketamine, metamizole, midazolam, and scopolamine). The present report critically evaluates the recent developments in paper-based devices, particularly in detection methods, and how these new analytical tools have been tested in forensic and clinical toxicology, also including future perspectives on their application, such as multisensing paper-based devices, microfluidic paper-based separation, and wearable paper-based sensors

    Comparative use of aqueous humour 1H NMR metabolomics and potassium concentration for PMI estimation in an animal model

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    Estimation of the post-mortem interval (PMI) remains a matter of concern in the forensic scenario. Traditional and novel approaches are not yet able to fully address this issue, which relies on complex biological phenomena triggered by death. For this purpose, eye compartments may be chosen for experimental studies because they are more resistant to post-mortem modifications. Vitreous humour, in particular, has been extensively investigated, with potassium concentration ([K+]) being the marker that is better correlated with PMI estimation. Recently, a 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) metabolomic approach based on aqueous humour (AH) from an animal model was proposed for PMI estimation, resulting in a robust and validated regression model. Here we studied the variation in [K+] in the same experimental setup. [K+] was determined through capillary ion analysis (CIA) and a regression analysis was performed. Moreover, it was investigated whether the PMI information related to potassium could improve the metabolome predictive power in estimating the PMI. Interestingly, we found that a part of the metabolomic profile is able to explain most of the information carried by potassium, suggesting that the rise in both potassium and metabolite concentrations relies on a similar biological mechanism. In the first 24-h PMI window, the AH metabolomic profile shows greater predictive power than [K+] behaviour, suggesting its potential use as an additional tool for estimating the time since death

    Invited Book Review of: \u201cClinical and Forensic Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis\u201d, Petersen, J.R., Mohammad (eds.), Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, USA, 2001

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    Invited Book Review of: \u201cForensic Science \u201d M.J. Bogusz (ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2000

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    I cannabinoidi sintetici, una nuova classe di sostanze d\u2019abuso. Problemi e prospettive analitiche

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    Negli anni recenti sono comparse nel mercato internazionale numerose molecole di sintesi con un\u2019elevata attivit\ue0 sui recettori dei cannabinoidi, commercializzate sotto forma di incensi o miscele erbacee presso negozi specializzati (smart shops) o via Internet. Tale preoccupante diffusione, evidenziata anche dal Sistema Nazionale di Allerta Rapida, ha indotto il Dipartimento per le Politiche Antidroga della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri a proporre l\u2019inserimento di molte di queste molecole nelle tabelle ministeriali ex DPR. 09 ottobre 1990 n. 309, determinando cos\uec la necessit\ue0 di poter disporre di metodiche analitiche idonee alla loro identificazione e caratterizzazione di affidabilit\ue0 e robustezza compatibili con un impiego forense. Questi aspetti sono l\u2019oggetto del presente lavoro. Miscele erbacee commercializzate come profumatori ambientali o incensi sono state acquistate direttamente in smart shops, tramite Internet ovvero ottenuti a seguito di sequestri effettuati dalle Procure e/o Questure italiane di numerose citt\ue0. Le tecnologie utilizzate in questo progetto sono state prevalentemente cromatografiche (in fase liquida o gassosa) accoppiate alla spettrometria di massa, in particolare ESI-TOF/MS, LC-ESI-IT/MS, GC-EI/MS. La maggioranza dei profumatori ambientali o incensi analizzate sono risultate contenere quantit\ue0 biologicamente attive di cannabinoidi sintetici, in particolare JWH-018, JWH-073, JWH-081, JWH-122, JWH-250, JWH-210, JWH-019 e AM-694. Tuttavia, tra i prodotti analizzati \ue8 stata riscontrata una grande variabilit\ue0 nella composizione, spesso non corrispondente alla tipologia di confezionamento e di etichettatura. Un approccio analitico basato sull\u2019impiego in combinazione di tecniche cromatografiche e di spettrometria di massa ad alta e bassa risoluzione, con e senza frammentazione, si \ue8 dimostrato idoneo alla identificazione di dei cannabinoidi sintetici nei prodotti commerciali denominati \u201cherbal blends\u201d o profumatori ambientali rendendo cos\uec possibile il monitoraggio della loro diffusione nel mercato e la repressione del loro commercio
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