11 research outputs found

    Oscillatory instabilities during formic acid oxidation on Pt(100), Pt(110) and Pt(111) under potentiostatic control. I. Experimental

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    The experimental characterization of the current/outer potential (I/U) behavior during the electrochemical CO oxidation on Pt(100), Pt(110) and Pt(111) is used as the first step towards a thorough investigation of the processes occurring during the electrochemical formic acid oxidation. The CO study is followed by new cyclovoltammetric results during the electrochemical formic acid oxidation on the corresponding Pt single crystals. At high concentrations of formic acid, the cyclovoltammograms revealed a splitting of the large current peak observed on the cathodic sweep into two peaks whose dependence on scan rate and reverse potential was investigated. It turned out that the presence of a sufficiently large ohmic resistance R was crucial for oscillatory instabilities. Given an appropriate resistance, all three Pt surfaces were found to exhibit current oscillations at both low and high formic acid concentrations. On Pt(100) stable mixed-mode oscillations were observed. In addition, the sensitivity of the oscillations to stirring was investigated. Whereas the period-1 oscillations were found to be independent of stirring, the mixed-mode oscillations transformed into simple oscillations with stirring. The mechanism giving rise to instability and oscillations is described

    Oszillationen bei der elektrochemischen Oxidation von Ameisensäure an Platin

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    Current Oscillations in the Electrochemical Oxidation of Formic Acid at Pt Single Crystal Surfaces

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    The electrochemical oxidation of formic acid under potentiostatic conditions was found to exhibit transient oscillations on all three low-index plane Pt surfaces in an unstirred electrolyte. Depending on structure, substantial differences occurred concerning induction time, oscillation period, and shape as well as number of oscillations. Stirring could stop the oscillations, but also restart them when they had faded spontaneously. It is shown that a potentiostatic model, based on the branched oxidation path of formic acid and taking the pH in the double layer into account, can qualitatively explain the observed phenomena

    Current oscillations during formic acid oxidation on Pt(100)

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    The effect of temperature on the coupled slow and fast dynamics of an electrochemical oscillator

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    The coupling among disparate time-scales is ubiquitous in many chemical and biological systems. We have recently investigated the effect of fast and, long-term, slow dynamics in surface processes underlying some electrocatalytic reactions. Herein we report on the effect of temperature on the coupled slow and fast dynamics of a model system, namely the electro-oxidation of formic acid on platinum studied at five temperatures between 5 and 45 °C. The main result was a turning point found at 25 °C, which clearly defines two regions for the temperature dependency on the overall kinetics. In addition, the long-term evolution allowed us to compare reaction steps related to fast and slow evolutions. Results were discussed in terms of the key role of PtO species, which chemically couple slow and fast dynamics. In summary we were able to: (a) identify the competition between two reaction steps as responsible for the occurrence of two temperature domains; (b) compare the relative activation energies of these two steps; and (c) suggest the role of a given reaction step on the period-increasing set of reactions involved in the oscillatory dynamics. The introduced methodology could be applied to other systems to uncover the temperature dependence of complex chemical networks