2,299 research outputs found

    CP Violation in Three-Body Chargino Decays

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    CP violation in supersymmetry can give rise to rate asymmetries in the decays of supersymmetric particles. In this work we compute the rate asymmetries for the three-body chargino decays \tilde\chi^\pm_2 \to \tilde\chi^\pm_1 HH, \tilde\chi^\pm_2 \to \tilde\chi^\pm_1 ZZ, \tilde\chi^\pm_2 \to \tilde\chi^\pm_1 W^+ W^- and \tilde\chi^\pm_2 \to tilde\chi^\pm_1 ZH. Each of the decays contains contributions mediated by neutral Higgs bosons that can possibly go on shell. Such contributions receive a resonant enhancement; furthermore, the strong phases required for the CP asymmetries come from the widths of the exchanged Higgs bosons. Our results indicate that the rate asymmetries can be relatively large in some cases, while still respecting a number of important low-energy bounds such as those coming from B meson observables and electric dipole moments. For the parameters that we consider, rate asymmetries of order 10% are possible in some cases.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    On Iron Enrichment, Star Formation, and Type Ia Supernovae in Galaxy Clusters

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    The nature of star formation and Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) in galaxies in the field and in rich galaxy clusters are contrasted by juxtaposing the build-up of heavy metals in the universe inferred from observed star formation and supernovae rate histories with data on the evolution of Fe abundances in the intracluster medium (ICM). Models for the chemical evolution of Fe in these environments are constructed, subject to observational constraints, for this purpose. While models with a mean delay for SNIa of 3 Gyr and standard initial mass function (IMF) are consistent with observations in the field, cluster Fe enrichment immediately tracks a rapid, top-heavy phase of star formation -- although transport of Fe into the ICM may be more prolonged and star formation likely continues to redshifts <1. The source of this prompt enrichment is Type II supernovae (SNII) yielding at least 0.1 solar masses per explosion (if the SNIa rate normalization is scaled down from its value in the field according to the relative number of candidate progenitor stars in the 3-8 solar mass range) and/or SNIa explosions with short delay times associated with the rapid star formation mode. Star formation is >3 times more efficient in rich clusters than in the field, mitigating the overcooling problem in numerical cluster simulations. Both the fraction of baryons cycled through stars, and the fraction of the total present-day stellar mass in the form of stellar remnants, are substantially greater in clusters than in the field.Comment: 51 pages including 26 figures and 2 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ 5/4/0

    New Constraints on the Lyman Continuum Escape Fraction at z~1.3

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    We examine deep far-ultraviolet (1600 Angstrom) imaging of the Hubble Deep Field-North (HDFN) and the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) to search for leaking Lyman continuum radiation from starburst galaxies at z~1.3. There are 21 (primarily sub-L*) galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts between 1.1<z<1.5 and none are detected in the far-UV. We fit stellar population templates to the galaxies' optical/near-infrared SEDs to determine the starburst age and level of dust attenuation, giving an accurate estimate of the intrinsic Lyman continuum ratio, f_1500/f_700, and allowing a conversion from f_700 limits to relative escape fractions. We show that previous high-redshift studies may have underestimated the amplitude of the Lyman Break, and thus the relative escape fraction, by a factor of ~2. Once the starburst age and intergalactic HI absorption are accounted for, 18 galaxies in our sample have limits to the relative escape fraction, f_esc,rel < 1.0 with some limits as low as f_esc,rel < 0.10 and a stacked limit of f_esc,rel < 0.08. This demonstrates, for the first time, that most sub-L* galaxies at high redshift do not have large escape fractions. When combined with a similar study of more luminous galaxies at the same redshift we show that, if all star-forming galaxies at z~1 have similar relative escape fractions, the value must be less than 0.14 (3 sigma). We also show that less than 20% (3 sigma) of star-forming galaxies at z~1 have relative escape fractions near unity. These limits contrast with the large escape fractions found at z~3 and suggest that the average escape fraction has decreased between z~3 and z~1. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. aastex format. 39 pages, 11 figure

    Lyman Alpha Emitters in the Hierarchically Clustering Galaxy Formation

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    We present a new theoretical model for the luminosity functions (LFs) of Lyman alpha (Lya) emitting galaxies in the framework of hierarchical galaxy formation. We extend a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation that reproduces a number of observations for local and high-z galaxies, without changing the original model parameters but introducing a physically-motivated modelling to describe the escape fraction of Lya photons from host galaxies (f_esc). Though a previous study using a hierarchical clustering model simply assumed a constant and universal value of f_esc, we incorporate two new effects on f_esc: extinction by interstellar dust and galaxy-scale outflow induced as a star formation feedback. It is found that the new model nicely reproduces all the observed Lya LFs of the Lya emitters (LAEs) at different redshifts in z ~ 3-6. Especially, the rather surprisingly small evolution of the observed LAE Lya LFs compared with the dark halo mass function is naturally reproduced. Our model predicts that galaxies with strong outflows and f_esc ~ 1 are dominant in the observed LFs. This is also consistent with available observations, while the simple universal f_esc model requires f_esc << 1 not to overproduce the brightest LAEs. On the other hand, we found that our model significantly overpredicts LAEs at z > 6, and absorption of Lya photons by neutral hydrogen in intergalactic medium (IGM) is a reasonable interpretation for the discrepancy. This indicates that the IGM neutral fraction x_HI rapidly evolves from x_HI << 1 at z < 6 to a value of order unity at z ~ 6-7, which is broadly consistent with other observational constraints on the reionization history.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 1 table; accepted to ApJ; the html abstract is replaced to match the accepted version, the .ps and .pdf files are strictly identical between the 2nd and the 3rd version

    Radial distribution function of semiflexible polymers

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    We calculate the distribution function of the end--to--end distance of a semiflexible polymer with large bending rigidity. This quantity is directly observable in experiments on single semiflexible polymers (e.g., DNA, actin) and relevant to their interpretation. It is also an important starting point for analyzing the behavior of more complex systems such as networks and solutions of semiflexible polymers. To estimate the validity of the obtained analytical expressions, we also determine the distribution function numerically using Monte Carlo simulation and find good quantitative agreement.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 1 figure. Also available at http://www.cip.physik.tu-muenchen.de/tumphy/d/T34/Mitarbeiter/frey.htm

    Numerical Galaxy Catalog -I. A Semi-analytic Model of Galaxy Formation with N-body simulations

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    We construct the Numerical Galaxy Catalog (ν\nuGC), based on a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation combined with high-resolution N-body simulations in a Λ\Lambda-dominated flat cold dark matter (Λ\LambdaCDM) cosmological model. The model includes several essential ingredients for galaxy formation, such as merging histories of dark halos directly taken from N-body simulations, radiative gas cooling, star formation, heating by supernova explosions (supernova feedback), mergers of galaxies, population synthesis, and extinction by internal dust and intervening HI clouds. As the first paper in a series using this model, we focus on basic photometric, structural and kinematical properties of galaxies at present and high redshifts. Two sets of model parameters are examined, strong and weak supernova feedback models, which are in good agreement with observational luminosity functions of local galaxies in a range of observational uncertainty. Both models agree well with many observations such as cold gas mass-to-stellar luminosity ratios of spiral galaxies, HI mass functions, galaxy sizes, faint galaxy number counts and photometric redshift distributions in optical pass-bands, isophotal angular sizes, and cosmic star formation rates. In particular, the strong supernova feedback model is in much better agreement with near-infrared (K'-band) faint galaxy number counts and redshift distribution than the weak feedback model and our previous semi-analytic models based on the extended Press-Schechter formalism. (Abridged)Comment: 26 pages including 27 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, full-resolution version is available at http://grape.astron.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~yahagi/nugc

    Geometric structure and information change in phase transitions

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    We propose a toy model for a cyclic order-disorder transition and introduce a geometric methodology to understand stochastic processes involved in transitions. Specifically, our model consists of a pair of forward and backward processes (FPs and BPs) for the emergence and disappearance of a structure in a stochastic environment. We calculate time-dependent probability density functions (PDFs) and the information length L, which is the total number of different states that a system undergoes during the transition. Time-dependent PDFs during transient relaxation exhibit strikingly different behavior in FPs and BPs. In particular, FPs driven by instability undergo the broadening of the PDF with a large increase in fluctuations before the transition to the ordered state accompanied by narrowing the PDF width. During this stage, we identify an interesting geodesic solution accompanied by the self-regulation between the growth and nonlinear damping where the time scale τ of information change is constant in time, independent of the strength of the stochastic noise. In comparison, BPs are mainly driven by the macroscopic motion due to the movement of the PDF peak. The total information length L between initial and final states is much larger in BPs than in FPs, increasing linearly with the deviation γ of a control parameter from the critical state in BPs while increasing logarithmically with γ in FPs. L scales as | ln D| and D−1/2 in FPs and BPs, respectively, where D measures the strength of the stochastic forcing. These differing scalings with γ and D suggest a great utility of L in capturing different underlying processes, specifically, diffusion vs advection in phase transition by geometry. We discuss physical origins of these scalings and comment on implications of our results for bistable systems undergoing repeated order-disorder transitions (e.g., fitness)

    Two-Dimensional Helioseismic Power, Phase, and Coherence Spectra of {\it Solar Dynamics Observatory} Photospheric and Chromospheric Observables

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    While the {\it Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager} (HMI) onboard the {\it Solar Dynamics Observatory} (SDO) provides Doppler velocity [VV], continuum intensity [ICI_C], and line-depth [LdLd] observations, each of which is sensitive to the five-minute acoustic spectrum, the {\it Atmospheric Imaging Array} (AIA) also observes at wavelengths -- specifically the 1600 and 1700 Angstrom bands -- that are partly formed in the upper photosphere and have good sensitivity to acoustic modes. In this article we consider the characteristics of the spatio--temporal Fourier spectra in AIA and HMI observables for a 15-degree region around NOAA Active Region 11072. We map the spatio--temporal-power distribution for the different observables and the HMI Line Core [ILI_L], or Continuum minus Line Depth, and the phase and coherence functions for selected observable pairs, as a function of position and frequency. Five-minute oscillation power in all observables is suppressed in the sunspot and also in plage areas. Above the acoustic cut-off frequency, the behaviour is more complicated: power in HMI ICI_C is still suppressed in the presence of surface magnetic fields, while power in HMI ILI_L and the AIA bands is suppressed in areas of surface field but enhanced in an extended area around the active region, and power in HMI VV is enhanced in a narrow zone around strong-field concentrations and suppressed in a wider surrounding area. The relative phase of the observables, and their cross-coherence functions, are also altered around the active region. These effects may help us to understand the interaction of waves and magnetic fields in the different layers of the photosphere, and will need to be taken into account in multi-wavelength local helioseismic analysis of active regions.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, to be published in Solar Physic