54 research outputs found

    Impact of the Use of Crumb Rubber Modified Binder on Tire/Road Noise Generation

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    The recycling of waste material produced by human activity is one of the challenges of our generation. One of the most serious environmental problems of the recent years is mass production of tire and the diculty of disposing of them. The material and energetic valorization of the wasted tires is possible through the extension of green roads. The incorporation of crumb rubber from wasted tires in bi- tuminous binders allows the design of new asphalt pavements with a higher viscosity. A preliminary study to determine the impact of the use of crumb rubber modied bituminous binder in the sound generation level for a thin layer type BBTM11A, has been carried out by the LA2IC. These results are compared with sound level from a BBTM11A with a conventional binder. This work presents the acoustical characterization performed on the regional road CM-3102 in Ciudad Real (Castilla- La Mancha), based on the close proximity methodology (Tiresonic Mk4-LA2IC ). In addition, mea- surements of supercial macrotexture prole have been realized with the LaserDynamicPG-LA2IC to study the relationship with close proximity road noise. Furthermore, sound absorption measurements of BBTM11A compacted samples have been analyzed to understand the mechanisms involved in the sound generation. The results show that addition of crumb rubber by the wet process leads, in this case (20% crumb rubber content), to a decrease in the sound level emitted by the interaction between tire and road surface, at low frequency by muing the vibrations and by sounf absorption at high frequency

    Pavement temperature influence on close proximity tire/road noise

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    The aim of this work is to analyze the influence of the surface temperature on the acoustical behaviour of a semidense asphalt pavement located in an urban area. The sound levels emitted by the interaction between a reference tire and the asphalt pavement at different surface temperatures were measured with the trailer Tiresonic Mk4 LA2IC-UCLM rolling at a speed of 50 km/h. The analysis of the results shows that increasing pavement temperature leads to a reduction in the close proximity sound levels assessed at a rate of 0.06 dB(A)/°C. Moreover, spectral analysis confirms that both the mechanisms associated with vibration and impacts and those related to the friction and adhesion between tire and pavement in the contact patch could be affected by the variation of the surface temperature

    capitulo 7: Elaboracion de un mapa de ruido

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    For the production of strategic noise maps and noise actions plans, as required by the European Noise Directive 49 CE/2002 and the Spanish Ley del Ruido (2003), improved assessment methods for environmental noise will be 2 required. LA IC (Laboratorio de Acústica Aplicada a la Ingeniería Civil), Dpto. Física Aplicada, E.T.S.I. Caminos, Canales y Puertos has trained hundreds of public and private sector employers on evaluation and control of environmental noise, and on preparation of strategic noise maps. On the other hands, the introduction of environmental noise control course in the Castilla-La Mancha University (E.T.S.I. Caminos) with a postgraduate character will provide improved knowledge for the assessment of noise impacts from roads, railways and industry to the civil engineers