324 research outputs found

    Korai petefészek-kimerüléssel összefüggő tünetek bio-pszicho-szociális szemléletű kezelése

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    Absztrakt: Az egészségügyi tevékenységek minimumfeltételei megszabják, hogy egyes szomatikus osztályokon dolgozzon pszichológus. Az orvosi gyakorlatban mindeközben még nem mondható általánosnak az az attitűd, amely a pszichés tényezőknek a betegségek alakulásában játszott potenciális szerepét is figyelembe veszi. A modern pszichoszomatikus gyógyító szemlélet egyszerre veszi számításba a biológiai, pszichológiai és társas faktorokat, amelyek hajlamosítanak egy betegségre vagy kiváltják és fenntartják azt. Az alábbi esettanulmány egy olyan 35 éves nő kezeléstörténete, akinek tünetei egyszerre bizonyultak a korai petefészek-kimerülés és a szorongás jeleinek, és kölcsönösen hatottak egymásra. Az esetvezetés során a beavatkozások is két síkon: testre ható (hormonterápia, Jacobson-féle progresszív relaxáció) és pszichés eszközökkel történtek (kognitív viselkedésterápiás intervenciók). Az eset jól példázza, hogy orvos és pszichológus együttműködése miként szolgálhatja a páciens érdekeit. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(36): 1432–1435. | Abstract: The basic legal conditions for pursuing medical activities in Hungary require that psychologists be employed at certain somatic departments. In the Hungarian medical practice, however, attitudes recognizing the potential role of psychological factors in the course of diseases are not widely present. The modern psychosomatic approach to healing includes biological, psychological and social factors that may predispose one to, precipitate or perpetuate a medical condition. This case study of a 35-year-old woman reports on a therapy in which the symptoms were indicative of both premature ovarian failure and anxiety, influencing each other in a bidirectional way. Therapy also included interventions on physical (hormonal therapy, Jacobson’s progressive relaxation technique) and psychological levels (cognitive behavioral interventions). This case management is an example for how physician-psychologist collaboration serves the best interests of patients. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(36): 1432–1435

    The work of the clinical psychologist with physically Ill patients

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    The role of molecular imaging in modern drug development

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    Drug development represents a highly complex, inefficient and costly process. Over the past decade, the widespread use of nuclear imaging, owing to its functional and molecular nature, has proven to be a determinant in improving the efficiency in selecting the candidate drugs that should either be abandoned or moved forward into clinical trials. This helps not only with the development of safer and effective drugs but also with the shortening of time-to-market. The modern concept and future trends concerning molecular imaging will assumedly be hybrid or multimodality imaging, including combinations between high sensitivity and functional (molecular) modalities with high spatial resolution and morphological techniques

    Traumaeredetű disszociáció: Onno van der Hart Magyarországon

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    NanoSPECT/MRI: a “new generation” high performance tool in pre-clinical imaging

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    Abstract Body: PreClinical Imaging it is an each-day evolving field, getting more and more important at distinct areas. The Biotechnology field is between those that taken the biggest benefit. With so much interest, it is not surprising that investment consented on Research and Development is also evolving at the same time that this specific branch of business into the Imaging Industry is getting more and more attention and growing in importance. Hybrid Imaging is also getting more and more interest in the last decade and actually there are different vendors proposing interesting technical solutions, making things easier for one that has the possibilities – and the knowledge about each will be the most adequate for the specific purpose on each situation! – to choose one (or more) of those solutions. This paper relates with the public presentation of images produced from the world first model of a new pre-clinical imaging system, an new equipment that mixes Nuclear Medicine and MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging techniques, using as base the sub-millimeter Nano-SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography), so an high-level performance system – the world reference, produced by MEDISO Company, in Hungary - from Nuclear Medicine and a new MRI component, optimized for Neurosciences, but able to perform adequately on other critical biological fields. As practical example from the possibilities being introduced, images from mice, which are being enrolled on a Neuroscience project, will be showed and will be discussed, but also will be compared with other images being produced on other, actually more current, technical solutions, in order to try to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of this specific new approach. Since this small – quick and unpretentious – comparison will be done, it is meant to make possible understanding the place and the real possibilities of this equipment, which it is expected to become available on the world market between the end of this year and the 1st Quarter from next year

    Miscellanea. Levél a szerkesztőhöz. Beszámoló

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    Levél a szerkesztőhöz. A viselkedéses addikciók új horizontja. A videojáték-függőségről | Beszámoló. A szexualitás kérdésköre termékenységi kezelésekben Az Európai Humán Reprodukciós és Embriológiai Társaság (ESHRE) konferenciája Berlin, 2019. április 12–13

    Thermally robust spin correlations between two Rb-85 atoms in an optical microtrap

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    The complex collisional properties of atoms fundamentally limit investigations into a range of processes in many-atom ensembles. In contrast, the bottom-up assembly of few- and manybody systems from individual atoms offers a controlled approach to isolating and studying such collisional processes. Here, we use optical tweezers to individually assemble pairs of trapped Rb-85 atoms, and study the spin dynamics of the two-body system in a thermal state. The spin-2 atoms show strong pair correlation between magnetic sublevels on timescales exceeding one second, with measured relative number fluctuations 11.9 +/- 0.3 dB below quantum shot noise, limited only by detection efficiency. Spin populations display relaxation dynamics consistent with simulations and theoretical predictions for Rb-85 spin interactions, and contrary to the coherent spin waves witnessed in finite-temperature many-body experiments and zero-temperature two-body experiments. Our experimental approach offers a versatile platform for studying two-body quantum dynamics and may provide a route to thermally robust entanglement generation