315 research outputs found

    Enhanced oligomerization of full-length RAGE by synergy of the interaction of its domains.

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    The pattern recognition receptor RAGE (receptor for advanced glycation end-products) transmits proinflammatory signals in several inflammation-related pathological states, including vascular diseases, cancer, neurodegeneration and diabetes. Its oligomerization is believed to be important in signal transduction, but RAGE oligomeric structures and stoichiometries remain unclear. Different oligomerization modes have been proposed in studies involving different truncated versions of the extracellular parts of RAGE. Here, we provide basic characterization of the oligomerization patterns of full-length RAGE (including the transmembrane (TM) and cytosolic regions) and compare the results with oligomerization modes of its four truncated fragments. For this purpose, we used native mass spectrometry, analytical ultracentrifugation, and size-exclusion chromatography coupled with multi-angle light scattering. Our results confirm known oligomerization tendencies of separate domains and highlight the enhanced oligomerization properties of full-length RAGE. Mutational analyses within the GxxxG motif of the TM region show sensitivity of oligomeric distributions to the TM sequence. Using hydrogen-deuterium exchange, we mapped regions involved in TM-dependent RAGE oligomerization. Our data provide experimental evidence for the major role of the C2 and TM domains in oligomerization, underscoring synergy among different oligomerization contact regions along the RAGE sequence. These results also explain the variability of obtained oligomerization modes in RAGE fragments

    Hfq binding changes the structure of Escherichia coli small noncoding RNAs OxyS and RprA, which are involved in the riboregulation of rpoS

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    OxyS and RprA are two small noncoding RNAs (sRNAs) that modulate the expression of rpoS, encoding an alternative sigma factor that activates transcription of multiple Escherichia coli stress-response genes. While RprA activates rpoS for translation, OxyS down-regulates the transcript. Crucially, the RNA binding protein Hfq is required for both sRNAs to function, although the specific role played by Hfq remains unclear. We have investigated RprA and OxyS interactions with Hfq using biochemical and biophysical approaches. In particular, we have obtained the molecular envelopes of the Hfq–sRNA complexes using small-angle scattering methods, which reveal key molecular details. These data indicate that Hfq does not substantially change shape upon complex formation, whereas the sRNAs do. We link the impact of Hfq binding, and the sRNA structural changes induced, to transcript stability with respect to RNase E degradation. In light of these findings, we discuss the role of Hfq in the opposing regulatory functions played by RprA and OxyS in rpoS regulation

    masstodon: A Tool for Assigning Peaks and Modeling Electron Transfer Reactions in Top-Down Mass Spectrometry

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    Top-down mass spectrometry methods are becoming continuously more popular in the effort to describe the proteome. They rely on the fragmentation of intact protein ions inside the mass spectrometer. Among the existing fragmentation methods, electron transfer dissociation is known for its precision and wide coverage of different cleavage sites. However, several side reactions can occur under electron transfer dissociation (ETD) conditions, including nondissociative electron transfer and proton transfer reaction. Evaluating their extent can provide more insight into reaction kinetics as well as instrument operation. Furthermore, preferential formation of certain reaction products can reveal important structural information. To the best of our knowledge, there are currently no tools capable of tracing and analyzing the products of these reactions in a systematic way. In this Article, we present in detail masstodon: a computer program for assigning peaks and interpreting mass spectra. Besides being a general purpose tool, masstodon also offers the possibility to trace the products of reactions occurring under ETD conditions and provides insights into the parameters driving them. It is available free of charge under the GNU AGPL V3 public license

    Effects of Detergent on α-Synuclein Structure: A Native MS-Ion Mobility Study

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    The intrinsically disordered protein α-synuclein plays a major role in Parkinson’s disease. The protein can oligomerize resulting in the formation of various aggregated species in neuronal cells, leading to neurodegeneration. The interaction of α-synuclein with biological cell membranes plays an important role for specific functions of α-synuclein monomers, e.g., in neurotransmitter release. Using different types of detergents to mimic lipid molecules present in biological membranes, including the presence of Ca2+ ions as an important structural factor, we aimed to gain an understanding of how α-synuclein interacts with membrane models and how this affects the protein conformation and potential oligomerization. We investigated detergent binding stoichiometry, affinity and conformational changes of α-synuclein taking detergent concentration, different detergent structures and charges into account. With native nano-electrospray ionization ion mobility-mass spectrometry, we were able to detect unique conformational patterns resulting from binding of specific detergents to α-synuclein. Our data demonstrate that α-synuclein monomers can interact with detergent molecules irrespective of their charge, that protein-micelle interactions occur and that micelle properties are an important factor

    Mechanisms of Peptide Oxidation by Hydroxyl Radicals: Insight at the Molecular Scale

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    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to provide atomic scale insight in the initial interaction between hydroxyl radicals (OH) and peptide systems in solution. These OH radicals are representative reactive oxygen species produced by cold atmospheric plasmas. The use of plasma for biomedical applications is gaining increasing interest, but the fundamental mechanisms behind the plasma modifications still remain largely elusive. This study helps to gain more insight in the underlying mechanisms of plasma medicine but is also more generally applicable to peptide oxidation, of interest for other applications. Combining both reactive and nonreactive MD simulations, we are able to elucidate the reactivity of the amino acids inside the peptide systems and their effect on their structure up to 1 μs. Additionally, experiments were performed, treating the simulated peptides with a plasma jet. The computational results presented here correlate well with the obtained experimental data and highlight the importance of the chemical environment for the reactivity of the individual amino acids, so that specific amino acids are attacked in higher numbers than expected. Furthermore, the long time scale simulations suggest that a single oxidation has an effect on the 3D conformation due to an increase in hydrophilicity and intra- and intermolecular interactions

    Radical solutions: Principles and application of electron‐based dissociation in mass spectrometry‐based analysis of protein structure

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    In recent years, electron capture (ECD) and electron transfer dissociation (ETD) have emerged as two of the most useful methods in mass spectrometry‐based protein analysis, evidenced by a considerable and growing body of literature. In large part, the interest in these methods is due to their ability to induce backbone fragmentation with very little disruption of noncovalent interactions which allows inference of information regarding higher order structure from the observed fragmentation behavior. Here, we review the evolution of electron‐based dissociation methods, and pay particular attention to their application in “native” mass spectrometry, their mechanism, determinants of fragmentation behavior, and recent developments in available instrumentation. Although we focus on the two most widely used methods—ECD and ETD—we also discuss the use of other ion/electron, ion/ion, and ion/neutral fragmentation methods, useful for interrogation of a range of classes of biomolecules in positive‐ and negative‐ion mode, and speculate about how this exciting field might evolve in the coming years

    The Escherichia coli RnlA–RnlB toxin–antitoxin complex: production, characterization and crystallization

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    The Escherichia coli rnlAB operon encodes a toxin–antitoxin module that is involved in protection against infection by bacteriophage T4. The full-length RnlA–RnlB toxin–antitoxin complex as well as the toxin RnlA were purified to homogeneity and crystallized. When the affinity tag is placed on RnlA, RnlB is largely lost during purification and the resulting crystals exclusively comprise RnlA. A homogeneous preparation of RnlA–RnlB containing stoichiometric amounts of both proteins could only be obtained using a His tag placed C-terminal to RnlB. Native mass spectrometry and SAXS indicate a 1:1 stoichiometry for this RnlA–RnlB complex. Crystals of the RnlA–RnlB complex belonged to space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 243.32, b = 133.58, c = 55.64 Å, β = 95.11°, and diffracted to 2.6 Å resolution. The presence of both proteins in the crystals was confirmed and the asymmetric unit is likely to contain a heterotetramer with RnlA2:RnlB2 stoichiometry

    On-grid and in-flow mixing for time-resolved cryo-EM

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    Time-resolved cryo-electron microscopy (TrEM) allows the study of proteins under non-equilibrium conditions on the millisecond timescale, permitting the analysis of large-scale conformational changes or assembly and disassembly processes. However, the technique is developing and there have been few comparisons with other biochemical kinetic studies. Using current methods, the shortest time delay is on the millisecond timescale (∼5–10 ms), given by the delay between sample application and vitrification, and generating longer time points requires additional approaches such as using a longer delay line between the mixing element and nozzle, or an incubation step on the grid. To compare approaches, the reaction of ATP with the skeletal actomyosin S1 complex was followed on grids prepared with a 7–700 ms delay between mixing and vitrification. Classification of the cryo-EM data allows kinetic information to be derived which agrees with previous biochemical measurements, showing fast dissociation, low occupancy during steady-state hydrolysis and rebinding once ATP has been hydrolysed. However, this rebinding effect is much less pronounced when on-grid mixing is used and may be influenced by interactions with the air–water interface. Moreover, in-flow mixing results in a broader distribution of reaction times due to the range of velocities in a laminar flow profile (temporal spread), especially for longer time delays. This work shows the potential of TrEM, but also highlights challenges and opportunities for further development

    Combining density functional theory (DFT) and collision cross-section (CCS) calculations to analyze the gas-phase behaviour of small molecules and their protonation site isomers

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    Electrospray ion mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS) data show that for some small molecules, two (or even more) ions with identical sum formula and mass, but distinct drift times are observed. In spite of showing their own unique and characteristic fragmentation spectra in MS/MS, no configurational or constitutional isomers are found to be present in solution. Instead the observation and separation of such ions appears to be inherent to their gas-phase behaviour during ion mobility experiments. The origin of multiple drift times is thought to be the result of protonation site isomers ('protomers'). Although some important properties of protomers have been highlighted by other studies, correlating the experimental collision cross-sections (CCSs) with calculated values has proven to be a major difficulty. As a model, this study uses the pharmaceutical compound melphalan and a number of related molecules with alternative (gas-phase) protonation sites. Our study combines density functional theory (DFT) calculations with modified MobCal methods (e.g. nitrogen-based Trajectory Method algorithm) for the calculation of theoretical CCS values. Calculated structures can be linked to experimentally observed signals, and a strong correlation is found between the difference of the calculated dipole moments of the protomer pairs and their experimental CCS separation