55 research outputs found

    Analisis Proses Perencanaan Suksesi pada PT Sinar Intan Jaya

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa proses perencanaan suksesi pada PT Sinar Intan Jaya. Dalam mendukung proses perencanaan suksesi juga akan dilakukan analisa pada tahap persiapan suksesor yang terdiri dari membuat pondasi dasar, pengembangan calon suksesor dan proses pengasuhan, seleksi, dan masa transisi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara semi terstruktur. Perusahaan PT Sinar Intan Jaya melakukan proses perencanaan suksesi melalui tahap-tahap seperti pra-bisnis, pengenalan, pengenalan fungsi, pelaksanaan fungsi, pengembalian fungsi, kedewasaan pengganti dimana persiapan suksesor dimulai dari tahap pembuatan pondasi dasar, pelatihan, seleksi, dan masa transisi. Nilai-nilai dari keluarga dan pandangan keluarga terhadap gender dari calon suksesor juga mempengaruhi penetapan calon suksesor dan perencanaan suksesi yang dilakukan di dalam Perusahaan


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan hukum perlindungan anak dan bagaimana status hukum anak di panti asuhan.  Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Anak menjadi salah satu bagian penting dalam pengaturan hukumnya di Indonesia yang salah satu aspek hukumnya ialah perlindungan hukum terhadap anak yang diatur dalam berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berintikan ada Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2016 tentang Penetapan Perppu Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 tentang Perubahan Kedua atas Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak. 2.Status hukum anak berkitan dengan diserahkannya anak di panti asuhan, dipertegas dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2016 yang mengatur tentang Perlindungan Anak dalam memeluk agamanya. Penyerahan anak ke panti asuhan berbeda jika dibandingkan dengan pengasuhan melalui perwalian, oleh karena wali lazimnya ditetapkan berdasarkan hukum atas adanya hubungan keluarga dengan anak yang bersangkutan, sedangkan anak-anak yang tinggal di panti asuhan sebagian besar adalah anak-anak yang ditinggalkan oleh orangtuanya. Anak yang tinggal di panti asuhan berpotensi melanggar peraturan perundang-undangan berkaitan dengan berpindahnya keyakinan/ agama anak dari semula ke keyakinan/ agama baru di panti asuhan.Kata kunci: Status hukum, anak, pembinaan, panti asuhan

    Penerapan Konsep Arsitektur Post Modern Pada Pengembangan Bangunan Universitas Dumoga Di Kotamobagu

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    Perkembangan pembangunan pendidikan di Kota Kotamobagu sangat pesat seiring dengan perkembangan ekonomi. Pengembangan Bangunan Universitas Dumoga Kotamobagu (UDK) menjadi sangat penting bagi penyediaan sarana pendidikan untuk masyarakat Kota Kotamobagu dan sekitarnya. Kondisi bangunan UDK saat ini sangat tidak layak untuk menampung jumlah mahasiswa yang kian tahun bertambah. Lokasi UDK yang berada di pusat kegiatan kota, juga menjadi penting untuk membentuk estetika kawasan pusat kota, sehingga sangat penting juga untuk mengembangkan bentuk bangunan UDK menjadi bentuk bangunan yang memiliki nilai estetika. Arsitektur Post Modern adalah Arsitektur yang berkembang setelah era Arsitektur modern dimana aliran Arsitektur yang baru ini mempunyai tujuan menolak menyempurnakan, dan mengkoreksi terhadap kesalahan yang telah terjadi pada arsitektur modern dimasa yang sebelumnya


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    ANALISIS PERENCANAAN DAN PENGADAAN OBAT ANTIBIOTIK BERDASARKAN ABC INDEKS KRITIS DI INSTALASI FARMASI RSU MONOMPIA KOTAMOBAGUFirra Fitrianingsih Sondakh1), Widya Astuty1), Jonly Uneputty2) 1)Program Studi Farmasi FMIPA UNSRAT Manado, 951152)Program Studi Farmasi FST Universitas Prisma Manado, 95115 ABSTRACTPharmaceutical service is a support service and also main revenue center in hospital, therefor if there is a problem with pharmaceutical supply because it is not carefully managed and full of responsibility then there will be a decrease in terms of hospital income. To overcome the problems related to hospital pharmacy logistics supplies, it is necessary to manage the pharmaceutical logistics carefully and responsibly by planning before conducting the procurement stage. This study aims to classify antibiotic drugs in the planning and procurement based on the ABC Critical Index at the Pharmaceutical Installation of RSU Monompia Kotamobagu. This research is descriptive research with prospective retrospective data retrieval base on document of antibiotic drugs usage from January – December 2017 and interview and filling out questionnaires to know the level of criticality of drugs in Pharmacy Installation of Monompia General Hospital Kotamobagu. The results showed that grouping of antibiotic drugs base on critical index ABC analysis, got group A with NIK 9,5 – 12, there were 9 items of antibiotic drugs or as much as 23 %. Group B with NIK 6,5 – 9,4 contained 16 items of antibiotic drugs or as much as 46 %. Group C with NIK 4 – 6,4 consists of 11 antibiotic drug items or 31 %. Keywords: Planning, Procurement, Antibiotics, ABC Critical Index.ABSTRAK Pelayanan kefarmasian merupakan suatu pelayanan penunjang dan sekaligus revenue center utama di dalam rumah sakit, oleh karena itu jika terjadi masalah pada persediaan perbekalan farmasi karena tidak dikelola secara cermat dan penuh tanggung jawab maka akan terjadi penurunan dalam hal pendapatan rumah sakit. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang menyangkut perbekalan logistik farmasi rumah sakit, maka dibutuhkan pengelolaan logistik farmasi yang cermat dan bertanggung jawab dengan melakukan perencanaan sebelum melakukan tahap pangadaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelompokkan obat antibiotik dalam perencanaan dan pengadaan berdasarkan ABC Indeks Kritis di Instalasi Farmasi RSU Monompia Kotamobagu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pengambilan data secara prospektif dan retrospektif yang didasarkan pada dokumen penggunaan obat Antibiotik dari bulan Januari – Desember tahun 2017 serta wawancara dan pengisian kuesioner untuk mengetahui tingkat kekritisan obat di Instalasi Farmasi RSU Monompia Kotamobagu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pengelompokkan obat Antibiotik berdasarkan analisis ABC indeks kritis, didapatkan kelompok A dengan NIK 9,5 - 12, terdapat 9 item obat antibiotik atau sebanyak 23 %. Kelompok B dengan NIK 6,5 – 9,4 terdapat 16 item obat antibiotik atau sebanyak 46 %. Kelompok C dengan NIK 4 – 6,4 terdiri dari 11 item obat antibiotik atau sebanyak 31 % .Kata kunci: Perencanaan, Pengadaan, Antibiotik, ABC Indeks Kritis.Â


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    The objective of this research is to assess the economic development disparities among districts and cities in North Maluku in 2010 - 2015 period. This research is motivated by the diversity of natural resources and demographic conditions, differences in income per capita and economic growth contained in each regency and town in North Maluku. As a result of these differences, the ability to increase economic development is different from one region to the other region. The data collected for two months from February to March 2017. The data used are PDRB per capita data, population data and economic growth data obtained from Central Bureau of Statistics of North Maluku Province. Analysis of data in the form of descriptive analysis presented in tabular form using Williamson Index analysis tool. The results showed that the economic development district and cities in the province of North Maluku during the period 2010 - 2015 continues to inequality, where the data is used proved that there are significant differences among the districts and cities in North Maluku. Results proficiency level could be seen clearly when analyzed by Williamson Index which indicates that the rate of economic development was still classified inequality on inequality of economic development. This was due to the diversity of potential and natural resources among districts and cities that led to per capita income and economic growth becomes different resulting imbalance of economic development

    Partsisipasi Masyarakat dalam Perencanaan Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Pedesaan (PNPM-MP) (suatu Studi di Desa Tawa Bacan Tengah Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan)

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    The purpose of this study to determine the Community Participation in PlanningNational Program of Rural Community Empowerment (PNPM-MP) In the village of Tawa CentralBacan District South Halmahera as a general purpose of the National Program for CommunityEmpowerment in Rural Areas is to improve the livelihoods and employment opportunities of thepoor in rural areas. To determine the Public Participation in Planning National Program forCommunity Empowerment Rural (PNPM-MP), the researchers refer to the theories Ericson (inSlamet, 1994: 89) forms of community participation in development is divided into three stages,namely: participation in planning, participation in the implementation of, and participation inpemanfaatan.Dengan using qualitative method where the researcher as a key instrumentconsisting of 6 informants.Public participation in the planning of the National Program of Rural CommunityEmpowerment (PNPM-MP) in the village of Tawa not running optimally. Because according tothe reality in the field is only part of the population that participated in the form of thoughts orsuggestions and input in the preparation of development programs or the National Program forCommunity Empowerment of Rural .; Public participation in the implementation phase of menmore active role in the implementation of self-help in the form of energy, thoughts, and material.While women prefer the affairs of the household, as well as the community's participation in thedevelopment stage of utilization of the National Program for Community Empowerment is notgroomed properly, so it is not proper to be used again by the public.To achieve the general objectives of the National Program of Rural CommunityEmpowerment (PNPM-MP), the village government should give attention to disseminating theprogram to the public by calling or inviting the public to participate in the planning stage. Societyas a target group of the National Program for Community Empowerment Rural, it is expectedberperanaktif in the implementation of both men and women. Because basically the purpose ofPNPM-MP is to improve the lives of local people. As well as the village government needs toprovide a good understanding of the community in the maintenance of the results of developmentof the National Program for Community Empowerment or village government needs to create amaintenance team is the result of development of National Program of Rural Peoples, Mandiri(PNPM-MP) in the village of Tawa


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    ABSTRACT Ongole cross bread has important role in the economical needs of people in Tompaso Barat. In addition as beef cattle, household farmers also use it as a working cattle, source of fertilize and investment. In addition to farmer’s income and the acceleration growth of cattle population, in the year of 2011, District West Tompaso Barat did an artificial insemination program. The problem was whether this program is beneficial for the farmer or not. The aim at this research is to analyze the profit of farmers using artificial insemination program. This research was conducted using survey method involving about 169 farmers raising Ongole crossbred cattle at West Tompaso District applying artificial insemination. The data were analyzed by profit analysis. Result showed that the total income received from the total sale of the beef cattle using artificial insemination were IDR 490,950,000.- with the total cost of IDR 468,945,750. The profit of the household farmers was the balance between the total income and the total cost getting IDR 21,504,250. The average income of the respondent was about IDR 716,808. Therefore, it can be concluded that the household farmers raising Ongole crossbred cattle get more profit when they used artificial insemination. Based on this research it can be suggested that the beef cattle management should be maintained on the bases of agribusiness. Keywords: Profit, Ongole crossbred cattle, Artificial Inseminatio

    The Use of Coconut Pulp as a Feed Substrate to Methanogenesis Inhibitor in in Vitro Rumen Fluid Fermentation

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    This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of the adding of coconut pulp in ruminant feed on methane reduction in vitro. Rumen fluid and substrate of forage and concentrate in ratio 60:40 were in this study. This experiment consisted of five treatments of coconut pulp as followed: R1: feed substrates without the coconut pulp; R2: substrate feed with coconut pulp 5%; R3: substrate feed with coconut pulp 10%; R4: Substrate feed with coconut pulp 15% and R5: substrate feed with coconut pulp 20%. Each treatment was conducted to four replications. Fermentation was done using the Hohenheim Gas Test (HGT) incubated at 39oC for 72 hours. At the end of fermentation was determined production of methane, parameters of fermentation, microbial activity, feed digestibility and fatty acids profile of the ruminal fluid. Data obtained were analyzed by using analysis of variance using completely randomized design. The differences of mean values were analyzed by Duncan multiple range test (DMRT). The results showed that methane production has decreased about 13.74%-17.39% when the feed was given coconut dregs 15-20%. Based on the results of the study was concluded that the supplementation of coconut pulp up to 15-20% of 100% dry matter can be used as a substrate of ruminant feed, because it can reduce methane and does not interfere the microbial activity in the fermentation of rumen fluid through in vitro. The supplementation of coconut pulp can be a referencein designing the methanogenic inhibitor feed
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