6 research outputs found

    An Introduction to Superconducting Qubits and Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics

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    A subset of the concepts of circuit quantum electrodynamics are reviewed as a reference to the Axion Dark Matter Experiment (ADMX) community as part of the proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Microwave Cavities and Detectors for Axion Research. The classical Lagrangians and Hamiltonians for an LC circuit are discussed along with black box circuit quantization methods for a weakly anharmonic qubit coupled to a resonator or cavity

    Blackbox quantization of superconducting circuits using exact impedance synthesis

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    We propose a new quantization method for superconducting electronic circuits involving a Josephson-junction device coupled to a linear microwave environment. The method is based on an exact impedance synthesis of the microwave environment considered as a blackbox with impedance function Z(s). The synthesized circuit captures dissipative dynamics of the system with resistors coupled to the reactive part of the circuit in a nontrivial way. We quantize the circuit and compute relaxation rates following previous formalisms for lumped element circuit quantization. Up to the errors in the fit our method gives an exact description of the system and its losses

    Demirhan sydrome, a new sydrome: Fibular agenesis, cleft palate, absence of multiple permanent teeth and labial hypoplasia

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    Background: There are some syndromes described in the literature with agenesis of fibulae and tibia, but to the best of our knowledge, our case is the first one defined with fibular agenesis, and tibial bowing without involvement of femur or upper extremity deformities and teeth abnormalities. Case Report: We report a twelve years old girl, who had severe growth retardation, major lower extremity abnormalities, torticollis, flat face, hypertelorism, thin upper lip, displaced teeth, cleft palate, and labial hypoplasia. Chromosome analysis was performed. Her karyotype was normal female (46,XX) and no chromosomal abnormality was detected. Conclusions: The clinical findings of this case is not in accordance with any known syndrome. It is a new syndrome according to our opinion. © The American Journal of Case Report