14 research outputs found

    Modeling of silicon nanocrystals based down-shifter for enhanced silicon solar cell performance

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    A transfer matrix model of a luminescent down-shifter (LDS) layer, consisting of silicon nanocrystals (Si-NCs) embedded in a silicon oxide matrix, on a silicon solar cells is presented. To enhance the efficiency of the silicon solar cell, we propose using a SiO2/Si-NCs double layer stack, as an anti-reflection-coating (ARC) and as a LDS material. The optical characteristics of this stack have been simulated and optimized as a front surface coating. The cell performances have been simulated by means of a two-dimensional device simulator and compared with the performances of a reference silicon solar cell. We found a 6% relative enhancement of the energy conversion efficiency with respect to the reference cell. We demonstrate that this enhancement results from the lower reflectance and from the down-shifter effect of the Si-NCs activated coating stack

    Generalized Fano lineshapes reveal exceptional points in photonic molecules

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    The optical behavior of coupled systems, in which the breaking of parity and time-reversal symmetry occurs, is drawing increasing attention to address the physics of the exceptional point singularity, i.e., when the real and imaginary parts of the normal-mode eigenfrequencies coincide. At this stage, fascinating phenomena are predicted, including electromagnetic-induced transparency and phase transitions. To experimentally observe the exceptional points, the near-field coupling to waveguide proposed so far was proved to work only in peculiar cases. Here, we extend the interference detection scheme, which lies at the heart of the Fano lineshape, by introducing generalized Fano lineshapes as a signature of the exceptional point occurrence in resonant-scattering experiments. We investigate photonic molecules and necklace states in disordered media by means of a near-field hyperspectral mapping. Generalized Fano profiles in material science could extend the characterization of composite nanoresonators, semiconductor nanostructures, and plasmonic and metamaterial devices

    Phosphorescent Energy Downshifting for Diminishing Surface Recombination in Silicon Nanowire Solar Cells

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    Molecularly engineered Ir(III) complexes can transfer energy from short-wavelength photons (lambda < 450 nm) to photons of longer wavelength (lambda > 500 nm), which can enhance the otherwise low internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of crystalline Si (c-Si) nanowire solar cells (NWSCs) in the shortwavelength region. Herein, we demonstrate a phosphorescent energy downshifting system using Ir(III) complexes at short wavelengths (300-450 nm) to diminish the severe surface recombination that occurs in c-Si NWSCs. The developed Ir(III) complexes can be considered promising energy converters because they exhibit superior intrinsic properties such as a high quantum yield, a large Stokes shift, a long exciton diffusion length in crystalline film, and a reproducible synthetic procedure. Using the developed 1011) complexes, highly crystalline energy downshifting layers were fabricated by ultrasonic spray deposition to enhance the photoluminescence efficiency by increasing the radiative decay. With the optimized energy downshifting layer, our 1cm(2) c-Si NWSCs with Ir(III) complexes exhibited a higher IQE value for short-wavelength light (300-450 nm) compared with that of bare Si NWSCs without Ir(III) complexes, resulting in a notable increase in the short-circuit current density (from 34.4 mA.cm(-2) to 36.5 mA.cm(-2) )

    Mechanical and electric control of photonic modes in random dielectrics

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    Random dielectrics defines a class of non‐absorbing materials where the index of refraction is randomly arranged in space. Whenever the transport mean free path is sufficiently small, light can be confined in modes with very small volume. Random photonic modes have been investigated for their basic physical insights, such as Anderson localization, and recently several applications have been envisioned in the field of renewable energies, telecommunications, and quantum electrodynamics. An advantage for optoelectronics and quantum source integration offered by random systems is their high density of photonic modes, which span a large range of spectral resonances and spatial distributions, thus increasing the probability to match randomly distributed emitters. Conversely, the main disadvantage is the lack of deterministic engineering of one or more of the many random photonic modes achieved. This issue is solved by demonstrating the capability to electrically and mechanically control the random modes at telecom wavelengths in a 2D double membrane system. Very large and reversible mode tuning (up to 50 nm), both toward shorter or longer wavelength, is obtained for random modes with modal volumes of the order of few tens of (λ/n)3

    Mechanical and Electric Control of Photonic Modes in Random Dielectrics

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    Random dielectrics defines a class of non‐absorbing materials where the index of refraction is randomly arranged in space. Whenever the transport mean free path is sufficiently small, light can be confined in modes with very small volume. Random photonic modes have been investigated for their basic physical insights, such as Anderson localization, and recently several applications have been envisioned in the field of renewable energies, telecommunications, and quantum electrodynamics. An advantage for optoelectronics and quantum source integration offered by random systems is their high density of photonic modes, which span a large range of spectral resonances and spatial distributions, thus increasing the probability to match randomly distributed emitters. Conversely, the main disadvantage is the lack of deterministic engineering of one or more of the many random photonic modes achieved. This issue is solved by demonstrating the capability to electrically and mechanically control the random modes at telecom wavelengths in a 2D double membrane system. Very large and reversible mode tuning (up to 50 nm), both toward shorter or longer wavelength, is obtained for random modes with modal volumes of the order of few tens of (λ/n)3

    Quantum effects in silicon for photovoltaic applications

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    Quantum confinement effects in silicon might help to overcome the theoretical efficiency limit of 33% of silicon cells [Shockley and Queisser, J. Appl. Phys. 32, 510 (1961)]. The dominant loss mechanism in solar cells is the thermalization of photo-excited carriers to the band gap. Engineering of the band gap makes it in principle possible to obtain a conversion efficiency of 44% [Pavesi and Turan (eds.), Silicon Nanocrystals, Fundamentals Synthesis and Application (Wiley- VCH, Berlin, 2010)]. Band gap engineering is achieved by controlling the silicon-nanocrystal (Si-NC) dimension. We currently use Si-NCs in solar cells to modify the solar spectrum in a way that the incoming light is more efficiently converted into electricity and also, to realize multiple junction cells to minimize thermalization losses. The Si-NC energy of the band gap and the Si-NC optical properties depend strongly on the NC size, which can be controlled by the processing parameters. Therefore, light management is possible by varying the refractive index of the Si-NCs to improve the antireflective coating (ARC) and by conversion of absorbed high energy photons re-emitted in the red spectral region of light. Thus, in this approach Si-NCs are used as spectral down-shifters and for ARC optimization. Further, NCs allow the fabrication of higher band gap solar cells, to be used on top of standard silicon cells as tandem cell elements. Due to the tunability of the band gap, it is possible to construct all silicon multilayer or tandem cells. The concepts and research results for both ideas will be presented