451 research outputs found

    Providing Adequate Medical Care - A Response to the AMA

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    Diagnostic des eaux de surface. Application du système modulaire gradué au Boiron de Morges

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    Les variations hydro-climatiques et anthropiques actuelles et prévues dans le futur interrogent sur l’évolution de l’état écologique des cours d’eau. Il est donc crucial de développer des outils prenant en compte les dimensions quantitatives et qualitatives des ressources en eau. C’est le cas du système modulaire gradué proposé par l’Office fédéral de l’environnement. Cet article présente un retour d’expérience sur la mise en oeuvre de ce système, appliqué au Boiron de Morges, et sur sa capacité à identifier la variabilité spatio-temporelle des enjeux écologiques

    Current research on geomorphosites

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    Geomorphosites are landforms of special interest for society. Their recognition as such by increasingly larger sectors\u2014including political, educational, tourism and nature conservation\u2014 is the result of a process of \u2018heritage making\u2019 in which different groups (Earth scientists, conservationists, tourism providers, etc.) are involved. The recognition of geological structures and geomorphological landforms as heritage, however, is relatively ancient (Reynard et al. 2011a), but over the last 20 years, or so, this view has been influenced by a renewed interest in Earth sciences sites led mainly by geoscientists. This new development necessitates conceptual and methodological improvements in various domains of the Earth sciences. In the field of geomorphology, it is the Working Group on Geomorphosites created by the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG) at the 5th International Conference on Geomorphology held in Tokyo in 2001 that has acted as the principal arena for the development of a specific field of research on geomorphological heritage within the community of geomorphologists (for a review of the scientific production of the Working Group\u2019s members, see Reynard and Coratza 2013)


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    Three dimensional visualization of the World Wide Web

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    Although large-scale public hypermedia structures such as the World Wide Web are popularly referred to as "cyberspace", the extent to which they constitute a space in the everyday sense of the word is questionable. This paper reviews recent work in the area of three dimensional (3D) visualization of the Web that has attempted to depict it in the form of a recognizable space; in other words, as a navigable landscape that may be visibly populated by its users. Our review begins by introducing a range of visualizations that address different aspects of using the Web. These include visualizations of Web structure, especially of links, that act as 3D maps; browsing history; searches; evolution of the Web; and the presence and activities of multiple users. We then summarize the different techniques that are employed by these visualizations. We conclude with a discussion of key challenges for the future

    Statistical models for over-dispersion in the frequency of peaks over threshold data for a flow series.

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    In a peaks over threshold analysis of a series of river flows, a sufficiently high threshold is used to extract the peaks of independent flood events. This paper reviews existing, and proposes new, statistical models for both the annual counts of such events and the process of event peak times. The most common existing model for the process of event times is a homogeneous Poisson process. This model is motivated by asymptotic theory. However, empirical evidence suggests that it is not the most appropriate model, since it implies that the mean and variance of the annual counts are the same, whereas the counts appear to be overdispersed, i.e., have a larger variance than mean. This paper describes how the homogeneous Poisson process can be extended to incorporate time variation in the rate at which events occur and so help to account for overdispersion in annual counts through the use of regression and mixed models. The implications of these new models on the implied probability distribution of the annual maxima are also discussed. The models are illustrated using a historical flow series from the River Thames at Kingston

    Sustained inhibition of progressive joint damage with rituximab plus methotrexate in early active rheumatoid arthritis: 2-year results from the randomised controlled trial IMAGE

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    Background In the IMAGE study, rituximab plus methotrexate (MTX) inhibited joint damage and improved clinical outcomes at 1 year in MTX-naive patients with early active rheumatoid arthritis. Objective The aim of this study was to assess joint damage progression and clinical outcomes over 2 years. Methods Patients (n=755) were randomised to receive rituximab 2x500 mg+MTX, 2x1000 mg+MTX or placebo+MTX. The placebo-controlled period continued to week 104. Two-year end points were defined as secondary or exploratory and included change in total Genant-modified Sharp score (mTSS), total erosion score and joint space narrowing score from baseline to week 104. Clinical efficacy and physical function end points were also assessed. Results At 2 years, rituximab 2x1000 mg+MTX maintained inhibition of progressive joint damage versus MTX alone (mTSS change 0.41 vs 1.95; p <0.0001 (79% inhibition)), and a higher proportion of patients receiving rituximab 2x1000 mg+MTX had no radiographic progression over 2 years compared with those receiving MTX alone (57% vs 37%; p <0.0001). Contrary to 1-year results, exploratory analysis of rituximab 2x500 mg+MTX at 2 years showed that progressive joint damage was slowed by similar to 61% versus placebo+MTX (mTSS, exploratory p=0.0041). Improvements in clinical signs and symptoms and physical function seen after 1 year in rituximab-treated patients versus those receiving placebo were maintained at year 2. Safety profiles were similar between groups. Conclusions Treatment with rituximab 2x1000 mg+MTX was associated with sustained improvements in radiographic, clinical and functional outcomes over 2 year

    InterGEO: a digital platform for university education on geomorphological heritage

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    The project InterGEO was carried out with the objective to disseminate knowledge on geomorphological heritage by developing a digital learning platform. It aims at improving students' autonomy by the reduction of face-to-face teaching and increasing autonomous learning as well as promoting international interactions between students interested in geomorphological heritage. A completely free-access virtual course on geomorphosites was developed with the Learning Management System Moodle. The course is divided into 24 thematic chapters, each of them containing a short description, a list of references and selected publications, as well as other educational material (videos, virtual fieldtrips, etc.). In particular, several videos allow presenting in a dynamic way concepts and examples. The paper presents the tool and its use in academic programmes in six European universities, where it was tested, in various contexts (Bachelors' and Masters' programmes; students in geography or geology; general courses in geomorphology and specific courses on geoheritage and geoconservation), before discussing the advantages and challenges the tool is facing. The InterGEO platform is an easy-to-use and friendly educational tool, which allows developing blended learning activities; it is flexible and adaptable in various learning contexts.The coordination tasks (appointment of an assistant) and two workshops in Lausanne were financed by the University of Lausanne (Teaching Innovation Fund and Investment Fund of the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment, FGSE). The videos were designed and created with support of the universities of Lausanne (TIF) and Savoie Mont Blanc (IDEFI Promising and ReflexPro; LabEx ITEM)

    Analyse de la variabilité climatique dans le bassin versant agricole du Bandama Blanc, Nord de la Côte d'Ivoire

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    La population dans le bassin versant du Bandama blanc au nord de la Côte d’Ivoire est à majorité rurale et vit essentiellement de l’agriculture. Ce travail analyse les tendances des variables hydro-climatiques du bassin et leurs niveaux de significativité. Les méthodes utilisées sont l’indice standardisé et le test statistique non paramétrique de Mann-Kendall. Les résultats révèlent une tendance à la baisse, bien que peu significative, de la pluviométrie annuelle. Alors que, les précipitations de la saison pluvieuse et du mois le plus pluvieux ont fortement baissé. On constate une tendance à la hausse significative de la température et de l’évapotranspiration potentielle, alors que les écoulements sont en forte baisse. Ces changements dans les séries hydro-climatiques se sont produits dans les années 1970 et 1980. Cette étude se différencie de celles déjà réalisées sur la variabilité climatique au Nord de la Côte d’Ivoire, par les tests statistiques utilisés et la détermination du niveau de significativité des tendances dans les variables hydro-climatiques