873 research outputs found

    Symptomatic seizures in preterm newborns: a review on clinical features and prognosis

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    Neonatal seizures are the most common neurological event in newborns, showing higher prevalence in preterm than in full-term infants. In the majority of cases they represent acute symptomatic phenomena, the main etiologies being intraventricular haemorrhage, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, central nervous system infections and transient metabolic derangements.Current definition of neonatal seizures requires detection of paroxysmal EEG-changes, and in preterm newborns the incidence of electrographic-only seizures seems to be particularly high, further stressing the crucial role of electroencephalogram monitoring in this population. Imaging work-up includes an integration of serial cranial ultrasound and brain magnetic resonance at term-equivalent age. Unfavourable outcomes following seizures in preterm infants include death, neurodevelopmental impairment, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, hearing and visual impairment. As experimental evidence suggests a detrimental role of seizures per se in determining subsequent outcome, they should be promptly treated with the aim to reduce seizure burden and long-term disabilities. However, neonatal seizures show low response to conventional anticonvulsant drugs, and this is even more evident in preterm newborns, due to intrinsic developmental factors. As a consequence, as literature does not provide any specific guidelines, due to the lack of robust evidence, off-label medications are often administered in clinical practice

    Monitoring of newborns at high risk for brain injury

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    Due to the increasing number of surviving preterm newborns and to the recognition of therapeutic hypothermia as the current gold standard in newborns with hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy, there has been a growing interest in the implementation of brain monitoring tools in newborns at high risk for neurological disorders. Among the most frequent neurological conditions and presentations in the neonatal period, neonatal seizures and neonatal status epilepticus, paroxysmal non-epileptic motor phenomena, hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy, white matter injury of prematurity and stroke require specific approaches to diagnosis. In this review we will describe the characteristics, aims, indications and limitations of routinely available diagnostic techniques such as conventional and amplitude-integrated EEG, evoked potentials, cranial ultrasound and brain MRI. We will conclude by briefly outlining potential future perspectives from research studies

    Molecular mechanisms controlling the phenotype and the EMT/MET dynamics of hepatocyte

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    The complex spatial and paracrine relationships between the various liver histotypes are essential for proper functioning of the hepatic parenchymal cells. Only within a correct tissue organization, in fact, they stably maintain their identity and differentiated phenotype. The loss of histotype identity, which invariably occurs in the primary hepatocytes in culture, or in vivo in particular pathological conditions (fibrosis and tumors), is mainly due to the phenomenon of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). The EMT process, that occurs in the many epithelial cells, appears to be driven by a number of general, non- tissue-specific, master transcriptional regulators. The reverse process, the mesenchymal-to epithelial transition (MET), as yet much less characterized at a molecular level, restores specific epithelial identities, and thus, must include tissue-specific master elements. In this review, we will summarize the so far unveiled events of EMT/MET occurring in liver cells. In particular, we will focus on hepatocyte and describe the pivotal role in the control of EMT/MET dynamics exerted by a tissue-specific molecular mini-circuitry. Recent evidence, indeed, highlighted as two transcriptional factors, the master gene of EMT Snail, and the master gene of hepatocyte differentiation HNF4α, exhorting a direct reciprocal repression, act as pivotal elements in determining opposite cellular outcomes. The different balances between these two master regulators, further integrated by specific microRNAs, in fact, were found responsible for the EMT/METs dynamics as well as for the preservation of both hepatocyte and stem/precursor cells identity and differentiation. Overall these findings impact the maintenance of stem cells and differentiated cells both in in vivo EMT/MET physio-pathological processes as well as in culture.The complex spatial and paracrine relationships between the various liver histotypes are essential for proper functioning of the hepatic parenchymal cells. Only within a correct tissue organization, in fact, they stably maintain their identity and differentiated phenotype. The loss of histotype identity, which invariably occurs in the primary hepatocytes in culture, or in vivo in particular pathological conditions (fibrosis and tumors), is mainly due to the phenomenon of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). The EMT process, that occurs in the many epithelial cells, appears to be driven by a number of general, non- tissue-specific, master transcriptional regulators. The reverse process, the mesenchymal-to epithelial transition (MET), as yet much less characterized at a molecular level, restores specific epithelial identities, and thus, must include tissue-specific master elements. In this review, we will summarize the so far unveiled events of EMT/MET occurring in liver cells. I

    Modulation of Ku70/80, clusterin/ApoJ isoforms and Bax expression in indocyanine-green-mediated photo-oxidative cell damage

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    In order to characterize the biological effects and molecular mechanism underlying indocyanine-green (ICG)-mediated photo-oxidative cell damage, human cultured retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) cells preloaded with ICG were exposed to 810-nm laser irradiation. Cell viability and death induction were examined, as well as the modulation of proteins involved in cell death and DNA repair

    Presentazione del volume M. Guirguis - S. Muscuso - R. Pla OrquĂ­n (eds), Cartagine, il Mediterraneo centro-occidentale e la Sardegna. SocietĂ , economia e cultura materiale tra Fenici e autoctoni. Studi in onore di Piero Bartoloni (Le Monografie della SAIC 3), voll. I-II, Sassari: SAIC Editore, 2020-2021

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    I due volumi di studi in onore di Piero Bartoloni, uscito all’interno della collana Le Mo- nografie della SAIC, della Società Scientifica “Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Cartagine” nel 2020 (volume I) e nel 2021 (volume II), nascono da una illuminata iniziativa di tre dei suoi più cari allievi, Sara Muscuso, Rosana Pla Orqín e Michele Guirguis, che nel luglio del 2017 hanno organizzato una giornata di studi e ricerche dal titolo “Cartagine, il Mediterraneo cen- tro-occidentale e la Sardegna. Società, economia e cultura materiale tra Fenici e autoctoni”, presso il Museo Archeologico “Ferruccio Barreca” di Sant’Antioco. In sede di pubblicazione, i curatori dell’opera hanno voluto allargare ulteriormente l’orizzonte cronologico, culturale, tematico e geografico dei volumi, in modo da poter includere più Autori, che hanno voluto rendere omaggio a Piero Bartoloni con i loro scritti, condividendo le ricerche che si ricollega- no, in maniera più o meno diretta, ai suoi molteplici studi ed interessi

    A salvage surgical solution for recurrent lymphangioma of the prepuce

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    Treatment of lymphangioma, circumscriptum of the prepuce is often technically demanding. Many different medical and surgical approaches have been described over the years, none of which has proved completely successful. We describe a case in which skin deficiency was a problem after prior multiple excisions of lymphangiomatous tissue. We decided to bury the degloved shaft in the scrotum. After 6 months the penis was raised and reconstructed using scrotal skin; this achieved satisfactory skin coverage. In such cases piliferous follicles can easily be dealt with at a later stage by cosmetic treatment.We believe this technical, approach may be a valid alternative to conventional procedures (i.e. grafts and flaps) especially when extensive resection makes skin coverage particularly difficult. (C) 2004 The British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    P300 component in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder type I, bipolar disorder type II and healthy controls: a preliminary event-related potential study

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate P300 event-related potential components in euthymic bipolar disorder type I (BDI) and bipolar disorder type II (BDII) patients and matched controls. A total of 10 BDI patients, 10 BDII patients and 10 healthy individuals were enrolled in the study. Event-related potential data were collected according to a standard auditory 'oddball' paradigm. A significant groups effect in both the peak amplitude (P<0.001) and the mean amplitude (P<0.001) was observed; post-hoc comparisons showed that the peak and mean amplitudes of BDI and BDII patients were significantly lower than the peak and mean amplitudes of the healthy controls. The neurophysiological patterns found in the present study might at least partially reflect the presence of a mild selective cognitive impairment in euthymic BDI and BDII patients. From a clinical point of view, these evidences support the potential role of cognitive interventions in the treatment of BD

    Biogeochemical processes in sediments of the Manfredonia Gulf (Southern Adriatic Sea): early diagenesis of carbon and nutrient and benthic exchange

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    In order to understand the mechanisms responsible of the recycle of carbon and nutrients at the sediment-water interface and to understand the role of sediments in nutrients mass balance in coastal water, cores were collected (pore waters and solid phases) and benthic fluxes (oxygen, dissolved nutrients, dissolved iron and manganese, alkalinity and TCO2) were measured in two stations in the Gulf of Manfredonia (Southern Adriatic Sea). Stations were chosen to include a site, in the offshore part of the gulf, under the influence of western Adriatic current and another site, in the inner part of the gulf, under influence of gyres occurring inside the gulf. Both stations were placed in areas characterized by high sedimentation rate. Fluxes at sediment water interface show higher values in S2 site during the summer. Bio-irrigation seems to be the main transport mechanism characterizing both sites, with more evident effects during summer in S1 site

    CLU "in and out": looking for a link.

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    Cancer cells need to interact synergistically with their surrounding microenvironment to form a neoplasm and to progress further to colonize distant organs. The microenvironment can exert profound epigenetic effects on cells through cell-derived interactions between cells, or through cell-derived factors deposited into the microenvironment. Tumor progression implies immune-escaping and triggers several processes that synergistically induce a cooperation among transformed and stromal cells, that compete for space and resources such as oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, the extra cellular milieu and tissue microenvironment heterotypic interactions cooperate to promote tumor growth, angiogenesis, and cancer cell motility, through elevated secretion of pleiotropic cytokines and soluble factors. Clusterin (CLU), widely viewed as an enigmatic protein represents one of the numerous cellular factors sharing the intracellular information with the microenvironment and it has also a systemic diffusion, tightly joining the "In and the Out" of the cell with a still debated variety of antagonistic functions. The multiplicity of names for CLU is an indication of the complexity of the problem and could reflect, on one hand its multifunctionality, or alternatively could mask a commonality of function. The posited role for CLU, further supported as a cytoprotective prosurvival chaperone-like molecule, seems compelling, in contrast its tumor suppressor function, as a guide of the guardians of the genome (DNA-repair proteins Ku70/80, Bax cell death inducer), could really reflect the balanced expression of its different forms, most certainly depending on the intra- and extracellular microenvironment cross talk. The complicated balance of cytokines network and the regulation of CLU forms production in cancer and stromal cells undoubtedly represent a potential link among adaptative responses, genomic stability, and bystander effect after oxidative stresses and damage. This review focuses on the tumor-microenvironment interactions strictly involved in controlling local cancer growth, invasion, and distant metastases that play a decisive role in the regulation of CLU different forms expression and release. In addition, we focus on the pleiotropic action of the extracellular form of this protein, sCLU, that may play a crucial role in redirecting stromal changes, altering intercellular communications binding cell surface receptors and contributing to influence the secretion of chemokines in paracrine and autocrine fashion. Further elucidation of CLU functions inside and outside ("in and out") of cancer cell are warranted for a deeper understanding of the interplay between tumor and stroma, suggesting new therapeutic cotargeting strategies

    Modulation of different clusterin isoforms in human colon tumorigenesis

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    Clusterin is a ubiquitous secretory heterodimeric disulfide-linked glycoprotein, which is implicated in several physiological processes, including immune regulation, cell adhesion and morphological transformation, lipid transportation, tissue remodelling, membrane recycling and cell-cell interactions. A large number of studies have focused their interest on clusterin gene products as mediators of cell cycle progression and cell death induction, although data on the different isoforms and their role in the different cell processes are still obscure. Recently, an increased clusterin expression in breast cancer has been reported. In order to elucidate the role of clusterin in tumor progression and whether one of its isoforms is preferentially expressed in tumorigenesis, we examined its presence throughout the different steps of human colon carcinoma, one of the best-characterized models of human tumor progression. The immunohistochemical observation of 30 bioptic and surgical colon specimens demonstrated a cell compartment clusterin translocation from the nucleus to the cytoplasm directly related to tumor progression. In fact, a nuclear localization found in healthy colonic mucosa is consistent with the involvement of the proapoptotic nuclear form in the regulation of cell cycle progression and in cell death induction. The progression towards high-grade and metastatic carcinoma leads to cytoplasmic clusterin distribution. Protein extracts from freshly isolated cells of the same patients confirm in high-grade carcinomas with metastatic nodes the complete loss of the proapoptotic nuclear form and a cytoplasmic overexpression of the highly glycosylated form. Data obtained from in vitro experiments confirm that this form is released in the extracellular space and corresponded to the fully glycosylated one. These data suggest that the controversial data on clusterin function in tumors may be related to the pattern shift of its isoform production. As the secreted form of clusterin is correlated to cell matrix formation, cell membrane remodeling and cell-cell adhesion, the overexpression of this form in highly aggressive tumors and metastatic nodes could be a potential new prognostic and predictive marker for colon carcinoma aggressiveness
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