39 research outputs found

    A new species of the cheilostome bryozoan Chiastosella in the Southern Ocean, past and present

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    Skeletal trade-offs in coralline algae in response to ocean acidification

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    Ocean acidification is changing the marine environment, with potentially serious consequences for many organisms. Much of our understanding of ocean acidification effects comes from laboratory experiments, which demonstrate physiological responses over relatively short timescales. Observational studies and, more recently, experimental studies in natural systems suggest that ocean acidification will alter the structure of seaweed communities. Here, we provide a mechanistic understanding of altered competitive dynamics among a group of seaweeds, the crustose coralline algae (CCA). We compare CCA from historical experiments (1981-1997) with specimens from recent, identical experiments (2012) to describe morphological changes over this time period, which coincides with acidification of seawater in the Northeastern Pacific. Traditionally thick species decreased in thickness by a factor of 2.0-2.3, but did not experience a change in internal skeletal metrics. In contrast, traditionally thin species remained approximately the same thickness but reduced their total carbonate tissue by making thinner inter-filament cell walls. These changes represent alternative mechanisms for the reduction of calcium carbonate production in CCA and suggest energetic trade-offs related to the cost of building and maintaining a calcium carbonate skeleton as pH declines. Our classification of stress response by morphological type may be generalizable to CCA at other sites, as well as to other calcifying organisms with species-specific differences in morphological types

    Impact of high CO2 on the geochemistry of the coralline algae Lithothamnion glaciale

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    Coralline algae are a significant component of the benthic ecosystem. Their ability to withstand physical stresses in high energy environments relies on their skeletal structure which is composed of high Mg-calcite. High Mg-calcite is, however, the most soluble form of calcium carbonate and therefore potentially vulnerable to the change in carbonate chemistry resulting from the absorption of anthropogenic CO2 by the ocean. We examine the geochemistry of the cold water coralline alga Lithothamnion glaciale grown under predicted future (year 2050) high pCO2 (589 ÎŒatm) using Electron microprobe and NanoSIMS analysis. In the natural and control material, higher Mg calcite forms clear concentric bands around the algal cells. As expected, summer growth has a higher Mg content compared to the winter growth. In contrast, under elevated CO2 no banding of Mg is recognisable and overall Mg concentrations are lower. This reduction in Mg in the carbonate undermines the accuracy of the Mg/Ca ratio as proxy for past temperatures in time intervals with significantly different carbonate chemistry. Fundamentally, the loss of Mg in the calcite may reduce elasticity thereby changing the structural properties, which may affect the ability of L. glaciale to efficiently function as a habitat former in the future ocean

    Establishing temperate crustose early Holocene coralline algae as archives for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of the shallow water habitats of the Mediterranean Sea

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    Over the past decades, coralline algae have increasingly been used as archives of palaeoclimate information due to their seasonal growth bands and their vast distribution from high latitudes to the tropics. Traditionally, these reconstructions have been performed mainly on high latitude species, limiting the geographical area of their potential use. Here we assess the use of temperate crustose fossil coralline algae from shallow water habitats for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction to generate records of past climate change. We determine the potential of three different species of coralline algae, Lithothamnion minervae, Lithophyllum stictaeforme and Mesophyllum philippii, with different growth patterns, as archives for pH (ÎŽ11B) and temperature (Mg/Ca) reconstruction in the Mediterranean Sea. Mg concentration is driven by temperature but modulated by growth rate, which is controlled by species‐specific and intraspecific growth patterns. L. minervae is a good temperature recorder, showing a moderate warming trend in specimens from 11.37 cal ka BP (from 14.2 ± 0.4°C to 14.9 ± 0.15°C) to today. In contrast to Mg, all genera showed consistent values of boron isotopes (ÎŽ11B) suggesting a common control on boron incorporation. The recorded ÎŽ11B in modern and fossil coralline specimens is in agreement with literature data about early Holocene pH, opening new perspectives of coralline‐based, high‐resolution pH reconstructions in deep time

    The flourishing of Laminaria ochroleuca in the strait of Messina (Sicily, Italy): resilience population between “Scylla and Charybdis”

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    The kelp forest and bed of Laminaria ochroleuca were found in October 2023 in Porticello (Scylla -Reggio Calabria, Italy) between 48 and 55 m depth. Samples were collected for future genetic and sedimentological analyses and identification of associated fauna and flora. The aim of the upcoming research campaigns is to update the current knowledge of Laminaria forests in the Messina Strait, estimating the action and consequences of climate change at the local level. The project will involve the community of technical divers in long term monitoring (3–5 years), in order to measure ecosystem services. The information will be used to draft a policy document for the proposal of protected areas of the most extensive forests

    The Mediterranean bioconstructor Lithophyllum stictiforme shows adaptability to future warming

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    Understanding how coralline algae may acclimatize to ocean warming is important to understand their survival over the coming century. Taking advantage of natural differences in temperature conditions between coastal areas in Sardinia (Italy) and between depths, the responses in terms of biological traits to warming of the crustose coralline alga Lithophyllum stictiforme, a key bioconstructor of coralligenous reefs in the Mediterranean, were evaluated in the field by two innovative transplant experiments where translocated specimens were used as controls. Results of the first experiment (algae cross transplanted between a cold and a warm site at two depths, 23 and 34 m) showed that the marginal growth of the alga and production of conceptacles were higher in the cold site, regardless of the treatment (transplant and translocation) and depth. However, growth in thickness in algae transferred from the cold to the warm site was higher at 34 m of depth, where they had a better performance than the local (translocated) algae. Results of the second experiment (algae transplanted from 34 m to 15 m of depth under different light irradiance manipulations) evidenced that the increase in temperature of +4°C was tolerated by thalli transplanted at 15 m, but that thallus growth and conceptacles production was negatively affected by the higher light irradiance. These results suggest an overall good adaptability of L. stictiforme under warmer conditions, even those due to thermocline deepening. Overall, these results encourage consideration of the use of transplants of this bioconstructor in future restoration actions of coralligenous habitats