984 research outputs found

    Two Conceptions of Irreversible Environmental Harm

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    The concept of irreversibility plays a large role in the theory and practice of environmental protection. Indeed, the concept is explicit in some statements of the Precautionary Principle. But the idea of irreversibility remains poorly defined. Because time is linear, any loss is, in a sense, irreversible. On one approach, drawn from environmental economics, irreversibility might be understood as a reference to the value associated with taking precautionary steps that maintain flexibility for an uncertain future ( option value ). On another approach, drawn from environmental ethics, irreversibility might be understood to refer to the qualitatively distinctive nature of certain environmental harms—a point that raises a claim about incommensurability. The two conceptions fit different problems. For example, the idea of option value best fits the problem of climate change; the idea of qualitatively distinctive harms best fits the problem of extinction of endangered species. These ideas can be applied to a wide assortment of environmental problems

    Optimal Fines for False Patent Marking

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    Lorentz Violation in Extra Dimensions

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    In theories with extra dimensions it is well known that the Lorentz invariance of the D=4+nD=4+n-dimensional spacetime is lost due to the compactified nature of the nn dimensions leaving invariance only in 4d. In such theories other sources of Lorentz violation may exist associated with the physics that initiated the compactification process at high scales. Here we consider the possibility of capturing some of this physics by analyzing the higher dimensional analog of the model of Colladay and Kostelecky. In that scenario a complete set of Lorentz violating operators arising from spontaneous Lorentz violation, that are not obviously Planck-scale suppressed, are added to the Standard Model action. Here we consider the influence of the analogous set of operators which break Lorentz invariance in 5d within the Universal Extra Dimensions picture. We show that such operators can greatly alter the anticipated Kaluza-Klein(KK) spectra, induce electroweak symmetry breaking at a scale related to the inverse compactification radius, yield sources of parity violation in, e.g., 4d QED/QCD and result in significant violations of KK-parity conservation produced by fermion Yukawa couplings, thus destabilizing the lightest KK particle. LV in 6d is briefly discussed.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures; additional references and discussio

    IP Misuse and Innovation Harm

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    Effect of Split Gate Size on the Electrostatic Potential and 0.7 Anomaly within Quantum Wires on a Modulation-Doped GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructure

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    © 2016 American Physical Society. © 2016 American Physical Society.We study 95 split gates of different size on a single chip using a multiplexing technique. Each split gate defines a one-dimensional channel on a modulation-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure, through which the conductance is quantized. The yield of devices showing good quantization decreases rapidly as the length of the split gates increases. However, for the subset of devices showing good quantization, there is no correlation between the electrostatic length of the one-dimensional channel (estimated using a saddle-point model) and the gate length. The variation in electrostatic length and the one-dimensional subband spacing for devices of the same gate length exceeds the variation in the average values between devices of different lengths. There is a clear correlation between the curvature of the potential barrier in the transport direction and the strength of the "0.7 anomaly": the conductance value of the 0.7 anomaly reduces as the barrier curvature becomes shallower. These results highlight the key role of the electrostatic environment in one-dimensional systems. Even in devices with clean conductance plateaus, random fluctuations in the background potential are crucial in determining the potential landscape in the active device area such that nominally identical gate structures have different characteristics

    Non-Perturbative Corrections and Modularity in N=1 Type IIB Compactifications

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    Non-perturbative corrections and modular properties of four-dimensional type IIB Calabi-Yau orientifolds are discussed. It is shown that certain non-perturbative alpha' corrections survive in the large volume limit of the orientifold and periodically correct the Kahler potential. These corrections depend on the NS-NS two form and have to be completed by D-instanton contributions to transform covariantely under symmetries of the type IIB orientifold background. It is shown that generically also the D-instanton superpotential depends on the two-form moduli as well as on the complex dilaton. These contributions can arise through theta-functions with the dilaton as modular parameter. An orientifold of the Enriques Calabi-Yau allows to illustrate these general considerations. It is shown that this compactification leads to a controlled four-dimensional N=1 effective theory due to the absence of various quantum corrections. Making contact to the underlying topological string theory the D-instanton superpotential is proposed to be related to a specific modular form counting D3, D1, D(-1) degeneracies on the Enriques Calabi-Yau.Comment: 35 page
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