1,485 research outputs found

    Benchmarking of a 1D Scrape-off layer code SOLF1D with SOLPS and its use in modelling long-legged divertors

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    A 1D code modelling SOL transport parallel to the magnetic field (SOLF1D) is benchmarked with 2D simulations of MAST-U SOL performed via the SOLPS code for two different collisionalities. Based on this comparison, SOLF1D is then used to model the effects of divertor leg stretching in 1D, in support of the planned Super-X divertor on MAST. The aim is to separate magnetic flux expansion from volumetric power losses due to recycling neutrals by stretching the divertor leg either vertically or radially.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figures. This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from i

    A comparison between two adaptive numerical methods for edge plasma fluid modeling

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    Approximate analytic expressions using Stokes model for tokamak polarimetry and their range of validity

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    The analysis of the polarimetry measurements has the aim of validating models (De Marco and Segre 1972 Plasma Phys. 14 245), with a careful attention to the clarification of their limits of application. In this paper a new approximation method is introduced, the so-called special constant Omega direction (SCOD), which gives an analytical solution to the polarimetry exact Stokes model equations. The available approximate solutions (including SCOD) of the polarimetry propagation equations are presented, compared and their application limits determined, using a reference tokamak configuration, which is a simplified equilibrium for a circular tokamak. The SCOD approximation is compared successfully to the Stokes model in the context also of equilibria evaluated for two JET discharges. The approximation methods are analytical or very simple mathematical expressions which can also be used in equilibrium codes for their optimization

    Post disruption reconnection event driven by a runaway current

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    The role of a runaway current in a post disruption plasma is investigated through numerical simulations in an asymmetric magnetic reconnection event. While the runaways do not alter the linear growth of the island, they lead to a rotation of the island in the poloidal direction as found in [C. Liu et al. Physics of Plasmas 27, 092507 (2020)]. The role of a microlayer smaller than the resistive one is thoroughly investigated. While the resistive layer controls the transition of the island from the linear to the nonlinear stage, the microlayer width causes the runaways to become nonlinear as soon as the size of the island exceeds it. Moreover, this transition of the runways electrons to the nonlinear phase is accompanied by a drastic redistribution of runaways within the island with respect to the symmetric case. The influence of the electron skin depth on the linear evolution is also taken into account. Finally, nonlinear simulations show that the rotation frequency tends toward zero when the island saturates

    SOLPS-ITER modeling of divertor scenarios for EU-DEMO

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    Divertor currents optimization procedure for JET-ILW high flux expansion experiments

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    This paper deals with a divertor coil currents optimized procedure to design High Flux Expansion (HFE) configurations in the JET tokamak aimed to study the effects of flux expansion variation on the radiation fraction and radiated power re-distribution. A number of benefits of HFE configuration have been experimentally demonstrated on TCV, EAST, NSTX and DIII-D tokamaks and are under investigation for next generation devices, as DEMO and DTT. The procedure proposed here exploits the linearized relation between the plasma-wall gaps and the Poloidal Field (PF) coil currents. Once the linearized model is provided by means of CREATE-NL code, the divertor coils currents are calculated using a constrained quadratic programming optimization procedure, in order to achieve HFE configuration. Flux expanded configurations have been experimentally realized both in ohmic and heated plasma with and without nitrogen seeding. Preliminary results on the effects of the flux expansion variation on total power radiation increase will be also briefly discussed

    Stability of a weakly collisional plasma with runaway electrons

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    We investigate the problem of the tearing stability of a post-disruption weakly collisional plasma where the current is completely carried by runaway electrons. We adopt here a two fluid model which takes into account also ion sound Larmor radius and electron inertia effects in the description of the reconnection process. In the past, it has been demonstrated in [Helander et al. Phys. Plasmas 14, 12, (2007)] that in the purely resistive regime the presence of runaway electrons in plasma has a significant effect on the saturated magnetic island width. In particular, runaway electrons generated during disruption can cause an increase of 50% in the saturated magnetic island width with respect to the case with no runaway electrons. These results were obtained adopting a periodic equilibrium magnetic field that limited the analysis to small size saturated magnetic islands. Here we present our results to overcome this limitation adopting a non-periodic Harris’ type equilibrium magnetic field. Preliminary results on the effects of the ion sound Larmor radius effects will also be presented

    Preliminary estimates of tritium permeation and retention in the first wall of DEMO due to ion bombardment

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    Tritium self-sufficiency presents a critical engineering challenge for DEMO, requiring efficient breeding and extraction systems, as well as minimizing tritium losses to the surrounding systems, such as plasma-facing components, vacuum vessel, cooling system, etc. Structural and plasma-facing components will act as a tritium sink, as tritium will be accumulated in the bulk of these components due to energetic particle bombardment and may permeate out of the vacuum system. The design of the plasma-facing components will consequently directly influence the plant lifetime, operational safety and cost of any future power plant. Therefore, modeling of tritium retention and permeation in these components is required for the engineering designs of the tritium breeding and safety systems. In this work, the diffusion-transport code TESSIM-X is benchmarked against the well-established TMAP7 code and a comparison with a simplified DEMO-relevant test case is performed. The use of either code for modeling of DEMO conditions is discussed. Following this, TESSIM-X is used to provide a preliminary assessment of tritium permeation and retention in the DEMO first wall, based on the current WCLL (Water Cooled Lithium Lead) and HCPB (Helium Cooled Pebble Bed) breeding blanket designs

    SOLPS-ITER modeling of ASDEX Upgrade L-mode detachment states

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    SOLPS-ITER modeling of ASDEX Upgrade L-mode detachment states

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    SOLPS-ITER is used to model ASDEX Upgrade L-mode detachment states including the onset of detachment, the fluctuating detachment, and the complete detachment states, considering drifts and mimicking filamentary convective transport with a radial outward velocity in the low field side. The effect of drifts, perpendicular outward convection and core boundary conditions on the numerical solution is presented. The modeling results are validated against experimental data. We find a good agreement of particle flux at the inner target between modeling results and experimental data. On the opposite, at the outer target computations underestimate measured particle flux by a factor of about 2 ∼ 3 in the onset of detachment and the fluctuating detachment states
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