1,366 research outputs found

    A monolithic collapse origin for the thin/thick disc structure of ESO 243-49

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    ESO 243-49 is a high-mass (circular velocity vc≈200 km s−1v_{\rm c}\approx200\,{\rm km\,s^{-1}}) edge-on S0 galaxy in the Abell 2877 cluster at a distance of ∼95 Mpc\sim95\,{\rm Mpc}. To elucidate the origin of its thick disc, we use MUSE science verification data to study its kinematics and stellar populations. The thick disc emits ∼80%\sim80\% of the light at heights in excess of 3.5′′3.5^{\prime\prime} (1.6 kpc1.6\,{\rm kpc}). The rotation velocities of its stars lag by 30−40 km s−130-40\,{\rm km\,s^{-1}} compared to those in the thin disc, which is compatible with the asymmetric drift. The thick disc is found to be more metal-poor than the thin disc, but both discs have old ages. We suggest an internal origin for the thick disc stars in high-mass galaxies. We propose that the thick disc formed either a){\rm a)} first in a turbulent phase with a high star formation rate and that a thin disc formed shortly afterwards, or b){\rm b)} because of the dynamical heating of a thin pre-existing component. Either way, the star formation in ESO 243-49 was quenched just a few Gyrs after the galaxy was born and the formation of a thin and a thick disc must have occurred before the galaxy stopped forming stars. The formation of the discs was so fast that it could be described as a monolithic collapse where several generations of stars formed in a rapid succession.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. The reduced data-cube as well as the data necessary to build the kinematic and stellar population maps are available at https://etsin.avointiede.fi/dataset/urn-nbn-fi-csc-kata2016092414291163237

    Exponential instability in the fractional Calder\'on problem

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    In this note we prove the exponential instability of the fractional Calder\'on problem and thus prove the optimality of the logarithmic stability estimate from \cite{RS17}. In order to infer this result, we follow the strategy introduced by Mandache in \cite{M01} for the standard Calder\'on problem. Here we exploit a close relation between the fractional Calder\'on problem and the classical Poisson operator. Moreover, using the construction of a suitable orthonormal basis, we also prove (almost) optimality of the Runge approximation result for the fractional Laplacian, which was derived in \cite{RS17}. Finally, in one dimension, we show a close relation between the fractional Calder\'on problem and the truncated Hilbert transform.Comment: 17 page

    Frequency-dependent current correlation functions from scattering theory

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    We present a general formalism based on scattering theory to calculate quantum correlation functions involving several time-dependent current operators. A key ingredient is the causality of the scattering matrix, which allows one to deal with arbitrary correlation functions. The formalism proves useful, e.g., in view of recent developments in full counting statistics of charge transfer, where detecting schemes have been proposed for measurement of frequency dependent spectra of higher moments. Some of these schemes are different from the well-known fictitious spin detector and therefore generally involve calculation of non-Keldysh-contour-ordered correlation functions. As an illustration of the approach we consider various third order correlation functions of current, including the usual third cumulant of current statistics. We investigate the frequency dependence of these correlation functions explicitly in the case of energy-independent scattering. The results can easily be generalized to the calculation of arbitrary nth order correlation functions, or to include the effect of interactions.Peer reviewe

    Matter X waves

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    We predict that an ultra-cold Bose gas in an optical lattice can give rise to a new form of condensation, namely matter X waves. These are non-spreading 3D wave-packets which reflect the symmetry of the Laplacian with a negative effective mass along the lattice direction, and are allowed to exist in the absence of any trapping potential even in the limit of non-interacting atoms. This result has also strong implications for optical propagation in periodic structuresComment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    REBOUND: An open-source multi-purpose N-body code for collisional dynamics

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    REBOUND is a new multi-purpose N-body code which is freely available under an open-source license. It was designed for collisional dynamics such as planetary rings but can also solve the classical N-body problem. It is highly modular and can be customized easily to work on a wide variety of different problems in astrophysics and beyond. REBOUND comes with three symplectic integrators: leap-frog, the symplectic epicycle integrator (SEI) and a Wisdom-Holman mapping (WH). It supports open, periodic and shearing-sheet boundary conditions. REBOUND can use a Barnes-Hut tree to calculate both self-gravity and collisions. These modules are fully parallelized with MPI as well as OpenMP. The former makes use of a static domain decomposition and a distributed essential tree. Two new collision detection modules based on a plane-sweep algorithm are also implemented. The performance of the plane-sweep algorithm is superior to a tree code for simulations in which one dimension is much longer than the other two and in simulations which are quasi-two dimensional with less than one million particles. In this work, we discuss the different algorithms implemented in REBOUND, the philosophy behind the code's structure as well as implementation specific details of the different modules. We present results of accuracy and scaling tests which show that the code can run efficiently on both desktop machines and large computing clusters.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted by A&A, source code available at https://github.com/hannorein/reboun

    Quantification and physical analysis of nanoparticle emissions from a marine engine using different fuels and a laboratory wet scrubber

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    A marine test-bed diesel engine was used to study how international fuel sulfur content (FSC) regulations and wet scrubbing can affect physical properties of submicron exhaust particles. Particle size distributions, particle number and mass emission factors as well as effective densities of particulate emissions were measured for three distillate fuels of varying FSC and a laboratory wet scrubber. While particle number concentrations were reduced by up to 9% when switching to low FSC fuels, wet scrubbing led to increased ultrafine particulate emissions (<30 nm). Exhaust processed through the scrubber was also found to have particles with greater effective densities, a result that directly contradicts the particulate characteristics of low FSC fuel emissions. The results demonstrate that alternative pathways to comply with marine FSC regulations can have opposing effects and thus may have very different implications for important atmospheric processes. The relevance for air quality, and the potential implications for cloud and climate interactions are discussed

    Thick discs in galaxies were most likely not accreted

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    The origin of thick discs in galaxies remains shrouded in mystery. A variety of formation scenarios has been proposed. Here we aim to test one such scenario where the thick disc stars are proposed to be accreted from satellite galaxies. In this scenario, in at least some galaxies a fraction of thick disc stars would rotate in a retrograde way, which would cause a large thick disc velocity lag. Here, we compare the rotation curves of the thin and the thick discs of eight edge-on galaxies observed with MUSE at the VLT. We find that the velocity lags of the thick discs are compatible with those expected from asymmetric drift. If we consider the galaxies with thick disc rotation curves in the literature, only one in about fifteen shows clear signs of an accreted thick disc. Based on simulations in the literature we estimate that if thick discs were accreted, at least one in six would show clear signs of retrograde material. Thus, there is a growing tension between the observations and the hypothesis that thick discs are made of accreted stars

    Comparison of bar strengths in active and non-active galaxies

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    Bar strengths are compared between active and non-active galaxies for a sample of 43 barred galaxies. The relative bar torques are determined using a new technique (Buta and Block 2001), where maximum tangential forces are calculated in the bar region, normalized to the axisymmetric radial force field. We use JHK images of the 2 Micron All Sky Survey. We show a first clear empirical indication that the ellipticies of bars are correlated with the non-axisymmetric forces in the bar regions. We found that nuclear activity appears preferentially in those early type galaxies in which the maximum bar torques are weak and appear at quite large distances from the galactic center. Most suprisingly the galaxies with the strongest bars are non-active. Our results imply that the bulges may be important for the onset of nuclear activity, but that the correlation between the nuclear activity and the early type galaxies is not straightforward.Comment: MNRAS macro in tex format, 9 pages, 10 figure
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