146 research outputs found

    Metformin and aspirin treatment could lead to an improved survival rate for Type 2 diabetic patients with stage II and III colorectal adenocarcinoma relative to non-diabetic patients

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    Metformin, the drug of choice in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2), in addition to aspirin (ASA), the drug prescribed for cardioprotection of diabetic and non\u2010diabetic patients, have an inhibitory effect on cancer cell survival. The present population\u2010based study conducted in the province of Trieste (Italy), aimed to investigate the prevalence of DM2 in patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma (CRC) and survival for CRC in diabetic and nondiabetic patients. All permanent residents diagnosed with a CRC between 2004 and 2007 were ascertained through the regional health informa\u2010 tion system. CRC\u2010speci c and relative survival probabilities were computed for each group of patients de ned by CRC stage, presence or absence of DM2 treated with metformin, and presence or absence of daily ASA therapy. A total of 515 CRC patients without DM2 and 156 with DM2 treated with metformin were enrolled in the study. At the time of CRC diagnosis, 71 (14%) nondiabetic and 39 (25%) diabetic patients were taking ASA daily. The five\u2010year relative survival for stage III CRC was 101% [95% con dence interval (CI)=76\u2010126] in the 18 patients with DM2 treated with metformin and ASA, 55% (95% CI=31\u201078) in the 23 without DM2 treated with ASA, 55% (95% CI=45\u201065) in the 150 without DM2 not taking ASA, and 29% (95% CI=13\u201045) in the 43 with DM2 treated with metformin, however not with ASA. The ndings support the hypothesis of a possible inhibitory effect of metformin and ASA on CRC cells. Randomized controlled trials are required to verify this hypothesis

    Regulated splicing of the fibronectin EDA exon is essential for proper skin wound healing and normal lifespan

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    Fibronectins (FNs) are multifunctional high molecular weight glycoproteins present in the blood plasma and in the ECMs of tissues. The FN primary transcript undergoes alternative splicing in three regions generating up to 20 main different variants in humans. However, the precise role of the FN isoforms is poorly understood. One of the alternatively spliced exons is the extra domain A (EDA) or extra type III homology that is regulated spatially and temporally during development and aging. To study its in vivo function, we generated mice devoid of EDA exon-regulated splicing. Constitutive exon inclusion was obtained by optimizing the splice sites, whereas complete exclusion was obtained after in vivo CRE-loxP–mediated deletion of the exon. Homozygous mouse strains with complete exclusion or inclusion of the EDA exon were viable and developed normally, indicating that the alternative splicing at the EDA exon is not necessary during embryonic development. Conversely, mice without the EDA exon in the FN protein displayed abnormal skin wound healing, whereas mice having constitutive inclusion of the EDA exon showed a major decrease in the FN levels in all tissues. Moreover, both mutant mouse strains have a significantly shorter lifespan than the control mice, suggesting that EDA splicing regulation is necessary for efficient long-term maintenance of biological functions

    A novel oncogenic BTK isoform is overexpressed in colon cancers and required for RAS-mediated transformation

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    20siBruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) is essential for B-cell proliferation/differentiation and it is generally believed that its expression and function are limited to bone marrow-derived cells. Here, we report the identification and characterization of p65BTK, a novel isoform abundantly expressed in colon carcinoma cell lines and tumour tissue samples. p65BTK protein is expressed, through heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K (hnRNPK)-dependent and internal ribosome entry site-driven translation, from a transcript containing an alternative first exon in the 5'-untranslated region, and is post-transcriptionally regulated, via hnRNPK, by the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. p65BTK is endowed with strong transforming activity that depends on active signal-regulated protein kinases-1/2 (ERK1/2) and its inhibition abolishes RAS transforming activity. Accordingly, p65BTK overexpression in colon cancer tissues correlates with ERK1/2 activation. Moreover, p65BTK inhibition affects growth and survival of colon cancer cells. Our data reveal that BTK, via p65BTK expression, is a novel and powerful oncogene acting downstream of the RAS/MAPK pathway and suggest that its targeting may be a promising therapeutic approach.openopenGrassilli, Emanuela; Pisano, Fabio; Cialdella, Annamaria; Bonomo, Sara; Missaglia, Carola; Cerrito, Maria Grazia; Masiero, Laura; Ianzano, Leonarda; Giordano, Federica; Cicirelli, Vittoria; Narloch, Robert; D'Amato, Filomena; Noli, Barbara; Ferri, Gian Luca; Leone, Biagio; Stanta, Giorgio; Bonin, Serena; Helin, Kristian; Giovannoni, Roberto; Lavitrano, MarialuisaGrassilli, Emanuela; Pisano, Fabio; Cialdella, Annamaria; Bonomo, Sara; Missaglia, Carola; Cerrito, Maria Grazia; Masiero, Laura; Ianzano, Leonarda; Giordano, Federica; Cicirelli, Vittoria; Narloch, Robert; D'Amato, Filomena; Noli, Barbara; Ferri, Gian Luca; Leone, Biagio; Stanta, Giorgio; Bonin, Serena; Helin, Kristian; Giovannoni, Roberto; Lavitrano, Marialuis

    A novel oncogenic BTK isoform is overexpressed in colon cancers and required for RAS-mediated transformation

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    Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) is essential for B-cell proliferation/differentiation and it is generally believed that its expression and function are limited to bone marrow-derived cells. Here, we report the identification and characterization of p65BTK, a novel isoform abundantly expressed in colon carcinoma cell lines and tumor tissue samples. p65BTK protein is expressed, through hnRNPK-dependent and IRES-driven translation, from a transcript containing an alternative first exon in the 5’UTR, and is post-transcriptionally regulated, via hnRNPK, by the MAPK pathway. p65BTK is endowed with strong transforming activity that depends on active ERK1/2 and its inhibition abolishes RAS transforming activity. Accordingly, p65BTK overexpression in colon cancer tissues correlates with ERK1/2 activation. Moreover, p65BTK inhibition affects growth and survival of colon cancer cells. Our data reveal that BTK, via p65BTK expression, is a novel and powerful oncogene acting downstream of the RAS/MAPK pathway and suggest that its targeting may be a promising therapeutic approac

    Multinucleated Giant Cells’ Incidence, Immune Markers, and Significance: A Study of 172 Cases of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

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    Multinucleated giant cells (MGCs) are often detected in cases of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). Their origin and significance, however, has not been established. One possibility is that they form in response to injury induced by fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB). Other hypotheses are that the chemically-altered colloid produced by PTC induces MGCs to act as colloidophages, or else MGCs are a non-specific immune response ingesting neoplastic follicle cells. We assigned 172 cases of PTC a semi-quantitative score for MGCs. Cases with “many” MGCs were immunohistochemically stained for AEI/AEIII, CD68, and CD163 to assess for epithelial vs histiocytic differentiation, and for thyroglobulin and TTF-1 to assess for MGC ingestion of colloid or thyroid follicle cells respectively. Overall, we identified MGCs in 100/172 (58.1%) PTC specimens; in 45 (26.2%), “many” MGCs were found, while in 55 (31.9%) MGCs were “few.” The mean sizes of PTC in cases with many as opposed to rare/no MGCs was 2.50 cm vs 1.8 [P = 0.003]. The cases of PTC with many MGCs had higher multifocality (26/45 vs 51/127 [P = 0.06]), extrathyroidal extension (21/45 vs 36/127 [P = 0.03]), and recurrence (8/45 vs 9/127 [P = 0.08]), than did cases with rare or no MGCs. The majority of patients both with and without numerous MGCs had previous histories of FNA or hemilobectomy: 40/45 and 99/127 respectively (P = 0.062). The majority of MGCs were positive for CD68 (45/45), CD163 (44/45), thyroglobulin (34/45) and negative for AEI/AEIII (44/45) and TTF-1 (44/45). These results indicate that MGCs in PTC are of histiocytic origin. Cases of PTC with many MGCs have a significantly greater likelihood of extrathyroidal extension and greater tumor size than cases with few/no MGCs. MGCs appear to be functioning largely as colloidophages

    Report from the OECI Oncology Days 2014

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    The 2014 OECI Oncology Days was held at the ‘Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuta’ Oncology Institute in Cluj, Romania, from 12 to 13 June. The focus of this year’s gathering was on developments in personalised medicine and other treatment advances which have made the cost of cancer care too high for many regions throughout Europe

    Formalin Fixation at Low Temperature Better Preserves Nucleic Acid Integrity

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    Fixation with formalin, a widely adopted procedure to preserve tissue samples, leads to extensive degradation of nucleic acids and thereby compromises procedures like microarray-based gene expression profiling. We hypothesized that RNA fragmentation is caused by activation of RNAses during the interval between formalin penetration and tissue fixation. To prevent RNAse activation, a series of tissue samples were kept under-vacuum at 4°C until fixation and then fixed at 4°C, for 24 hours, in formalin followed by 4 hours in ethanol 95%. This cold-fixation (CF) procedure preserved DNA and RNA, so that RNA segments up to 660 bp were efficiently amplified. Histological and immunohistochemical features were fully comparable with those of standard fixation. Microarray-based gene expression profiles were comparable with those obtained on matched frozen samples for probes hybridizing within 700 bases from the reverse transcription start site. In conclusion, CF preserves tissues and nucleic acids, enabling reliable gene expression profiling of fixed tissues

    Nucleic acid extraction from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded cancer cell line samples: a trade off between quantity and quality?

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    Background: Advanced genomic techniques such as Next-Generation-Sequencing (NGS) and gene expression profiling, including NanoString, are vital for the development of personalised medicines, as they enable molecular disease classification. This has become increasingly important in the treatment of cancer, aiding patient selection. However, it requires efficient nucleic acid extraction often from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue (FFPE). Methods: Here we provide a comparison of several commercially available manual and automated methods for DNA and/or RNA extraction from FFPE cancer cell line samples from Qiagen, life Technologies and Promega. Differing extraction geometric mean yields were evaluated across each of the kits tested, assessing dual DNA/RNA extraction vs. specialised single extraction, manual silica column based extraction techniques vs. automated magnetic bead based methods along with a comparison of subsequent nucleic acid purity methods, providing a full evaluation of nucleic acids isolated. Results: Out of the four RNA extraction kits evaluated the RNeasy FFPE kit, from Qiagen, gave superior geometric mean yields, whilst the Maxwell 16 automated method, from Promega, yielded the highest quality RNA by quantitative real time RT-PCR. Of the DNA extraction kits evaluated the PicoPure DNA kit, from Life Technologies, isolated 2–14× more DNA. A miniaturised qPCR assay was developed for DNA quantification and quality assessment. Conclusions: Careful consideration of an extraction kit is necessary dependent on quality or quantity of material required. Here we provide a flow diagram on the factors to consider when choosing an extraction kit as well as how to accurately quantify and QC the extracted material

    The role of the pathologist in tissue banking: European Consensus Expert Group Report

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    Human tissue biobanking encompasses a wide range of activities and study designs and is critical for application of a wide range of new technologies (-“omics”) to the discovery of molecular patterns of disease and for implementation of novel biomarkers into clinical trials. Pathology is the cornerstone of hospital-based tissue biobanking. Pathologists not only provide essential information identifying the specimen but also make decisions on what should be biobanked, making sure that the timing of all operations is consistent with both the requirements of clinical diagnosis and the optimal preservation of biological products. This document summarizes the conclusions of a Pathology Expert Group Meeting within the European Biological and Biomolecular Research Infrastructure (BBMRI) Program. These recommendations are aimed at providing guidance for pathologists as well as for institutions hosting biobanks on how to better integrate and support pathological activities within the framework of biobanks that fulfill international standards