99 research outputs found

    Real-time visualization of the Forum of Pompei

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    This paper describes the process to create a single realistic 3D digital model of a wide archeological site, to be used for virtual reality application. The incoming data are texturized models coming from an accurate 3D survey of the entire area: the ground, buildings and finds were acquired with active and passive sensors and converted into polygonal models. Afterwards, the models were assembled in a single virtual scene that reproduces the Forum as it would actually appear to a tourist. The scene can be visualized by means of stereoscopic devices to increase the feeling of immersion. During the data conversion process we had to face three main kind of problems: the database optimization, the correction of digital objects position into the scene and the realism of the displayed model. The real time rendered model of the Forum was displayed on a large screen with stereoscopic technology, as a support for archeological studies


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    Nowadays Product Design is strictly linked to Computer Aided Industrial Design (CAID) learning and the approaches and the methods used inside University can heavily influence the Design results. Starting from the contributions of Shön, Oxman and Cunliffe that outline the boundaries of design knowledge, the paper will underline the need to redefine the educational tasks of designer instruction, through the shift from an artefact production orientation to a cognitive-constructive approach. Considering the case study of the Faculty of Design at the Politecnico di Milano, where Computer Graphics studios are an important step of the curriculum, we'll try to show how an ideas driven approach can help students to enhance their creativity through a 3D software. The second part of the paper, defining the two possible approach to digital modelling education, will discuss the different ways in which technologies support Industrial Design learning. The result of the overlapping of this two levels of analysis will represent a new model which attempt to support the community actions in design education though a metacognitive approach. The original contribution relies in the identification of a learning model consonant with the idea of a flexible environment as Industrial Design learning requires. The metacognitive approach may open new ways for CAID education, centered on the learner and allowing an active, creative construction of his knowledge through a tool independent method

    Research intelligence : bulletin of the British Educational Research Association

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    Thin detectors have been proposed to investigate the possibility to limit the full depletion voltage and the leakage current of heavily irradiated silicon devices. In this work we compare typical silicon detectors (p–n junctions over a 300ÎŒm300 \mu \rm{m } thick substrate) with thinned devices (50–100ÎŒm50–100 \mu \rm{m} of thickness). In order to investigate the performances of these structures, simulations have been carried out using the ISE-TCAD DESSIS device simulator. The so called three-level model has been used to investigate the effects of the radiation fluence on charge collection efficiency of thin and thick silicon structures. For each thickness, we simulate the hit of a minimum ionizing particle and then we calculate the current at the diode's electrode. We consider a 7×1011cm−37 \times 10^{11} \rm{cm}^{−3} n-doped substrate (a high resistivity substrate); all the structures are composed of a 40ÎŒm40 \mu \rm{m} diode contact and a 15ÎŒm15 \mu \rm{m} distant guard ring. The simulated collected charge of the 300ÎŒm300 \mu \rm{m} diode is in agreement with the experimental results; the simulation of thinner structures (50–100ÎŒm50–100 \mu \rm{m}) shows a saturation of the number of e–h pairs collected at the diode's electrodes. These results suggest that thin detectors may have a better performance at higher fluences than thick ones. They are maximizing the collected charge at lower depletion voltage

    Numerical simulation of radiation damage effects in p-type and n-type FZ silicon detectors

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    In the framework of the CERN-RD50 Collaboration, the adoption of p-type substrates has been proposed as a suitable mean to improve the radiation hardness of silicon detectors up to fluencies of 1×1016n/cm21 \times 10^{16} \rm{n}/cm^2. In this work two numerical simulation models will be presented for p-type and n-type silicon detectors, respectively. A comprehensive analysis of the variation of the effective doping concentration (NeffN_{\rm{eff}}), the leakage current density and the charge collection efficiency as a function of the fluence has been performed using the Synopsys T-CAD device simulator. The simulated electrical characteristics of irradiated detectors have been compared with experimental measurements extracted from the literature, showing a very good agreement. The predicted behaviour of p-type silicon detectors after irradiation up to 1016n/cm210^{16} \rm{n}/cm^2 shows better results in terms of charge collection efficiency and full depletion voltage, with respect to n-type material, while comparable behaviour has been observed in terms of leakage current density
