4,196 research outputs found

    Digital Showcase in the Library: How Trace Enhances UT\u27s Virtual Library

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    UT’s Virtual Library Steering Committee is charged to enhance the library’s virtual presence through efficient searching capabilities, interactive features, archiving services, tools for discovery and delivery of scholarly resources, and new technologies that advance and scale services. Trace supports all of these enhancements as UT’s digital showcase. Trace is an evolving concept defined by and for UT’s user communities to promote local and global research. Its services are collaborative, discoverable, contextual, and scale from a single item to data sets in multiple formats. As Trace nears the end of its first year, we’re excited to offer more contributions to the virtual library services, such as conference hosting

    Voyager cartography

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    The Jovian and Saturnian satellites are being mapped at several scales from Voyager 1 and 2 data. The maps are especially formatted color mosaics, controlled photomosaics, and airbrush maps. At 1:5,000,000 scale, mapping of Io, Europa, and Ganymede is complete. At 1:15,000,000 scale, mapping of Io and Europa is complete, and mapping of Ganymede is approximately complete. A controlled mosaic of Rhea has been compiled as a Digital Image Model (DIM) in the same format as is being used for Mars. The mosaic is being formatted for publication as a two-sheet set (Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area, Mercator, and Polar Stereographic projections). Magnetic tape copies of the DIM have been distributed to regional Planetary Image Facilities and other interested users. The DIM has a scale of 1/16 degree/pixel, corresponding to approximately 833 m/pixel on Rhea. Details of the status of the various map series are reported quarterly to Planetary Geology Principal Investigators

    Disaster preparedness training for tribal leaders

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    It was with considerable irony that tribal leaders began a collaboration with the University of Arizona and the Arizona Department of Health Services for training in public health preparedness, as the tribes had an extended prior history of responding to a host of hazards caused by the dominant culture. The objective of the training was to ensure that Native American communities were adequately informed and trained to implement coordinated response plans for a range of potential public health emergencies on tribal lands and in surrounding communities. This commentary outlines how cultural competency (including public prayer by an elder during the training), respect for tribal sovereignity, solicitation of historical examples of indigenous preparedness, and incorporation of tribal community networks were essential to the success of this program

    Implementing CAS Undergraduate Research Standards for Assessment

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    The Council for Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) recently released specialized standards for assessing undergraduate research programs (URPs) including self-assessment instruments and tools for developing and implementing action plans. These standards align with the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) strategic pillars and include twelve primary parts: (1) mission, (2) program, (3) organization and leadership, (4) human resources, (5) ethics, (6) law, policy, and government, (7) diversity, equity, and access, (8) internal and external relations, (9) financial resources, (10) technology, (11) facilities and equipment, and (12) assessment. This project outlines the process of and lessons learned from the first phase of implementation of these standards within an Office of Undergraduate Research

    Adventitious bud formation in leaf explants of some grapevine rootstock and scion cultivars

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    Die Bildung von Adventivknospen an Blattexplantaten einiger Unterlags- und Edelreissorten der RebeAdventivknospen bildeten sich am häufigsten an Blattexplantaten der Sorten Rupestris St. George, Thompson Seedless und Niagara (ca. 35-50 %), in mittlerer Häufigkeit bei Ramsey, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay und Concord (ca. 25-30 %), am wenigsten häufig bei 110-R und ARG 1 (20 % ). Explantate von Blattstielen waren im allgemeinen regenerationsfähiger als solche aus Blattspreiten. Die Art und Weise, in der die Mutterpflanzen kultiviert wurden (Klimakammer oder in vitro), wirkte sich später nicht auf die Bildung von Adventivknospen aus. Benzyladenin (10 μM) und a-Naphthylessigsiäure (0,05-0,10 μM) waren in Verbindung mit Cytokinin und Auxin für die Bildung von Adventivknospen am wirksamsten. An Blattspreiten-Explantaten wurden mehr Knospen gebildet (1-12) als an Blattstiel-Explantaten (1-6). Ein gleichbleibender Einfluß der Behandlung auf die Anzahl der Knospen je Explantat lag jedoch nicht vor. Der maßgebliche Faktor war der Prozentsatz der Explantate, die überhaupt Adventivknospen ausbildeten.
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