38 research outputs found

    Exploring Jahrom Medical University students' attitudes towards the Islamic self-evaluation in 2015

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    Introduction: Self- evaluation is the process of designing, building and maintaining human behaviors that can lead to maturity and perfection. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine Jahrom Medical University students' attitudes towards the Islamic self-assessment in 2015.Method: This cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out on the students of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 2015. Using purposive sampling, 223 samples were selected.Collection tool was Islamic self-assessment questionnaire in the form of 20 items based on the Likert scale consisting stipulation, calculating, meditation and expostulation. Data analysis was performed using statistical software SPSS 11 and paired T-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation.Results: 223 students participated in this cross-sectional and descriptive study.68.2% were female and the rest were male. Their average age was 2.18 ± 20.4 in the range of 15 to 45 years.28.7 percent of students were medical field and 27.8 percent from the field of Anesthesiology.71.3% were undergraduates. The results of Pearson correlation coefficient showed that there was a significant correlation between the components of Islamic selfevaluation (stipulation, calculating, meditation, expostulation) and Islamic self-evaluation (P-value <0.05).Conclusion: The students of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences are in relatively good condition in terms of the four stages of Islamic self-evaluation.Keywords: Islamic self-evaluation, students, Jahrom University of Medical Science

    Cytotoxic Effect of Titanium Dioxide-Hydroxyurea Nanocamposit on Hela Cancer Cell Line

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The use of nanotechnology in drug delivery Not only increase the efficacy and ease of drug penetration, but also they decrease their adverse effects. In this study, TiO2 nanoparticle was used as Hydroxyl Urea carrier to increase the contact surface of the drug and cells, and with pegylation of nanoparticle surface decrease immunogenicity, hence to increase drug solubility and penetration to cells. The goal of this study was to investigate cytotoxicity of synthesized TiO2-Poly Ethylene Glycol-Hydroxy Urea (TiO2-PEG-HU) nanocomposite on Hela cell-line and apoptosis induction of treated cells compared to the control group to determine the effective dose of nanodrug. METHODS: In this laboratory study, the effect of TiO2-PEG-HU nano-drug was evaluated on cells bioactivity by MTT method at concentrations of 200, 400, 800, and 1800 µg/ml in 48 and 120 hours. Annexin-V/PI flowcytometry method was used to analyze apoptosis induction. Data were analyzed using uni-directional variance and independent T-test. FINDINGS: Higher concentrations of TiO2-PEG-HU nanocomposite decreased cells bioactivity dependent on dosage and time. As the concentration of 1600 µg/ml of nanocomposite reduced amount of bioavailability by 1.52 times over a 120-hour period compared to the 48-hour time-effect. For both times, this reduced cell survival was `significantly different from that of the control group at the level of p <0.0001. In addition, nano-drug significantly increased apoptosis induction 2.5 times in treated Hela cells (p=0.0114). CONCLUSION: Nano-composite TiO2-PEG-HU on the Hela cell line is cytotoxic and induces apoptosis and can be a promising drug for cancer treatment


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    Introduction: Halitosis is an unpleasant odor, smelled from one’s breath. This condition is in fact a widespread problem in the society. Halitosis can be due to several reasons. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate Shiraz dentists’ knowledge of diagnosis and management of halitosis. Materials & Methods: A researcher-made questionnaire was distributed among 70 dentists, randomly selected from all the dentists in Shiraz, Iran. The research questionnaire consisted of 13 questions evaluating the knowledge of dentists of the causes (four items), diagnostic methods (five items) and treatment methods (four items) of halitosis. Results: Among the participants, 47.1% were male and 52.9% were female. Total mean knowledge score of the subjects was estimated at 10.56±1.92. In terms of causes of halitosis, mean knowledge score was 4.61±1.10, while it was 3.0±37.67 and 2.57±0.67 regarding the diagnostic and treatment methods of the mentioned condition, respectively. According to the results, a significant reverse correlation was observed between mean knowledge score of the subjects and variables of age and experience. Conclusion: In the present study, dentists’ knowledge of causes of halitosis, as well as diagnostic and treatment methods in this regard were evaluated, and the results were indicative of proper knowledge of dentists

    Fraud identification in beef sausage in Tehran ‎province using mitochondrial genes of animal species

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    The aim of this study was to develop a species-specific PCR method for rapid identification of meat species in order to detect any potential fraud in meat products. For cattle and poultry, a set of primers were designed based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b and subsequently a 183 bp as well as 274 bp fragments were amplified for poultry and beef samples, respectively. For the study, ten different brands of beef sausage were obtained across Tehran province. Results of PCR assay demonstrated that unlike their labels, all of the samples were contained poultry residuals‎. Moreover, beef offal was detected only in five samples‎. Since no cross-reaction was observed among the different samples, PCR could be considered as a sensitive and ‎specific method for the identification of meat varieties. In addition, high-speed operation and easiness of the technique are the other advantages of PCR method. Therefore, this technique has the capability for sensitive and ‎specific detection of meat adulteration in sausages