21 research outputs found

    The Downfall of the Protagonist in Christopher Marlowe’s Play Doctor Faustus

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    This paper is an analysis of the downfall of the protagonist of Christopher Marlowe’s drama Dr. Faustus. It talks about a scholar named Dr. Faustus who feels unsatisfied with all the branches of knowledge he has acquired so that he turns to the devil to quench his thirst to reach the level of a deity. The goal of this study is to analyze the causing factors of his downfall. The basis of the research method applied in this research is the qualitative research proposed by Baum (2009). The theory of the downfall is taken from Sinclair (1987) who states that downfall is the failure or ruin of an institution or person when he has previously been successful or powerful. The result shows that Faustus’s downfall is caused by his insatiable passion, inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality, and uncontrollable praxis of necromancy, which later bring his ruin to damnation. The conclusion shows that Faustus appears as a tragic hero of the story, but in reality he is a man who meets his downfall.   Keywords: downfall, passion, fantasy, necromanc

    Pengembangan Booklet Program Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Pengetahuan Lingkungan Masyarakat di Kota Malang

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    The aim of the research is to arrange, test, practicality and effectiveness of the Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL) and to comprehend the environmental knowledge of Malangness. The study consists of two phases which involves; developmental research and experimental of the developmental research result. Developmental research phase is the outcome implementation of previous studies which are arranged in the booklet form as an educational resource to the community. The research was using quasy experiment method. This research is the developmental result application then applied to the community with quasy experiment method. The study was using Borg and Gall development model while the data analysis used Anacova (Analysis Covariates). The research results showed that the eligibility test, the practicality and the effectiveness found in 90.5% for the media experts, 76.1% for the materials experts. The test showed that the data is feasible to implement and field practitioners stated that it is eligible to apply. In the small scale test of the experimental research found 80% and showed that it was suitable to be continued on a wide scale test. The results of the analysis on a wide scale test questionnaire environmental knowledge showed that there is a different knowledge between two areas which are Bareng and Bandungrejosari. It can be seen that F calculated is generated is 4.829 with 0.033 significance, the score is less than 0.05.Tujuan penelitian adalah menyusun, menguji kelayakan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan booklet program Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL) dan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan lingkungan untuk masyarakat di Kota Malang. Penelitian ini terdiri atas dua tahap penelitian yaitu penelitian pengembangan dan penelitian eksperimen dari hasil penelitian pengembangan. Tahap penelitian pengembangan merupakan penerapan hasil penelitian terdahulu yang disusun dalam bentuk booklet sebagai sumber pendidikan kepada masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasy eksperiment Penelitian ini merupakan penerapan dari hasil pengembangan kemudian diterapkan kepada masyarakat dengan quasy eksperiment. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan Borg and Gall. Analisis data menggunakan uji Anakova (Analisis Kovariat). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada uji kelayakan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan didapatkan pada ahli media 90,5%, ahli materi 76,1%, menyatakan bahwa sudah layak untuk diterapkan dan praktisi lapangan menyatakan sudah layak untuk diterapkan. Pada hasil penelitian eksperimen didapatkan pada uji skala kecil didapatkan sebesar 80% menunjukkan sudah layak dilanjutkan pada uji skala luas. Hasil analisis pada uji skala luas didapatkan bahwa pada angket pengetahuan lingkungan adanya perbedaan pengetahuan diantara dua daerah Bareng dan Bandungrejosari dapat diketahui bahwa F hitung yang dihasilkan adalah sebesar 4,829 dengan signifikasi 0,033, nilai tersebut kurang dari 0,05

    Pengaruh Penerapan Learning Cycle 6e Think Pair Share terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif Peserta Didik dengan Kemampuan Awal Berbeda

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    Learning cycle 6 E-think pair share (LC6E-TPS) is a combination of constructivist learning model. The purpose of this study was to know the influence of the learning model, prior knowledge of learners, and the interaction between prior knowledge of learners with the learning model to the cognitive achievement in solubility and solubility product. The research method in this study was quasi-experimental. The population were students of XI grade of SMAN 8 Malang. The sample was determined using cluster random sampling. From the results of data analysis using two ways anova, there is a significant differences in cognitive learning outcomes of solubility and solubility product topic between students that learned using LC6E-TPS and LC6E. This happens both on students who have high and low prior knowledge. In addition it was found that there was no interaction between learners prior knowledge with learning model to the cognitive achievement of students in this topic.Model pembelajaran learning cycle 6 E-think pair share (LC6E-TPS) merupakan kombinasi model pembelajaran konstruktivistik. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran LC6E-TPS, kemampuan awal peserta didik, dan interaksi antara kemampuan awal peserta didik dengan model pembelajaran terhadap hasil belajar kognitif peserta didik pada materi kelarutan dan hasil kali kelarutan. Metode penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas XI SMAN 8 Malang. Sampel penelitian ditentukan secara cluster random sampling. Dari hasil analisis data menggunakan anava dua jalur, terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif yang signifikan antara peserta didik yang dibelajarkan menggunakan model pembelajaran LC6E-TPS dengan model pembelajaran LC6E. Hal ini terjadi baik pada peserta didik yang memiliki kemampuan awal tinggi maupun rendah. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa tidak ada interaksi antara kemampuan awal peserta didik dengan model pembelajaran terhadap hasil belajar kognitif peserta didik pada materi tersebut

    Dampak Bahan Ajar dengan Strategi Poe pada Kesalahan Konsep Ikatan Kimia Mahasiswa Semester I Jurusan Kimia

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    This research used one group pre-test-post tes design with 69 students of semester I Departement of Chemistry-FMIPA-UM. The sample were divided into three groups i.e upper, middle and lower groups and given a treatment with chemical bond learning materials with POE strategy. Five misconceptions from upper, middle, and lower groups were found in pre-test. Results of post-test showed that there were no misconceptions in upper and middle groups but two misconceptions were still found in lower group.Rancangan penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian satu kelompok pre-post tes dengan 69 mahasiswa semester I jurusan kimia-FMIPA-UM. Sampel penelitian dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu, kelompok atas, tengah dan bawah yang kemudian diberi perlakuan pembelajaran bahan ajar ikatan kimia dengan strategi POE. Sebanyak lima kesalahan konsep dari kelompok atas, tengah dan bawah ditemukan dari data pre tes. Hasil post tes menunjukkan bahwa tidak ditemukan kesalahan konsep pada mahasiswa kelompok atas dan tengah tetapi sebanyak dua kesalahan konsep masih dialami oleh mahasiswa kelompok bawah

    Comparison Between Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and Coronary Artery Calcification in the Prediction of Atherosclerosis in Diabetic Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular disease is one of the atherosclerosis etiologies that can lead to death. Diabetes mellitus increases the risk of atherosclerosis. Screening tool is very beneficial for detecting atherosclerotic plaque, especially in subclinical atherosclerotic cases. Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and coronary artery calcification score (CACS) are two kinds of tools that are widely used, and each of these tools has its own superiority. This study was aimed to investigate the sensitivity and specificity of both of these tools as screening tools.METHODS: The study was conducted with a cross sectional design involving 43 diabetic and 68 non-diabetic male subjects aged above 45 years old. All subjects fulfilled inclusion criteria. Carotid artery ultrasonography and CACS measurement were performed.RESULTS: Fischer exact test was used to show a significant correlation between CIMT and CACS (p<0.05). Diagnostic test was used to assess the sensitivity of CIMT toward CACS in above 75 percentile. The left common carotid artery (LCCA) showed the highest sensitivity either in diabetic (76.4%) or non-diabetic male subjects (90%).CONCLUSION: CIMT has the same sensitivity with CACS. CIMT can be used as the preferred screening tool for high risk patients and as a substitution tool to CACS for low risk patients in subclinical atherosclerosis detection

    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Level as a Predictor of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Liver Cirrhosis Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) has been used for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) diagnosis and screening, however, AFP has poor specificity. The extensive hypervascularity associated with HCC could be driven in part by the pro-angiogenic factor known as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Furthermore, invasiveness of certain HCC lesions has recently been linked to high levels of VEGF. Therefore, circulating VEGF levels of patients with liver cirrhosis (LC) and HCC were investigated and analysed.METHODS: An analytical cross sectional study was designed. Diagnosis of HCC and LC was performed using clinical criteria and findings obtained from B-mode ultrasonography (USG), computed tomography (CT) angiography, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Blood were collected intravenously from all subjects. Obtained serum and plasma were stored in -80°C for following analyses: hepatitis B surface antigen (HBSAg), hepatitis C virus (HCV), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), total bilirubin, albumin, VEGF and AFP.RESULTS: Levels of VEGF and AFP were significantly higher in HCC group compared with LC group with p = 3.05 x 10-6 and p = 8.74 x 10-5, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation (p=0.029, r=0.309) between VEGF level and tumor size in HCC group. The area under curve (AUC) for VEGF level in HCC and LC groups was 0.771. In the level of median 435.6 pg/mL VEGF, the sensitivity was 50% and specificity was 86%. In the level of 199.99 pg/mL VEGF the sensitivity was 74% and specificity was 76%.CONCLUSION: The present findings suggested that VEGF level could be a useful marker for the presence of HCC in patients with LC

    Buku Ajar Ekologi Komunitas Serangga Berbasis Problem-Based Learning untuk Mahasiswa

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    Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah untuk menghasilkan buku ajar ekologi komunitas serangga berbasis problem-based learning yang memenuhi syarat kevalidan dan kepraktisan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE yang terdiri dari analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. Data primer dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari angket validitas dan kepraktisan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa validasi ahli materi mendapat nilai 93,33% dengan kategori sangat valid. Validasi dari pakar media menunjukkan skor 95% dengan kategori sangat valid. Validasi dari praktisi lapangan memperoleh skor 75% dengan kategori praktis, dan hasil uji coba dari siswa memperoleh skor 82,78% dengan kategori sangat praktis

    The Downfall of the Protagonist in Christopher Marlowe's Play Doctor Faustus

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    This paper is an analysis of the downfall of the protagonist of Christopher Marlowe's drama Dr. Faustus. It talks about a scholar named Dr. Faustus who feels unsatisfied with all the branches of knowledge he has acquired so that he turns to the devil to quench his thirst to reach the level of a deity. The goal of this study is to analyze the causing factors of his downfall. The basis of the research method applied in this research is the qualitative research proposed by Baum (2009). The theory of the downfall is taken from Sinclair (1987) who states that downfall is the failure or ruin of an institution or person when he has previously been successful or powerful. The result shows that Faustus's downfall is caused by his insatiable passion, inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality, and uncontrollable praxis of necromancy, which later bring his ruin to damnation. The conclusion shows that Faustus appears as a tragic hero of the story, but in reality he is a man who meets his downfall. &nbsp; Keywords: downfall, passion, fantasy, necromanc